For the Congress Party in Goa, the one and only viable option is to have
the very Honourable and distinguished MLA of Aldona Adv. Carlos Ferreira as
the unanimous Leader of Opposition in the Goa Legislative Assembly. The
Party should not have second thoughts or even pause on this issue. Every
day lost is yet another day the opposition is weakened, and the legislative
wing of the party is rudderless like a ship all at sea, drifting without a

The enormously knowledgeable and down to earth, Adv. Carlos, a person of
proven credentials, integrity and with his tremendous legal acumen he could
lead a strong opposition to the now Power intoxicated BJP.  And let us not
forget that Adv. Carlos who went on to be Goa’s youngest Advocate General
has grown in experience and stature.

The Aldona MLA being a gentleman to the core, by his refined conduct could
ensure that the Opposition in Goa is a force to reckon with. Adv. Carlos
does not need a position, it is Goa that needs a person of his caliber to
steer Goa through this current political mire of a mute, compromised and
speechless Opposition. Instead of dithering and burying their heads in the
sand, the Opposition would do well to urgently take heed of the advice of
Martin Luther King Jr. who stressed the need for courageous, intelligent,
and dedicated leadership… Leaders of sound integrity. Leaders not in love
with publicity, but in love with justice. Leaders not in love with money
but in love with humanity. Leaders who can subject their egos to the
greatness of the cause. Adv. Carlos Ferreira is such a Leader.

In a democracy, an effective opposition plays an important role in
questioning government decisions and actions and raising matters of public
importance on behalf of the electorate. Constructive criticism can expose
the weakness of the ruling Government and make them politically more
accountable and responsible.

Goa and Goans will not forgive or forget those who for the sake of Power
and Political prosperity want to betray that trust the voters bestowed on
them. If they dare do so, the ashes of these Political Prostitutes will be
for all to see. They will be wiped out from Goa’s political horizon making
way for some much needed sanity on our sagging political turf.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012


You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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