Stephen Dias, Dona Paula

With masses under strict protocols having resumed around the State, it
would be in the fitness of things to allow all those above 65 years of age
to attend mass, since the very idea of hearing mass in the spiritualistic
solemnity of the church or chapel, not only provides moral upliftment  that
is not experienced in the confines of the home but could also infuses a
religious mindset that could allow those above 65 to keep Covid-19 at bay
and thus reduce infections among the elderly. In yester years the first
thing a lady would do in the morning was to attend mass wearing a black
veil to cover the hair and this spiritual participation would empower and
strengthen women to build a strong morality to face the entire day ahead.
It goes without saying that these ladies were very healthy and resistant
from diseases. Also confessions form an important part of the Catholic
faith and thus it may be impressed that even confessions should be resumed
in churches and chapels keeping distance between the priest and person
confessing from the next one in the line by keeping them away from
earshot., as confessions are able to reduce feeling of guilt and by taking
holy communion your sins are forgiven and positiveness resides within the
mind as also the body remains shielded from disease as also the soul is
Hearing masses on line people can only see the priest and the altar but
many elderly persons prefers to pray by seeing other altar images which
gives them more strength.

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