Actor Tom Alter and architect Dean D'Cruz launch Once Upon a Time in
Aparanta in Mumbai

'Aparanta is a Goa Bachao Abhiyan book' —Dean D'Cruz
'The plight of Goa today reminds me of Mussoorie some years ago' —Tom Alter

From Rachna Kalra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mumbai, 29 September 2008: Once Upon a Time in Aparanta, the new novel
by Sudeep Chakravarti, was released in Mumbai last Friday. The event
was held at Crossword Kemps Corner on 26 September and attended by a
mix of Crossword regulars and booklovers, among them Goans resident in
Mumbai, and expatriates.

The highlight of the launch was the reading from the novel by
well-known theatre and film actor Tom Alter, and the presence of
well-known architect and activist Dean D'Cruz. While Mr Alter kept the
audience spellbound, Mr D'Cruz forcefully conveyed his thoughts about
the present and likely future of the state in which Once Upon a Time
in Aparanta is based.

'The present and future of Goa is under great pressure,' said Mr
D'Cruz. He added, 'Politics and greed drives this pressure. Many of
yesterday's small-time goons are today's leaders.' He thereafter
elaborated on the vision of the Regional Plan 2021 and its portents
for Goa, and the true purpose of the movement initiated by group Goa
Bachao Abhiyan, of which he is a key participant.

In this context, Mr D'Cruz lightheartedly called Once Upon a Time in
Aparanta a 'Goa Bachao Abhiyan book', as the novel is set in the churn
of present-day Goa. In a similar vein, he added, 'For me a good Goan
is someone who has Goa in his heart, and by this yardstick, Sudeep is

Mr Alter, after reading from the novel, joined the discussion. He
spoke passionately about Once Upon a Time in Aparanta representing the
key thought that concerns a society in churn, as well as concerns of
ecology and sustainable development. Mr Alter said Goa's plight
reminds him of the time when his former home, Mussoorie, was 'under
attack', and the hillsides on the way from Dehradun to Mussoorie
'totally denuded' by mines and quarries.

A majority of these mines were pressured to close, he said, and public
action has ensured strict zoning, building regulation and protection
of greenery in Mussoorie. 'Not a single tree can now be cut down in
Mussoorie,' Mr Alter said. 'And the hillsides between Dehradun and
Mussourie are now green with trees.'

The author agreed with these observations, stressing that his latest
work of fiction is based on his learning of Goa largely from the
people of Goa, and their thoughts, concerns and aspirations as
conveyed to him in the course of two decades. 'Once Upon a Time in
Aparanta is about Goa, certainly,' he said, 'But it goes beyond Goa,
in that the novel questions the premise of "paradise" and conflicts
and self-inflicted wounds that occur in such "paradises' by both the
game of traveler roulette and the interests of business and politics.'

Mr Chakravarti added, 'A reader can engage with this novel at several
different levels.' He discounted the suggestion by the audience that
some characters in the novel, such as that of the arch-villain,
Winston Almeida, and that of Aparanta's overlord, Number One, are
based on real-life characters. "It is up to the reader to interpret
the novel and the characters in the way they wish. This is literary
fiction with a message."

Once Upon a Time in Aparanta is Chakravarti's third book. He is the
author of the best-selling and critically acclaimed novel Tin Fish,
and Red Sun:Travels in Naxalite Country, a major work of narrative
non-fiction on present-day Maoist revolutionaries of India. All these
books have been published by Penguin India.


For more information please contact Hemali Sodhi at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Rachna Kalra at
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