The  “Pai Tiatrist” – Joao Agostinho Fernades (JAF)indoor auditorium,  Margao, 
which was packed to capacity reverberated at exactly  7.30 to the echoes  of 
the tiatr  “Gouyo Put” .   The  tiatr staged 57 years ago,  bringing back 
nostalgic memories of that famous Konkani playwright, a musician, singer, 
composer , director, the hat donned , well attired bespectacled gentleman, late 
Augusto Remedios Souza Ferrao (b: 1.6.1909 d: 6.3.1978)  a native of Ambora  
Raia, whose inaugural “Souza Ferrao Birth Centenary Celebrations “  under the 
auspices of the A R Souza Ferrao Cultural and Charitable Trust and the Tiatr 
Academy,  Govt of Goa got underway.   .

This time round his tiatr was directed by veteran Konkani playwright Shri. 
Anilkumar and others viz; Fatima, Jessie, Angela, C D Silva, Ben Evangelist,  
Anthony San, Marcus Vaz, Mil-Mel-Nel,  Xavier Gomes Conny M, Antush   Comedian 

The inaugural function began at 6.00 with the lighting of the traditional lamp 
. Ms Flora Wilma Souza Ferrao welcomed the gathering and explained the 
objectives of the Trust.

Ms Ovita DSouza gave a brief narration of the life of her grandfather A R Souza 

Alzira D Costa, Sasha Rebello, Sonali & Sunny Fernandes grand children of 
Antonelio Conceicao Fernandes (s/o Pai Tiatrist )and Priyanka offered bouquets 
to the dignitaries. 

Ciriaco Dias a Konkani playwright since 1942 minced no words to express his 
disenchantment towards the tiatrist from Mumbai who were not bestowed any State 
awards till date.  Some of them are dead and others will soon follow suit he 
said.  He reminded the Government that it is the tiatrists of yesteryears who 
sacrificed every thing for the benefit of the society with no monetary 
returns.  He chided the Government for merely appointing committees and 
launched his tirade against those that constituted such committees who 
displayed a lackadaisical attitude towards the sentiments of the tiatrist. he 
however said that CM Digamber Kamat had stood by his promises and would surely 
rectify such obstacles.

Chief Minister,  Shri. Digambar Kamat  the Chief Guest speaking at the 
inaugural function assured the Tiatrist of all support to their cause.  His 
Government has released grants for the Academy to have their own premises a 
promise he made at the inauguration of the Tiatr Academy on 16th February, 2009.

Later he released a book on A R Souza Ferrao which gives incite in to the life 
and times of A R Souza Ferrao and several pictures.

CM also inaugurated a  website on A R Souza Ferrao on the ocassion  

Deputy Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly, Mr. Mauvin Godinho,  Guest of 
Honour , speaking on the ocassion said that unless the audience extends support 
to the tiatros this aspect of Goan culture will not flourish.   

Mr. Rico Rod  ( Ricardo Vincent Rodrigues ) the inimitable comic faced, 
comedian a native of Sirlim supported the views of Cyriaco and paid a tribute  
in memory of late M Boyer (who they fondly called Manu) with a song 
unaccompanied by music.

Mr Tomazinho Cardozo President of the Tiatr Academy tried to convince the 
audience on the technicalites that prevented the Goa Government from awarding 
the Bombay based tiatrists.  But this did not find favour with the audience.

President of the A R Souza Ferrao Cultural and Charitable Trust thanked the 

Special momentos were given to the CM, Dy Speaker, President of the Tiatr 
Academy and Rico Rod.  A special momento was also given to Anil Kumar who had 
willingly agreed to re-act the play on today's ocassion.

A maid Lourencin  of Mr A R Souza Ferrao who used to look after their house in 
Fatorda and was always available at the beck and call of A R Souza Ferrao and 
other tiatrist who practiced there was given a cash award on the ocassion.

Mr Domnic De Souza compered the programme. The family of Pai Tiatrist were 
special invitees on the ocassion.

