This announces the beginning of the project ‘Archive and Access’ aimed
at running training workshops towards the digitization and sharing of
online catalogues for archives and libraries in Goa, Tamil Nadu and
areas in the North East of India.

The project team members are Rochelle Pinto and Aparna Balachandran
(CSCS, Bangalore) and Abhijit Bhattacharya (CSSS, Kolkata).

The project is directed mainly at non-state institutions that do not
ordinarily attract funding. The object is to generate a culture of
online sharing of resources that will benefit both libraries and
users. It will publicize the significant holdings of libraries, and
enable users at a glance, to view the availability of resources. Once
the project generates a number of trained librarians and archivists,
it can extend help towards fund-raising and maintain contact with
libraries to oversee the maintenance of archives.

   * This is a call to readers, researchers and library users for
information about private collections of texts, or small libraries
that may be interested in availing of this programme.

In addition to holding workshops,

   * The project will generate a descriptive database of archival and
library collections in each of the focus areas and in other area
within the country.

   * The project offers a service to historians who may have
photocopied or microfilmed full texts in various archives over the
years and are willing to make these publicly available. These and
other reproductions will be scanned and uploaded with credits. They
will then be made available online, and the data returned.

Those interested please contact us at or (Rochelle Pinto) or 09830986757 (Abhijit
Bhattcharya). This project is housed at the Centre for the Study of
Culture and Society, Bangalore, and supported by the Jamsetji Tata
FN *
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly
by." - Douglas Adams

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