Re: [Goanet] Black is back

2013-09-17 Thread Tim de Mello
Pics of the new Ms. America
It's time for the kala. (a Cecil Pinto quote)

Tim de Mello

 Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 13:41:27 +0530
 Subject: [Goanet] Black is back


 Black is back
 Jumping skin-deep into politics

 By Cecil Pinto

 In a stunning declaration at a crowded press conference today
 columnist Cecil Pinto declared his candidacy for the North Goa
 Parliament seat. A huge banner in the backdrop has the campaign
 slogan, Dark brown is the new black!

 Frederick: Let me get this clear. Your main plank is going to be skin colour?

 Cecil: My only plank will be my dark skin and the dark skins of my
 supporters seated here on the dais with me. Will someone please make
 the lights brighter? Anyone is free to join my campaign as long as
 they are dark complexioned.

 Nigel: How do you measure dark complexion?

 Cecil: Do you see this lump of clay here on the table? This is pure
 'chikol' from the bed of the Mandovi River, with of course a few
 unavoidable mining rejects mixed in it. If your complexion is darker
 than this chikol please feel free to join us in our fight.

 Aarti: But what has skin colour got to do with electoral politics?

 Cecil: What has ethnicity, caste or religion got to do with choosing a
 candidate? But they are brought up every time to garner votes. I was
 inspired by Obama. If a black man could become the President of the
 USA why not a dark brown man represent North Goa in Parliament?

 Lisa: But Obama did not use his skin colour as his only qualification.

 Cecil: That's his problem. You must have heard of the Beauty
 Contestant who answered the question round saying, I will use my
 breasts to fight for world peace, well I am going to fight colourism
 using my dark skin.

 Vidhydhar: But is colourism that big an issue in India as compared to the 

 Cecil: Please understand that in the West the bigger problem is
 racism. When they say 'black' or 'white' they are referring to race
 rather than skin colour. Racism is another ball game all-together.
 Here in India within the same race we discriminate based on skin
 colour. See how many matrimonial adverts mention fair skin as being
 desirable. Show me one matrimonial advert that has someone actually
 searching for a darker skinned partner.

 Govind: Any other examples you have of Goan colourism?

 Cecil: Sure. Mention a newborn child and the second question after
 gender, baba or babee, is Nitov asa? which is a euphemism for Is it
 fair? In fact many years back when I was dating a lovely dark skinned
 girl my friends at the time used to tease me that if we married our
 children would have to be named 'cavlo' (crow) or 'koalso' (charcoal)
 or 'khapri' (negro) or 'kalia' (blacky). Of course they were fair
 weather friends.

 Prakash: Since you are contesting only the North Goa seat do you have
 a strategic alliance with some candidate in South Goa?

 Cecil: Actually I am looking for a sort of 'running mate' in South
 Goa. A dark skinned female, so we can have the gender angle also
 covered. I have found an interesting woman named Melanin in Agassaim
 who fits the bill. Her mother's name is Melissa and father is Menin.

 Melwyn: Do you have any specific demands for dark skinned people?

 Cecil: Of course. Discrimination should be fought with reservations.
 We demand 30% government jobs to be reserved for dark skinned people.
 And we should get discounts on the Kadamba buses and on the Konkan
 Railway and 50% of all actors in Konkani movies should be dark

 Nilesh: Why movies?

 Cecil: Check out our movies. All the actors are either light skinned
 or use extensive make-up to appear fair. This is not at all
 representative of real life where there are as many, if not more, dark
 skinned than light skinned people. This portrayal leads to false
 aspirations and that is why we have this curious anomaly in India
 where more fairness cream is produced and sold than life saving
 antiseptic cream.

 Alister: Have you actually yourself faced discrimination because of
 your dark skin?

 Cecil: Well at many restaurants waiters tend to ignore me.

 Alister: That could be because of your belligerent attitude, your
 sloppy dressing and unattractive personality rather than because of
 your skin colour.

 Cecil: Ok. Before marriage in dating situations I rarely got to score
 with the good looking girls.

 Alister: That probably had to do with your looks, approach, talk,
 clothes, money etc rather than specifically your skin colour.

 Cecil: In beach picnic photos only my eyes and teeth can be seen.

 Alister: Salt water and direct sunlight on the skin have the effect of
 extra darkening. Foreigners use it all the while for a darker tan. A
 naturally dark person is a healthier person and less likely

[Goanet] Black is back

2012-02-07 Thread Cecil Pinto


Black is back
Jumping skin-deep into politics

By Cecil Pinto

In a stunning declaration at a crowded press conference today
columnist Cecil Pinto declared his candidacy for the North Goa
Parliament seat. A huge banner in the backdrop has the campaign
slogan, Dark brown is the new black!

Frederick: Let me get this clear. Your main plank is going to be skin colour?

Cecil: My only plank will be my dark skin and the dark skins of my
supporters seated here on the dais with me. Will someone please make
the lights brighter? Anyone is free to join my campaign as long as
they are dark complexioned.

Nigel: How do you measure dark complexion?

