The link between Goa and Bassein is their Portuguese past.

The historyof Vasai dates back to the Puranic ages. The present day name of 
Vasai  originates from the Sanskrit word "waas" meaning dwelling or residence. 
The  name was changed to Basai by Muslims who occupied Vasai before the  
Portuguese. The Portuguese named it Baçaim. The Marathas named it  Bajipura or 
Bajipur. The British named it Bassein and today it is called  Vasai. 

The most significant past in Vasai's history is the reign of the  Portuguese, 
since they largely influenced or changed to what the Vasai-Virar area is today. 

Historically, the entire region has attracted traders  and merchants from Rome, 
Greece and the Middle East. In 1295 AD the famous  Marco Polo visited 
Thana/Vasai area.

The  Bassein region ruled by the Portuguese is not just Bassein but included 
areas as far away as Bombay, Thane, Kalyan and Chaul (Revdanda). 

It is  located about 50 Kilometers North of Bombay, on the Arabian Sea, at  
approximately (19°20'N - 72°49'E). 

Bassein, was an important trading center, it's sources of wealth and trade were 
horses, fish, salt,  timber, stone quarry (basalt and granite) and 
shipbuilding. It was a  significant trading center long before the Portuguese 
arrived. (Ancient  Sopara was a important port in trade with the Arabs and 
Greeks, Romans  and Persians.). It was also a wealthy agricultural region with 
rice,  betel, cotton, and sugar-cane as some of the crops. 

The Portuguese with  their naval power and their crusading valor were 
unquestioned masters of  the Indian Ocean. When the Portuguese arrived, Bassein 
was under the  rule of Bahadur Shah, the Sultan of Gujarat. 

In 1530 Antonio de Silveira burnt the city of Bassein and continued the burning 
and looting to nearby Bombay, when the King of Thana surrendered the islands of 
Mahim and Bombay. Subsequently, the towns of Thana, Bandora (Bandra), Mahim and 
Bombaim (Bombay) were brought under Portuguese control.

In  1531, Antonio de Saldanha while returning from Gujarat to Goa, set fire  to 
Bassein again - to punish Bahadur Shah of Gujrat for not ceding Diu. In 1533 
Diogo (Heytor) de Silveira burnt the entire sea coast from  Bandora, Thana, 
city of Bassein and areas up to Surat. 

Diogo de Silveira returned to Goa with 4000 slaves and the spoils of pillaging. 
For the  Portuguese, Diu was an important island to protect their trade, which  
they had to capture. While devising the means to capture Diu, Portuguese  
General Nuno da Cunha, found out that the governor of Diu was Malik  Ayaz whose 
son Malik Tokan was fortifying Bassein with 14,000 men. 

Nano  da Cunha saw this fortification as a threat. He assembled a fleet of 150 
ships with 4000 men and sailed to Bassein. Upon seeing such a  formidable naval 
power, Malik Tokan made overtures of peace to Nano da  Cunha. The peace 
overtures were rejected. Malik Tokan had no option but  to fight the 

The Portuguese landed north of Bassein and  invaded the fortification. Even 
though the Portuguese were numerically insignificant, they fought with skill 
and valor killing off most of the  enemy soldiers but lost only a handful of 
their own.

On  23 December 1534, the Sultan of Gujarat, signed a treaty with the  
Portuguese and ceded Bassein with its dependencies of Salsette, Bombaim, Parel, 
Vadala, Siao (Sion), Vorli (Worli), Mazagao (Mazgao),  Thana, Bandra, Mahim and 

In 1536, Nuno da Cunha appointed his  brother-in-law Garcia de Sâ as the first 
Captain/Governor of Bassein. The first corner stone for the Fort was laid by 
Antonio Galvao. In 1548  the Governorship of Bassein was passed on to Jorge 

In  the second half of 16th century the Portuguese built a new fortress  
enclosing a whole town within the fort walls. The fort included 10  bastions, 
of these nine were named as: Cavallerio, Nossa Senhora dos  Remedios, Reis 
Magos Santiago, Sam Gonçalo, Madre de Deos, and Sam  Sebastião. Sam Sebastião 
was also called "Porta Pia" or pious door of  Bassein. It was through this 
bastion that the Marathas would enter to  defeat the Portuguese. 

There were two medieval gateways, one on the seaside called Porta do Mar with 
massive teak gates cased with iron spikes and  the other one called Porta da 
Terra. There were ninety pieces of  artillery, 27 of which were made of bronze 
and seventy mortars, 7 of  these mortars were made of bronze. The port was 
defended by 21 gun boats  each carrying 16 to 18 guns. This fort stands till 
today with the outer  shell and ruins of churches.

In  1548, St. Francisco Xavier stopped in Bassein, and a portion of the  
Bassein population was converted to Christianity. In Salsette island,  the 
Portuguese built 9 churches: Nirmal (1557), Remedi (1557), Sandor  (1566), 
Agashi (1568), Nandakhal (1573), Papdi (1574), Pali (1595),  Manickpur (1606) 
and Merces (1606). All these beautiful churches are still  used by the 
Christian community of Vasai. 

