[Goanet] Are Christian Gawdas Slaves?

2014-11-18 Thread augusto pinto
On 16 November Joao Fernandes who is an advocate and tribal activist
wrote a letter to Goanet (reproduced belowa0 where he complained about
how the Gawdas, a tribe which can claim to be one of the original Goan
settlers have been treated as slaves for centuries. He points out that
both the State and the Church had colluded in keeping them subjugated.

He reminds us that the attempts of the Church to brings to destroy
their culture. has continued after Liberation. He further brings to
our notice that one priest named Fr Natolino Fernandes is even today
attempting to destroy the culture of these Gawdas by browbeating and
threatening Gawda women with dire consequences if they do not abandon
their traditional cultural activities performed at the Maand.

I believe that this cultural terrorism is highly condemnable and
violates the human rights of the Gawdas. It should be forthwith
stopped. I am quite shocked that despite three days passing since he
made this appeal, not a single letter of support for the Gawdas from
anyone has appeared on Goanet.

I appeal to all to raise their voices against the cultural violence
and atrocities, indeed cultural genocide being committed against the
Christian Gawda community..

Augusto Pinto


Are Christian Gawdas of Goa are the slaves of the catholic church or its priest?

Christian Gawdas which has been declared as Schedule Tribe along with
the other Tribes of Goa have their
specific culture, their ethos, their life style.
>From the studies it reveals that the catholic Gawdas among the other
Tribal  communities of Goa are the most
backward economically, socially and educationally and the most
voiceless community in Goa.  There are so
many reason for this, it appears that the Christian  Gawdas of Goa
have been treated as slaves by the high
caste including the religious institutions to which they belongs to
and  History is witness to it.
The unique culture the Gawdas have  preserved even during the
dictatorship of the state that is during the
Portuguese regime when the church and the state was working hand in hand.
But after liberation of Goa or when democracy has been introduce the
church has destroyed the cultural
heritage of Gawdas. Is it because the modern church in Goa considers
it is the master and the  Gawdas are its
Slaves. It is history that  slaves haves  no right to preserve their
culture, they  to behave as per their
master, they have no freedom.
In support my above contention I hereby site one example.
There is a traditional mand at Quineabhat Avedem Quepem belongs to the
Gawdas, which is still alive. The
Avedem Group has spread the culture of the Gawdas across the borders
of Goa and even beyond the borders  of
India. This they could do because of the existence mand. As Amelia
Dias who is the leader of the group puts it
“ that because of playing on the mand we could get artist without
training and thus we could keep our
cultural group for 4o years”.
But the latest development in Avedem is that the young  assistant
priest Fr. Natolino Fernandes, who have
been appointed at Paroda church, being young  who want name and fame
and may be want fast promotion and   who is
the follower of  Fr. Luis Countinho, ( the same priest Fr. Luis
Coutinho was responsible for the
destruction of the rich Cultural heritage of the Gawdas at Ambaulim
when he was newly appointed at
Ambaulim only with a motto to get  name and fame) is propagating that
the Gawdas should not light their
traditional lamp on the tradition mand, they cannot brack coconut on
the mand, they cannot sang certain
songs at the mand, indirectly they cannot perform Dhalo at the mand.
He has even took some of the ladies in
the church and had taken a vow of not  playing Dhalo  at the mand, and
even threatened them of dire
consequences  it they disobey. To dictate such things,  are the Gawdas
slaves of the church/priest  and the
church/priest are our
 dictators? The church or its priest may be considering so.
 From the behavior of the church/priest it appears so. This is against
article 29 of the constitution of
India which is the supreme law of the land which article  guarantee
cultural freedom. But it appears that we
are in dictatorship rather than in democracy and the religious dogmas
are supreme then the law of the land.
 This is a big question to be answered by all the likeminded.

[Goanet] Are Christian gawdas slaves?

2014-11-16 Thread JOAO FERNANDES
Are Christian Gawdas of Goa are the slaves of the catholic church or its priest?

Christian Gawdas which has been declared as Schedule Tribe along with the other 
Tribes of Goa have their specific culture, their ethos, their life style. 
>From the studies it reveals that the catholic Gawdas among the other Tribal  
>communities of Goa are the most backward economically, socially and 
>educationally and the most voiceless community in Goa.  There are so many 
>reason for this, it appears that the Christian  Gawdas of Goa have been 
>treated as slaves by the high caste including the religious institutions to 
>which they belongs to  and  History is witness to it. 
The unique culture the Gawdas have  preserved even during the dictatorship of 
the state that is during the Portuguese regime when the church and the state 
was working hand in hand. 
But after liberation of Goa or when democracy has been introduce the church has 
destroyed the cultural heritage of Gawdas. Is it because the modern church in 
Goa considers it is the master and the  Gawdas are its  Slaves. It is history 
that  slaves haves  no right to preserve their culture, they  to behave as per 
their master, they have no freedom. 
In support my above contention I hereby site one example. 
There is a traditional mand at Quineabhat Avedem Quepem belongs to the Gawdas, 
which is still alive. The Avedem Group has spread the culture of the Gawdas 
across the borders of Goa and even beyond the borders  of India. This they 
could do because of the existence mand. As Amelia Dias who is the leader of the 
group puts it “ that because of playing on the mand we could get artist without 
training and thus we could keep our cultural group for 4o years”. 
But the latest development in Avedem is that the young  assistant priest Fr. 
Natolino Fernandes, who have been appointed at Paroda church, being young  who 
want name and fame and may be want fast promotion and   who is the follower of  
Fr. Luis Countinho, ( the same priest Fr. Luis Coutinho was responsible for the 
destruction of the rich Cultural heritage of the Gawdas at Ambaulim when he was 
newly appointed at Ambaulim only with a motto to get  name and fame) is 
propagating that the Gawdas should not light their traditional lamp on the 
tradition mand, they cannot brack coconut on the mand, they cannot sang certain 
songs at the mand, indirectly they cannot perform Dhalo at the mand.  He has 
even took some of the ladies in the church and had taken a vow of not  playing 
Dhalo  at the mand, and even threatened them of dire consequences  it they 
disobey. To dictate such things,  are the Gawdas slaves of the church/priest  
and the church/priest are our 
 dictators? The church or its priest may be considering so. 
 From the behavior of the church/priest it appears so. This is against article 
29 of the constitution of India which is the supreme law of the land which 
article  guarantee  cultural freedom. But it appears that we are in 
dictatorship rather than in democracy and the religious dogmas are supreme then 
the law of the land.
 This is a big question to be answered by all the likeminded.