New Mango Variety
A new hybrid variety of mango is being developed by by a Goan agriculturist
of Poona agricultural Vidyapeeth .The scientist is known as Carlos of Goan
decent .It is being named as PAROICAR, PAROI-(seed) Car abbreviation for
It is seedless variety, a world wonder product bound to catch the world
attention by storm and draw attention of MANGO PEOPLE of Robert fame It is
cross breed between alphonso and macurad ,the two famous Goan varieties in
great demand. Congress is aghast at the possible glorification and
advantage to any individual in disguise with its perfect orange colour is
suspicious. Allergy to names is a common fear of apprehensions Why a
catholic, Carlos is playing second fiddle on purpose to some one is not
understandable or appreciated, They wonder, whether this diabolic research
plan is funded by some political agent, to give electoral mileage
It is fibrous, slightly bitter and sour to taste at the moment and with
short shelf life and smacking of political flavour
The initial field trials to be conducted in Goa because of conducive
environment is thwarted by the stiff opposition, demanding entry tax.
Mean while Carlos is disgusted with his efforts and attempts to give
political tinge
He has received invitation and funding from another state, if he can assure
to rename it and alter the specific orange colour genes
Some are of the opinion the name is most appropriate for adverse
propaganda, being seedless, disadvantageous for propagation
Carlos is intending to apply for patent in USA and weighing is options to
migrate with the enticing offers of citizenship and financila grants. The
Govt is bent upon frustratinfg his moves, citing brain drain. What a
headless idea to discourage seedless Mango variety by the MANGO PEOPLE,
Carlos is hell bent in retaining the nomenclature and its tinge, while
agreeing to work on the other parameters His annoyance is appreciable for
imputing motives to nomenclature with perfect Goan flavour
[image: New Mango Variety A new hybrid variety of mango is being developed
by by a Goan agriculturist of Poona agricultural Vidyapeeth .The scientist
is known as Carlos of Goan decent .It is being named as PAROICAR,
PAROI-(seed) Car abbreviation for Carlos. It is seedless variety, a world
wonder product bound to catch the world attention by storm and draw
attention of MANGO PEOPLE of Robert fame It is cross breed between alphonso
and macurad ,the two famous Goan varieties in great demand. Congress is
aghast at the possible glorification and advantage to any individual in
disguise with its perfect orange colour is suspicious. Allergy to names is
a common fear of apprehensions Why a catholic, Carlos is playing second
fiddle on purpose to some one is not understandable or appreciated, They
wonder, whether this diabolic research plan is funded by some political
agent, to give electoral mileage It is fibrous, slightly bitter and sour to
taste at the moment and with short shelf life and smacking of political
flavour The initial field trials to be conducted in Goa because of
conducive environment is thwarted by the stiff opposition, demanding entry
tax. Mean while Carlos is disgusted with his efforts and attempts to give
political tinge He has received invitation and funding from another state,
if he can assure to rename it and alter the specific orange colour genes
Some are of the opinion the name is most appropriate for adverse
propaganda, being seedless, disadvantageous for propagation Carlos is
intending to apply for patent in USA and weighing is options to migrate
with the enticing offers of citizenship and financila grants. The Govt is
bent upon frustratinfg his moves, citing brain drain. What a headless idea
to discourage seedless Mango variety by the MANGO PEOPLE, Carlos is hell
bent in retaining the nomenclature and its tinge, while agreeing to work on
the other parameters His annoyance is appreciable for imputing motives to
nomenclature with perfect Goan flavour]
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