A rabbit was enrolled with others. He obtained excellence in hoping natural
to it .But he failed miserably in swimming, In coaching emphasis was put on
swimming , as the result he forgot to hop. Cherish our strengths to correct
our weakness

A child abhorred all the variations in his meals by the expert cook
Exasperated the father bought ready to eat cereal pack, The child found it
most delicious because he cooked it by himself. Come easy go easy, We
appreciate hard victories won by our efforts

One cannot assure 100 runs in all outings. Winning and loss must be
accepted as it is cycle and nothing is permanent in life. Failures are
natural too. The lessons in both must be understood

Humility to value the contributions of every one, however small it may
seem. Short coming and gains must be accepted with a balanced view.
Ruminate, ponder over the good memories and take strength from past
experiences that are memorable in bad times

Strive for excellence by keenly observing others The inspiration must
spring from within involving the whole personality It must not be an act
but rather a habit. Reach must exceed grasp. Your only competition is

Face the adversity squarely, when it strikes without a warning. The test of
fire is what makes steel. A child labouring for hours at an unsuccessful
jigsaw puzzle was advised by father to give up till next day. The response
of the child was that  I have all the pieces, the task is   only to put
them together Perseverance is the key to success.

Be open to all change, but do not compromise on values.  Gandhi says that
the open window of our mind must not be swept with the breeze .Values like
honesty, humility, considerations, integrity define a person and not
achievements per se. Short cuts often lead to longest destinations.

Be convinced with your own ideas  HOWEVER LUDICROUS and in spite of fierce
objections A polite vendor of newspaper had to endure arrogance and rude
manners of a customer, who refused to reciprocate his good morning His
attendant was  aghast, shocked at his continuance with politeness His
answer was  that the  customer cannot help being rude but I care being
polite I cannot  permit  customer service to dictate my politeness response

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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