Cecil: Do you see this lump of clay here on the table? This is pure
'chikol' from the bed of the Mandovi River, with of course a few
unavoidable mining rejects mixed in it. If your complexion is darker
than this chikol please feel free to join us in our fight.

Aarti: But what has skin colour got to do with electoral politics?

Cecil: What has ethnicity, caste or religion got to do with choosing a
candidate? But they are brought up every time to garner votes. I was
inspired by Obama. If a black man could become the President of the
USA why not a dark brown man represent North Goa in Parliament?

Lisa: But Obama did not use his skin colour as his only qualification.

Cecil: That's his problem. You must have heard of the Beauty
Contestant who answered the question round saying, I will use my
breasts to fight for world peace, well I am going to fight colourism
using my dark skin.

Vidhydhar: But is colourism that big an issue in India as compared to the West?

Cecil: Please understand that in the West the bigger problem is
racism. When they say 'black' or 'white' they are referring to race
rather than skin colour. Racism is another ball game all-together.
Here in India within the same race we discriminate based on skin
colour. See how many matrimonial adverts mention fair skin as being
desirable. Show me one matrimonial advert that has someone actually
searching for a darker skinned partner.

Govind: Any other examples you have of Goan colourism?

Cecil: Sure. Mention a newborn child and the second question after
gender, baba or babee, is Nitov asa? which is a euphemism for Is it
fair? In fact many years back when I was dating a lovely dark skinned
girl my friends at the time used to tease me that if we married our
children would have to be named 'cavlo' (crow) or 'koalso' (charcoal)
or 'khapri' (negro) or 'kalia' (blacky). Of course they were fair
weather friends.

Prakash: Since you are contesting only the North Goa seat do you have
a strategic alliance with some candidate in South Goa?

Cecil: Actually I am looking for a sort of 'running mate' in South
Goa. A dark skinned female, so we can have the gender angle also
covered. I have found an interesting woman named Melanin in Agassaim
who fits the bill. Her mother's name is Melissa and father is Menin.

Melwyn: Do you have any specific demands for dark skinned people?

Cecil: Of course. Discrimination should be fought with reservations.
We demand 30% government jobs to be reserved for dark skinned people.
And we should get discounts on the Kadamba buses and on the Konkan
Railway and 50% of all actors in Konkani movies should be dark

Nilesh: Why movies?

Cecil: Check out our movies. All the actors are either light skinned
or use extensive make-up to appear fair. This is not at all
representative of real life where there are as many, if not more, dark
skinned than light skinned people. This portrayal leads to false
aspirations and that is why we have this curious anomaly in India
where more fairness cream is produced and sold than life saving
antiseptic cream.

Alister: Have you actually yourself faced discrimination because of
your dark skin?

Cecil: Well at many restaurants waiters tend to ignore me.

Alister: That could be because of your belligerent attitude, your
sloppy dressing and unattractive personality rather than because of
your skin colour.

Cecil: Ok. Before marriage in dating situations I rarely got to score
with the good looking girls.

Alister: That probably had to do with your looks, approach, talk,
clothes, money etc rather than specifically your skin colour.

Cecil: In beach picnic photos only my eyes and teeth can be seen.

Alister: Salt water and direct sunlight on the skin have the effect of
extra darkening. Foreigners use it all the while for a darker tan. A
naturally dark person is a healthier person and less likely to develop
skin cancer.

Cecil: Really? And what about the fact that I can't get a tattoo
because it doesn't show and ….Oiiiee! Hold on you're supposed to be
asking the questions and I have the answers. Look at Rama, Krishna,
Vishnu, Kali, Draupadi… all described as dark skinned in the Vedas but
portayed as light skinned, or even blue, today. The Aryan invasion,
followed by centuries of Western 

[Goanet] Black is back

2009-02-10 Thread Cecil Pinto
Black is back
Jumping skin-deep into politics

By Cecil Pinto

In a stunning declaration at a crowded press conference today
columnist Cecil Pinto declared his candidacy for the North Goa
Parliament seat. A huge banner in the backdrop has the campaign
slogan, Dark brown is the new black!

Frederick: Let me get this clear. Your main plank is going to be skin colour?

Cecil: My only plank will be my dark skin and the dark skins of my
supporters seated here on the dais with me. Will someone please make
the lights brighter? Anyone is free to join my campaign as long as
they are dark complexioned.

Nigel: How do you measure dark complexion?

Cecil: Do you see this lump of clay here on the table? This is pure
'chikol' from the bed of the Mandovi River, with of course a few
unavoidable mining rejects mixed in it. If your complexion is darker
than this chikol please feel free to join us in our fight.

Aarti: But what has skin colour got to do with electoral politics?

Cecil: What has ethnicity, caste or religion got to do with choosing a
candidate? But they are brought up every time to garner votes. I was
inspired by Obama. If a black man could become the President of the
USA why not a dark brown man represent North Goa in Parliament?

Lisa: But Obama did not use his skin colour as his only qualification.

