4  July  Independence day

There are no ceremonies  of public flag hoisting functions. The schools,
Educational Institute are closed for summer Holidays .It is not compulsory
or obligatory for Govt employees to be present at the work place, USA Flags
fly at all places on cars, private houses, malls and Govt Buildings. There
are no restrictions on flag hoisting., People are attired with USA flag
printed and ties are very prominent in the  display of flag in sigma. The
Independence Day being a Saturday, which is a public holiday, Friday is
compensatory off Hence it is a long week end. People are at home
celebrating the joys of Independence Day .Most of the stores are closed for
the day, except for a few exceptions of food stalls. Most of the counties
have spectacular fire displays. There is strict care , protection with
police presence, ambulances and fire engines, The roads are cordoned off
and residents bring their own chairs. The address by the President followed
by State dinner is a key function, This does not make the USA citizens less
patriotic There is absolutely no comparison  of Independence Day
observation and celebrations in India. The TV or the electronic media does
not go ga, ga over the Independence Day, nor the politicians resort to
fiery speeches or promises, plans and welfare schemes. For all practical
purposes, it is a holiday, spent on get together at home and community. It
is believed that the liquor stores do brisk business and few eateries as
well .The parks are usually full on the day Citizens are proud of the
Nation , but are not called physically to demonstrate their sense of
patriotism in anyway

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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