Flora Wilma Souza Ferrao the daughter of Mr. A R Souza Ferrao who otherwise  
lives in Arossim speaking to this writer   at her Maddel Grande , Margao 
residence, candidly admitted   that  “ while the tiatr audience remembers him 
for  his  stage performances , her father indeed was an excellent  musician .  
Yes -  Music - was his forte he loved to participate in  Goan folk songs and 
dances “   . Indeed in a befitting tribute to his musical prowess the second 
day programme at the same venue and time will be devoted to Konkani dance, song 
,and music by eminent  , Mandos Dulpods by  Goyche Noketram  - Marianella 
Mascarenhas e Dias, Instrumental music on   by Theresa Figueiredo, Goretti 
Pinheiro Chernol Mendonca, Antonio Fernandes, Lourdes Soares, Celina Andrews 
and  Marisa Andrews. Cansauleche Kala Mogi and songs from several films viz  
Amchem Noxib,  “Nirmonn” ‘Sukachem Sopon’, ‘Kortubancho Sonvsar’,
 ‘Boglantt’ ani  ‘Bhuierantalo Munis’.. She also confirmed  that the song “Sorg 
Tujea Doleani “ lyrics were   by  her father Souza Ferrao sung by Lorna 
Cordeiro with music by Chris Perry.

“Dad  was the first Konkani artist whose  musical programme in Konkani  was 
broadcast by All India Radio  Bombay on 11.November 1936. Later Columbia 
Gramaphone Co Ltd also recorded his songs” . She added – “while Dad was 
employed with P & T as a draughtsman, it is here he met my mother   late 
Antonette Pinto (died on 9.5.1987) who also worked in the same office– a love 
marriage indeed .   .  In Goa the family moved from Ambora  Raia several years 
ago to Fatorda  to carry on their business.  At this house which was otherwise 
closed while they were away, at Mumbai,  Konkani tiatrists used the premises 
for  their  practices.

According to Wilma   as she is commonly known  “Dad  worked wonderfully well in 
any female role and his attire in the role of   a “kunbi” was par excellent”    

What made them think of these celebrations and setting up the Trust.  “Dad had 
donated most of his tiatr and music proceeds for social and charitable causes.  
My brother Henry now abroad and myself are well settled in life .  We did begin 
by donating a hearse 2008  to the Lions Club of Majorda-Cansaulim-Velcao  - 
that was thirty years after his death.  Indeed he died in Bombay in 1978 of an 
undetected illness which  was later diagonised as  “white”  jaundice.  The 
other plans of the A R Souza Ferrao Trust is to set up a Music School for 
youngsters at dads house at Fatorda, which is now  being developed.  An  area 
specially carved out for the “tiatrists”  to continue with their practice as 
before, and there are  plans   to stage his “ tiatrs”  original plays”  . “Many 
of  his works were destroyed when an  adjoining building collapsed on their  
building at   5 Oak Lane, Near St George Hospital at   Flora
 Fountain ----added  her husband  Mr. Ivor De Souza and  a native of Arrossim 
and the President of the Trust.

The other members of the  Trust now registered on 6.1.1989  as - Charitable and 
Cultural   --are  Mr. Jerry Covaco, Vice President, Ms Ovitta D Souza 
Secretary, and Mr. Henry Souza  Asst Secretary and Flora Wilma Souza Ferrao 

When quizzed specifically why none of the two children  Wilma  and son Henry 
ventured into tiatrs – well Wilma admitted that “there were several intercine 
rivalry  among the Konkani playwrights that often surfaced and destroyed 
creativity and talent.  Dad was a disillusioned man  when some of his close 
colleagues  parted ways and this hurt him immensely until he died”

Today ironically  even as the mortal remains of  Padmashree Manuel Santana 
Aguiar 78 a veteran Konkani playwright await burial (on 2nd at 3.30 p.m.) at 
Santemol in Raia, and the birth centenary celebrations of A R Souza Ferrao are 
underway  in the  Pai Tiatrist - JAF hall   it is  a sheer coincidence that the 
duo who acted in tiatrs of Pai tiatrist could be  watching the celebrations 
from their heavenly abode. 

Sidelights of the event:
The function started at 6.00 awaiting the CM
A one minutes silence was observed in memory of departed soul M Boyer.
The almost one hour and fifteen minutes speeches to an extent bored the 

from the Pai Tiatrist auditorium 

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