The Ministry of Environment & Forests has issued orders for demolition of this 
illegal structure within 3 months.The usual tactics by vested interests 
in government are, to issue illegal permissions, and if that is challenged/does 
not work, regularise the fait accompli. 
Or use the excuse of costs,utility,job creation potential, innocent victims etc 
to fine the culprits and make more money in the bargain.No one is sent to jail 
or feels the pinch and they power on, bulldozing every impediment (including 
Laws & Rules) in the path with absolute impunity! Whats more a precedent is set.
The Congress is already on the back foot dealing with massive corruption as 
scam after scam surfaces.This will be a test case with the world watching since 
it clearly involves high level Defence Officers,politicians,bureaucrats, legal 
procedures and multiple agencies. Every argument/ploy will be used since it is 
also a very high rise building, high costs, environmentally sensitive area with 
security concerns and is a building fait accompli.  Will shielding/protecting 
the Chief Ministers and high officials from the ruling party by delaying 
demolition, changing laws etc which has become the norm, be resorted to? After 
all in Goa,the Supreme Court demolition order could be thwarted by ordinance in 
the Cidade de Goa case!
The Adarsh scam could be Turning Point in our fight against rampant 
corruption that is corroding the nation's soul if complete demolition is 
accomplished ( Experts have precisely demolished bigger buildings )and all 
those responsible feel the heat! Big order for a large change in India's aam 
admi's fight against this virulent cancer.

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