Cecil: That's his problem. You must have heard of the Beauty
Contestant who answered the question round saying, I will use my
breasts to fight for world peace, well I am going to fight colourism
using my dark skin.

Vidhydhar: But is colourism that big an issue in India as compared to the West?

Cecil: Please understand that in the West the bigger problem is
racism. When they say 'black' or 'white' they are referring to race
rather than skin colour. Racism is another ball game all-together.
Here in India within the same race we discriminate based on skin
colour. See how many matrimonial adverts mention fair skin as being
desirable. Show me one matrimonial advert that has someone actually
searching for a darker skinned partner.

Govind: Any other examples you have of Goan colourism?

Cecil: Sure. Mention a newborn child and the second question after
gender, baba or babee, is Nitov asa? which is a euphemism for Is it
fair? In fact many years back when I was dating a lovely dark skinned
girl my friends at the time used to tease me that if we married our
children would have to be named 'cavlo' (crow) or 'koalso' (charcoal)
or 'khapri' (negro) or 'kalia' (blacky). Of course they were fair
weather friends.

Prakash: Since you are contesting only the North Goa seat do you have
a strategic alliance with some candidate in South Goa?

Cecil: Actually I am looking for a sort of 'running mate' in South
Goa. A dark skinned female, so we can have the gender angle also
covered. I have found an interesting woman named Melanin in Agassaim
who fits the bill. Her mother's name is Melissa and father is Menin.

Melwyn: Do you have any specific demands for dark skinned people?

Cecil: Of course. Discrimination should be fought with reservations.
We demand 30% government jobs to be reserved for dark skinned people.
And we should get discounts on the Kadamba buses and on the Konkan
Railway and 50% of all actors in Konkani movies should be dark

Nilesh: Why movies?

Cecil: Check out our movies. All the actors are either light skinned
or use extensive make-up to appear fair. This is not at all
representative of real life where there are as many, if not more, dark
skinned than light skinned people. This portrayal leads to false
aspirations and that is why we have this curious anomaly in India
where more fairness cream is produced and sold than life saving
antiseptic cream.

Alister: Have you actually yourself faced discrimination because of
your dark skin?

Cecil: Well at many restaurants waiters tend to ignore me.

Alister: That could be because of your belligerent attitude, your
sloppy dressing and unattractive personality rather than because of
your skin colour.

Cecil: Ok. Before marriage in dating situations I rarely got to score
with the good looking girls.

Alister: That probably had to do with your looks, approach, talk,
clothes, money etc rather than specifically your skin colour.

Cecil: In beach picnic photos only my eyes and teeth can be seen.

Alister: Salt water and direct sunlight on the skin have the effect of
extra darkening. Foreigners use it all the while for a darker tan. A
naturally dark person is a healthier person and less likely to develop
skin cancer.

Cecil: Really? And what about the fact that I can't get a tattoo
because it doesn't show and ….Oiiiee! Hold on you're supposed to be
asking the questions and I have the answers. Look at Rama, Krishna,
Vishnu, Kali, Draupadi… all described as dark skinned in the Vedas but
portayed as light skinned, or even blue, today. The Aryan invasion,
followed by centuries of Western colonialism, have made us apologetic
about our dark skinned heritage. I intend setting 

Re: [Goanet] Black is back

2009-02-10 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Cecil Pinto wrote: 
Black is back

 Jumping skin-deep into politics
 Cecil: Of course. Discrimination should be fought with reservations.
 We demand 30% government jobs to be reserved for dark skinned people.
 And we should get discounts on the Kadamba buses and on the Konkan
 Railway and 50% of all actors in Konkani movies should be dark

I think you got this one backwards.
In India, 100% of jobs and bus/railway tickets should be for the dark skins.
Those who want special status because of their fair skins should demonstrate 
status by paying a premium for bus/train ticked and govt jobs. 

 Cecil: Nothing of that sort. We have to check if the wannabe
 supporters are truly dark skinned or just sun tanned. We therefore
 check the skin on their buttocks which is a true measure of skin
 colour as opposed to other parts of the body. This behind checking
 obviously has to be behind closed doors.

I think the above is the religious way of identifying skin colour. The more 
way is found in today's, The Globe and Mail of Toronto. Here it is:
To begin, please point your elbow to the ceiling. Then imagine yourself 
Robert Krulwich reports for U.S. National Public Radio. Then look at the patch 
of skin 
on the inside of your upper arm, the part of you that almost never sees the 
Whatever colour you see there is what experts call your basic skin colour, 
to Nina Jablonski, head of Pennsylvania State University's department of 

 Derek: Any slogans you intend using for your campaign?

 Cecil: Oh yes. We put the coal in coalition. We can see in the dark
 – but you can't see us. Pretend we're pre-tanned. That's not dirt,
 it's my skin colour. Dark complexions vs mega complexes. We're
 dark skinned not thick skinned. It's time for the kala. The kala
 has come. Ab tera kya hoga paklia?. And when we win the elections
 with a massive majority our victory slogan will be, Ailo re ailo, kalia 

This last paragraph is most excellent!

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