A Proud Indian, A Proud Human Being

After teaching part-time for 37 years in Japan in a total of nine
universities, I am still an Indian passport holder and declare: I'm a proud

Over the decades I've absorbed several cultural and religious influences,
not to mention food, drink and other aesthetics, values which move me every
day into a wider and, I hope, wiser space which makes me accept myself
wholeheartedly with my multiple identities, finally, as just one more human
being. When my students ask me where I'm from I always answer - Earth. And
when I enquire of them where they are from, invariably I get the same
answer! Yes, I am a proud Indian and a proud human being too.

If tomorrow there is an invasion from Outer Space and our planet is
threatened we will all join together as one human race. If there is no
invasion we will probably continue to fight as we do now, in the name of
one thing or another. I'm praying for aliens to land on our planet so there
will be peace at last. A student of mine the other day commented on how
much human beings love war, and the only way there will ever be peace on
this planet is if we all kill ourselves. Forgive me for hoping my student
is wrong.

The world unfortunately is divided into not a hundred-and-one but a
thousand-and-one adversarial poses. With the discovery of water on Mars,
have we arrived finally at a cosmic benchmark signal informing us how and
when technology reaches a certain level we can expect a group of privileged
human beings to take off to the new destination and planet only after they
have destroyed this one? And, of course, the first thing they will do is to
dig the ground and plant their flag on the conquered planet.

How long will our planet survive? As we all know, this planet will one day
die but do we have to destroy it ourselves before it dies a natural death?

Will suicidal politicians around the world give peace a chance? And also,
will we folks from around the world support the destruction of our
environment and our planet through relentless greed? Will the ice melt and
flood the whole earth taking with it hundreds of smart cities as well as
not so smart cities, making Noah's Ark look no more impressive than a
5-star Texas size swimming pool? Will tsunamis finish the job or will it be
nuclear bombs which human beings have invented and will destroy the
environment, including ourselves?

Fortunately, some questions cannot be answered one way or the other with
complete certainty even though a human being might have studied and
graduated from the world's best university. A silver lining?

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