As Bassein prospered under the  Portuguese, it came to be known as "a Corte do 
Norte" or "Court of the  North", it became a resort to "fidalgos" or noblemen 
and richest  merchants of Portuguese India. 

Bassein became so famous that a great  Portuguese man would be called "Fidalgo 
ou Cavalheiro de Baçaim" or Nobleman of Bassein. Bassein during the Portuguese 
period was known for refinement and wealth and splendor of it's buildings, 
palaces and  for the beauty of it's churches. This Northern Province, included 
a  territory which extended as far as 100 kilometers along the coast, between 
Damão (Daman) and Bombaim (Bombay), and in some places extended  for 30-50 
kilometers inland. It was the most productive Indian area  under Portuguese 

From  1611, Bassein and the whole region under the Portuguese had a mint or 
Casa da Moeda. These old coins were found occasionally during digs and  were 
locally called "Firgi paisa". In 1634, Bassein numbered a  population of 400 
Portuguese families, 200 Christian Indians families  and 1800 slaves (possibly 
from it's African colonies). 

In 1674, Bassein  had 2 colleges, 4 convents and 6 churches. At the end of 17th 
century  Bassein reached the height of the prosperity. In 1675, Dr. Fryer who  
came to treat the daughter of the Captain of Bassein, Joâo Mendes,  reports 
that the Captaincy of Bassein was rotated between certain  descendents of the 
conquerors of Bassein. In 1719, the province of  Bassein numbered about 60,000 
inhabitants, of these were 2,000  Portuguese and 58,000 Christian Indians. 

The importance of Bassein was reduced by transfer of neighboring Bombay island 
to the British in 1665  (It was a wedding dowry from Catherine Braganza of 
Portugal to Charles  the Second of England). The British had coveted and eyed 
Bombay for many  years before it came into their possession under the terms of 
the  marriage treaty. They had ventured to seize it by force in 1626 and had  
urged the Directors of the East India Company to purchase it in 1652.

The  Portuguese in India were however opposed to the cession of Bombay. They  
retained their hold upon the northern portion of the island, declaring  that it 
was private property but after show of force by the British,  Portuguese 
finally relinquished the island of Bombay. 

The intolerance of the  Portuguese to other religions seriously hindered the 
growth of Bassein  or Bombay as a prosperous settlement. Their colonization 
efforts were  not successful because they had gradually divided the lands into 
estates or fiefs, which were granted as rewards to deserving individuals or to  
religious orders on a system known as “aforamento“ whereby the grantees  were 
bound to furnish military aid to the king of Portugal or where  military 
service was not deemed necessary, to pay a certain rent. 

The efficiency of the Portuguese administration was weakened by frequent  
transfers of officers, and by the practice of allowing the great nobles  to 
remain at court and administer their provinces. They soon became a  corrupt and 
luxurious society based upon slave labor. 

The cruelties of  the Inquisition (from 1560) alienated the native population 
and the union of Portugal with Spain (1580) deprived the Indian settlements of  
the care of the home government. The Portuguese trade monopoly with Europe  
could henceforth last only so long as no European rival came upon the  scene.

By  1736 the Portuguese had been at work for 4 years constructing the  fortress 
of Thana, and aside from the long delays, the workers were  unpaid and unfed. 
The people tired of the oppression, finally invited the Marathas to take 
possession of the island of Salsette,  preferring their rule to the oppression 
of the Portuguese. These were  some of the factors that weakened Bassein and 
set stage for attack by the Marathas. 

In 1720, one of the ports of Bassein, Kalyan was conquered by  the Marathas and 
in 1737, they took possession of Thana
including all  the forts in Salsette island and the forts of Parsica, 
Trangipara,  Saibana, Ilha das Vaccas - (Island of Arnala), Manora, Sabajo, the 
hills of Santa Cruz and Santa Maria. The only places in the Northern  Provinces 
that now remained with the Portuguese were Chaul (Revdanda),  Caranja, Bandra, 
Versova, Bassein, Mahim, Quelme -(Kelve/Mahim), Sirgão  (Sirgao), Dahanu, 
Asserim, Tarapur and Daman. 

In November 1738, the Marathas  led by Chimaji Appa, captured the fort of 
Dahanu and on 20 January 1739, Mahim capitulated. The loss of Mahim, was 
speedily followed by the  capture of the forts of Quelme -(Kelve/Mahim), 
Sirgão, Tarapur, and Asserim on 13 February 1739. On 28 March 1739  the 
Portuguese lost the island  and the fortress of Caranja. The Marathas first 
attacked lha das Vaccas  - (Island of Arnala) before attacking the fort of 

This  was the prelude to the final loss of the city. In February 1739, Chimaji  
Appa, the Maratha ruler Bajirao Peshwa’s younger brother, attacked Bassein. He 
first occupied Versova, Dharavi and blockaded Bassein  Creek. The Portuguese 
sought help from the British in Bombay but they  instead sent ammunition and 
three of their gunners to assist the  Marathas. 

