The Goa Legislative Forum under the stewardship of its Secretary,  Mr Herculano 
Dourado (Adv) ex MLA is organising on  28th March, 2009, at the National 
Institute of Oceanography   Auditorium, Dona Paula North Goa a Seminar on –“The 
Portuguese Laws In Force In Goa”

According to Mr Dourado, this is an initiative of the  Goa Legislators’ Forum  
in collaboration with the North & South Goa Advocates’ Bar Associations.  The 
need for such a Seminar was felt as “The Goa Succession, Special Notaries & 
Inventory Proceedings Bill, 2008” found stiff opposition in several forums when 
first introduced in 2005.  

Indeed despite a voluminous effort by the members of the North and South Goa 
Advocates & Bar Associations some who faithfully burnt the midnight oil to 
whett the Bill ( which unfortunately is a poorly drafted one )all these 
recommendations were consigned to limbo as is the practice when a Government is 
booted out of office, according to several Government officials who spoke to 
this writer yesterday.

The present Government instead of trying to get the Legal Department to examine 
some of the suggestions and draft a fresh Bill for passage in the House 
preferred to merely re-introduce  the Bill of  2005  verbatim in the Assembly 
and eventually as is the trend in such matters referred it to the Select 

One of the main hindrances  of Portuguese legislation and moreso the Portuguese 
Civil Code of 1867 is that there was no faithfull translation of the Code into 
English which is based on the continental system of jurisprudence and not the 
Anglo-Saxon law as is prevalent in the rest of the country. 

The Government of Goa since 1961 had only rendered lip sympathy to arrange for 
its faithfull translation into English despite a Commission set up for the 
purpose.  Some  senior lawyer  did attempt a bilingual translation but that too 
lacked the enthusiasm it did deserve to pursue it to its logical conclusion and 
for obvious reasons.  Or was this translation in piecemeal intended to 
safeguard the monopoly of the few that were conversant with the Portuguese 
/English language and did not prefer to lose privy to these laws if the liberal 
translation would be available to all and sundry on the Bench or the Bar.

It must however be said to the credit of the Institute for Juridical 
Co-Operation of the Law School of the University of Lisbon who this year 
provided a bi-lingual version of the Civil Code of 1867 in Portuguese and 
English with a contemporary version – A 21st Century approach has been made 
available to the State of Goa.     

For the Government of Goa this bi-lingual translation is indeed a boon if not 
an answer to its long pending intention of having a faithful translation of the 
Portuguese Civil Code .  Indeed this translation coming 48 years later and from 
our erstwhile rulers (albeit under a different form of Government post 1974 ) 
will also benefit the Govt of India to enact an Uniform Civil Code for the rest 
of the country in meeting the endeavour enshrined in the  Directive Principles.

A free kit containing  a copy of the Civil Code as applicable to Goa, bilingual 
Portuguese/English ( recorded on C.D)., will be distributed to all the 
delegates at the seminar tommorrow, which is perhaps the biggest necessity of 
every Goan to know the law, according to the organisors.

Thus according to Mr Dourado the intent of tomorrows day long seminar will be 
solely  to better enlighten the concerned citizens and collectively make 
valuable suggestions and recommendations to the Select Committee and the 

The keynote address will be by  Justice Ferdinando Rebello the Chief Guest on 
the ocassion and Hon. Speaker,and ex CM  Mr. Pratapsing Raoji Rane who will 
preside over the function. 

This will be followed by 3 dedicated sessions where papers will be presented on 
various issues and moderated by eminent and prominent lawyers .  
This Seminar will give the people of Goa an opportunity to lay persons NGO's 
bureaucracy etc to express as also to update ones views on various aspects of 
Portuguese laws and the present Bill introduced in the House. 

The Uniform Civil Code as applicable to Goa is the envy of the rest of our 
countrymen and time and again has been refered to as something to be emulated 
for the rest of the country in fulfillment of the Directive Principles under 
the Constitution of India says Mr Dourado. 

The present “The Goa Succession, Special Notaries & Inventory Proceeding Bill, 
2008” Bill however proposes to SPLIT the existing Uniform Civil Code into 
separate Acts, apparently in tune with the Anglo Saxon jurisprudence in the 
rest of the country, hence there is a  need for every Goan to attend the same 
to avert this eventuality.

Fortunately the Bill now before the Select Committee has been granted further 
time until the Monsoon session for deliberations at the request of the legal 
fraternity and NGO's made in January, 2009 at a meet held in the 
Secretariat at Porvorim.

Meanwhile this writer has volunteered to provide free of cost via email those 
interested in the bilingual version of the Portuguese Civil Code 1867 which 
indeed is also made available online too at  In 
addition the Macau Civil Code of 1999 ( which   indeed replicates the 
Portuguese Civil Code to a large extent with several modifications in tune with 
the local circumstances in  Macau  upon its joining the mainland China in 
December, 1999) is also available on request via email from this writer. 

from the Dona Paula end

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