At last supper and washing of feet Jresus commands

An act of humility, love, kindness  to welcome and greet
The master sets  an example    of servant leadership by washing feet
The noble act, praise and admiration deserve
 Supremacy of service to others  to preserve

Apostles  obediently  accept the fact
Peter alone does  reluctantly react
The master descends to a level without pride
In service to humanity apostles   to guide

Unique example in  humility Jesus does surrender
Master servant relationship to deeply ponder,
 Jesus being the master as the servant does serve
The master condescends  bonds of love , kindness to preserve

Jesus in this revolutionary act of humility
Kicked aside pride and vanity
Master shocked the apostles  by unpexcted surprise
Enjoined upon them when  opportunity  of service does arise

Master servant relationship Jesus set  an example best
The strength of bonds  of relation put to test
In  the journey of life of Jesus power was not his quest
The superiority of master servant relation laid to rest

Las supper ,washing of feet act of love to be kind
A command to love one another , commomerate and remind
Judas feet washed knowing he would betray
Sulking Peter  too
would  deny and   by fear  stray

Demand  of service in any position as a head we hold
Respect ,obey the superiority  subordinates told
Descending to the level of servant an exercise in vain
Greatness of master as a servant Jesus  did explain

Jesus with power and strength position never sought
In his life journey service motive alone he fought
His desire  to serve not to be served  visible till death
Professed his mission  of salvation for mankind untill last breath

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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