SHANTARAM NAIK M.P                     28th April, 2013

602, BRAHMAPUTRA, Dr B.D.Marg,

New Delhi






   Mr Shantaram Naik M.P. in a letter addressed by him today to Shri A.K.
Anthony ,Union Minister of Defence has demanded

immediate suspension from service of the Captain of the vessel ‘ICGS
Vaibhav, belonging to Indian Coast Guard and cause his arrest.

    Incident occurred of Goa coast last week in which in the early hours of
morning  a vessel belonging to Indian Coast Guard collided with fishing
trawler off Goa coast. There were 29 fishermen on the trawler , out of 23
were rescued one died and five fishermen are missing. Indian Navy , Coast
Guard and other agencies are engaged in search operations.

 Mr Naik said that Mr Martin Fernandes , owner of the fishing trawler Sea
Messah, is justified in demanding the arrest of the captain for causing
loss of lives and confiscation of the vessel. Five out of six fishermen who
got drowned in the sea are still missing.

    Mr Naik said that it is learnt that jurisdiction to investigate and
inquire the criminal case falls under Yellow Gate Police Station , Mumbai,
considering that the incident occurred beyond 12 autical miles off Goa

  Mr Naik said that Deputy Commissioner of Police of Mumbai Mr Ghatge, has
reached Goa, and , and he had a telephonic talk with him this morning while
he was on his way to Cuncolim Police Station , which falls on south west
coast of Goa, in whose jurisdiction the offence was committed considering  sea

Most  likely, he may take over the investigation  as the jurisdiction lies
with Yellow Gate Police Station, Mr Naik said.

   The Cuncolim Police Station in Charge  has booked the navigator under
section 280 of the IPC for rash and negligent navigation endangering human
lives; 427 for causing damage to the fishing vessel; 337 for rash and
negligent act causing injuries and section 304 of the IPC for rash and
negligent act causing death.

Although Coast Guard is holding Departmental inquiry, captain should have
been put under immediate suspension considering the negligent conduct of
the Captain and his act of fleeing from the scene of offene, Mr Naik said.

It should be noted ,Mr Naik said that since  23 fishermen out of 29 , all
of whom were from Orissa, the apprehension of the* *owners of fishing
trawlers* * the mid-sea mishap would send a wrong signal to the migrant
labour hailing from the States of Jharkhand, Bihar and Orissa, cannot be
brushed aside.

The 90-metre class offshore patrol vessel, built by Goa Shipyard Ltd, was
handed over to the Coast Guard on March 31, ahead of its commissioning,
which was  scheduled was to take place in presence of Union Defence
Minister Shri A.K. Anthony.

The Coast Guard vessel , it is learnt, is equipped with advanced
state-of-the-art navigational and communication equipment, sensors and
machineries. Special features of the vessel include an Integrated Bridge
System (IBS), Integrated Machinery Control System (IMCS), Power Management
System (PMS), High Powered External Fire Fighting System (ABS Fi-Fi Class
-1) and an indigenous Close Range Naval (CRN) 91 gun along with fire
control system.
Mr Naik said the vessel is designed to carry a helicopter and five
high-speed boats for search and rescue operations, law enforcement and
maritime patrol. It is also capable of carrying pollution response
equipment to combat oil spill at sea.

It is further learnt that the ship is fitted with Global Maritime Distress
and Safety System (GMDSS), making it an apt platform to carry out search
and rescue operations in Indian Search and Rescue Region (ISRR). The vessel
has an endurance of 4,500 nautical miles and attains a maximum speed of 26
knots and further, it also can stay at the sea for 15 days without

  It is in national interest that such an ultra modern vessel should not
remain unused , Mr Naik, but person who has caused deaths by their acts
should not go scot free, Mr Naik added



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