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The Right Move II – Career in Sport
Self employment opportunities for youths in Sports
        To improve self employment opportunities in sports in Goa. We are 
publishing a directory of  300 Goan sports youths who ane unemployed/under 
employed and have got special skill in sports discipline.
        This book will be hand book for more than 1000 educational 
institutions/clubs/ housing societies who will invite sports person from this 
directory to give training on different sports descplines to their kids.
 On January 26, 2008 we had published “The Right Move, articles on Chess & 

On January 26, 2009 the second edition of  The Right Move   “The Right Move II- 
Career in Sport” Self employment opportunities for youths in Sports will be 
published which will contain the following contents:

•Interviews of  Sports Personalities   • Reports on Sports Seminars.
•Study of Sports Association’s in Goa  • Exclusive articles by Prominent 
Sports Journalists 
•Directory of youth having special skills     •Creating Job opportunities 
for unemployed sports 
    in Sports discipline``                          youths
 and  others Sports related information will be published.
 The following are the rates for Advertisements in our book: - page size(17.5cm 
X 25cm)
 Particulars           Rate                     
Back Page Color  Rs, 25,000/-
Back Page Inside Rs. 15,000/-
Front Page Inside Rs. 20,000/-

Black & White Page 
Particulars    Rate
Full Page      Rs. 6,000/-
Half Page     Rs. 3,000/-

Particulars     Rate
Full Page        Rs. 10,000/-
Half  Page       Rs.   5,000/-
Quarter Page   Rs.   3,000/-

The Circulation of magazine will be throughout all the Educational Institutes 
in Goa for using  it continuously which would be catering to a wide variety of 
audience. It being also a directory for provision of Job opportunities in 
sports related field it would be used by maximum amount of people for 
reference. This will result in increasing the circulation of the magazine and 
viewer ship which is fruitful for our prestigious advertisers.
Cheque/Demand Draft drawn on Taleigao Chess Academy.
Your confirmation for Advertisment & art work should reach us by 15th December 
Looking for a long term association with you.
Thanking You,
For Taleigao Chess Academy
(Sanjay Barve)

The Secretary,
Taleigao Chess Academy Sports Club,
F2, Dynasty Manor, Odlem Bhat,
Taleigao Goa 403002
Telephone 2451143  

The Right Move II - Carrier in Sports
Advertisment Confirmation/Booking Form

Company Name  _______________________________________________________

Business Type    ________________________________________________________

Address             ________________________________________________________

Contact Person _____________________________________________________

Telephone No ___________________ Mobile ____________________

Material for advertisement/printing/publicity is sent herewith/will  follow.  

We are remitting A Cheque/Demand Draft No. __________________    Dated      /   
   /2008                for Rs.________________(Rupees 

drawn on _______________________________________________ Bank _______________ 

in favour of Taleigao Chess Academy towards advertisment in the book THE ROGHT 
MOVE II - Carrier in Sports to be publish in January 2009

Place : ___________                                             (Signature & 
Company stamp)     

Date :      /       /2008                                                       
                                                                Name : 

Shrikant Vinayak Barve
Convener: The Right Move II-Career in Sports

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