Call up Quepem police station landline 0832-2662253 and get the latest update 
on the arrests

Bharat Mukti Morcha strongly condemns arrests of 34 mulnivasi people protesting 
against mining transportation or iron ore in Cavrem village of Quepem taluka On 
May 8, 2014 without being released till reports last came in. They are split 
and shifted at police stations in Margao, Vasco etc. According to the reports 
received Cavrem villagers including large number of tribal people block 
transportation of ore from Jairam Neogi mine operated illegally since 2007 by 
Dinar Tarcar. His lease expired in 2007 and Supreme Court in recent judgement 
has confirmed that all mines in Goa have been functioning without valid leases. 
This is the same mine where Dora, Sheryl, Karush, Sebastian, Fr.Mathias 
Protested and few others- were beaten up by mining truck drivers under the 
direction of mining Contractor Subhas Phaldesai and arrested on October 11, 
2008. The first account of Fr.Mathias is available here. Another account by 
Sebastian is also available.

Bharat Mukti Morcha hold that the act of blocking mining transportation by 
Cavrem villagers is correct and Police has acted only to fulfill the combined 
will of the mining companies and the Chief Minister who in any case is heading 
Bamon Raj government that believed in scant respect for mulnivasis like 
Adivasis of Cavrem, their livestock, forest and paddy fields.

Amongst the arrested 34 are 10 women and as per report received till midnight 
were not served any food or water in police custody at Quepem Police station, 

Shah Commission has pointed out the robbery of Rs.35,000 crore through mining 
trade. Public Accountability Committee headed by then Leader of the Opposition 
Mr.Manohar Parrikar has marshaled evidence of illegal mining export of 85 
million tones and Rs.3,400 crore loss to the State treasury. Mr.Parrikar 
however after taking over as Chief Minister has not acted on his own report nor 
has he recovered Rs.3,400 crore looted by mining companies. He has also avoided 
any actions to nail those responsible for the illegal export of 85 million 
tones of iron ore from Goa. What Mr.Manohar Parrikar has provided for Goa is 
ethically bad leadership for Goa with active promotion of black money and 
corruption just like his predecessor Digambar Kamat. The rightful place for 
both these Bamons is behind the bars. They are moving scot free and troubling 
entire state of Goa only because they are Bamons heading Bamon Raj committed to 
loot and plunder of Goa.

Bharat Mukti Morcha is of the studied opinion that mining in legal as well as 
illegal way is not sustainable in Goa and every effort must be made to rid Goa 
of mining curse.

Bharat Mukti Morcha also strongly object to the Department of mines trying to 
create fear amongst public that protests against mining is a contempt of 
Supreme Court Judgement in Goa Foundation versus Union of India dated April 21, 
2014 on mining in Goa. This judgement is already criticized.

Bharat Mukti Morcha congratulates Cavrem villagers for their bold action in 
defense of life that is threatened by mining companies.

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