The Marathas were encouraged when they managed to kill the  brave Portuguese 
commandant, Silveira de Menezes. They then laid 12 mines, two of which exploded 
causing a breach in the fort wall. When  they mounted an assault on the fort, a 
third mine exploded, killing  hundreds of Maratha warriors. 

The Portuguese kept up their defenses by  throwing hand grenades and throwing 
huge stones from mortars, causing  havoc among the Marathas. The Marathas 
finally exploded more mines in  the breached wall causing the tower of St. 
Sebastian to collapse. The  Marathas secured a position in the fort from where 
the Portuguese could no longer defend the fort. 

The Maratha casualty was about 12,000 killed or wounded while the Portuguese 
casualty was about 800 killed or wounded. Among those killed on the Portuguese 
side were General Martinho  da Silveira, General Pedro de Mello and Lt-Colonel 
João Malhão. After a  desperate resistance on 16 May 1739 the Portuguese 
surrendered. The treaty of surrender stipulated that the whole garrison would 
be  allowed to march out of town with full honors of war. Those who wanted  to 
leave had 8 days to take all their movable property and move out. The  
Portuguese lost eight cities, four chief ports, twenty fortresses, two  
fortified hills, the island of Salsette with the city and the fortress  of 
Thana, Ilha das Vaccas - (Island of Arnala), the island of Caranja,  and 340 

On 19th May 1739, Captain Caetano de Souza Pereira  capitulated and handed over 
the Court of Bassein. They left Bassein on  23 May 1739.

The  churches and almost all the buildings in the fortress were destroyed and 
looted by the Marathas. The church bells were paraded, carried off on elephant 
backs as victory souvenirs. One church bell was carried to and  located at 
Naroshankar Temple on the banks of Godavari river in the Nasik-Panchavati area. 
The other church bell is located at Ashta-Vinayaka  temple in Ballaleshwar in 
Sudhagad, district Raigad. 

The Maratha ruler Madhavrao Peshwa offered free land grants to Hindus who would 
settle in  Bassein and imposed a tax system to encourage purification and 
reconversion of Christians back to Hinduism. After 205 years of uninterrupted  
Portuguese rule, Bassein was progressively neglected, and the  neighboring 
English Bombay assumed importance in trade and commerce.

The  English and the Marathas tried not to clash with each other. However when 
the British heard a Portuguese expedition was being prepared for  the recovery 
of Salsette and Bassein, the British Bombay Government  seized that island in 

The British tried to negotiate the surrender of the fort but when negotiations 
failed, a British force was  dispatched to take it by force. On December 28, 
1774, the fort was  stormed, and the greater part of the fort garrison was 

When  Narayan Rao became the fifth Peshwa in 1772, the atmosphere changed. He  
was killed by his uncle Raghunath Rao, which resulted in a conflict  between 
the Marathas. Raghunath Rao asked the English for help, and they  agreed and 
concluded the Treaty of Surat on March 7, 1775. This ended  the neutral 
relationship between England and India. 

The English provided  2,500 men. On January 9, 1779, they met the Maratha army 
and were  defeated. This completely shattered the prestige of the British army. 
To  retrieve this prestige, the Governor-General, Warren Hastings, decided  to 
send a strong force under the command of Colonel Goddard. 

Goddard  took possession of Ahmedabad on February 15 of 1780 and captured 
Bassein  on December 11, 1780 after 12 days of seige.

In  1801 in Poona, Jaswant Rao Holkar rose in rebellion with a huge army  and 
defeated the combined armies of Daulat Rao Sindhia and Peshwa Baji  Rao II and 
captured the city of Poona. 

Peshwa Baji Rao took refuge in  Bassein. The defeated Baji Rao had no 
hesitation in accepting the  Subsidiary Alliance with the British and signed 
the Treaty of Bassein  with the East India Company on December 31, 1802. 

Bassein was renamed Bajipura or Bajipur as Peshwa Baji Rao had taken up 
residence in  Bassein. The provisions of the treaty provided an English force 
of 6,000  to be permanently stationed with the Peshwa. In turn and for the  
maintenance of the army, districts yielding twenty six lakh rupees were  given 
to the East India Company. 

The treaty restricted the Peshwa from  entering into any treaty or declare war 
without consulting the East  India Company. The Peshwa also renounced his claim 
over Surat. 

On May  13, 1803 Baji Rao II was restored as Peshwa under the protection of the 
 British. The treaty of Bassein eventually led to expansion and influence  of 
the East India Company over the Indian subcontinent. 

In 1860 the  Great Indian Peninsular (GIP) (present Central Railway) and the 
Bombay,  Baroda and Central India Railway (BB&CI) (present Western Railway)  
were started and a regular service of steamers on the west coast was commenced 
in 1869. These included railway stations of Naigaon, Bassein, Nalasopara and 
Virar. In 1927 the first electric locomotives  manufactured by Metropolitan 
Vickers of England were put into service up to Poona and Igatpuri on the GIP 
railway and later electric multiple rake commuter trains ran up to Virar on the 
BB&CI railway. 

Stamps were issued in Portugal to commemorate the 450th anniversary of founding 
of  Portuguese Baçaim and Portuguese Bombaim. 

Credit to Prakash Shroff a lover of Bombay history.


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