Re: [Goanet] Bringing Goans back to Goa is our dream" Deputy CM of Goa

2012-12-17 Thread joe lobo
   Stating  my  opinions  frankly  which  will  irritate   many  in  
officialdom in   federal ( central government ) and   Goa  State  ministries  
they   give , as  we  say in north america , a  tinker`s  da** ,   if  so  
called  well -meaning  goans  who  have  resided abroad  return or  not  
.and  know  that  the  red  tape is  there  to  prevent  their return  
do  so. These  sort  of  goans   will only point out  the aberrations in 
activities  that are  meant  to   help  rich  and  influential  out - of -  
state  Indians  who`d  like  to  operate   businesses  and questionable   
activities with  no  criticism ,  whether  they  be  former  military stalwarts 
 or former   governors  or  favoured - by-  the- present- State- authorities.  
Indian  consulates  abroad  constrained  by  their  masters  in the  foreign  
ministry  in  N.D.  have   their  hands  tied  and  are  forced  to  follw  
every " p"  and   "q"  in the  instructions  from the  hq in  N. D.
- Original Message - 
From: "manuel tavares" 
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 4:17 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Bringing Goans back to Goa is our dream" Deputy CM of Goa

Maria has raised some very good points and the Minister responsible for looking 
into these affairts should  take note or someone should bring these to his 
attention. As she states, I am reproducing below her list.( Goanet Vol 7 Issue 

I have heard from many that the personnel at the Indian consular facilities 
make is so difficult to obtain OCI documents that a lot of people give up in 
desperation and instead apply for the regular visas which is also a hassle. 
These are not cheap either and something has to be done about this. Besides the 
personnel at these facilities are often rude and uncooperative. India should 
select empathetic people to represent their interests abroad and not send 
uncouth personnel who I am sure are dispatched due to having some political 
clout and are a disgrace to India. This must be stopped. Some of the personnel 
cannot even express themselves in understandable English.

Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares.

2) Stop imposing fines and heavy charges for surrendering EU passports and
providing OCI
3) Arrange cheaper fares throughout the year by our national carrier as the
budgeted airlines' fares are mostly soaring and passengers have to pay for
food and baggage
4) Create employment not only for returning Goans but also for those who are
already residing in Goa and are unemployed... rather than bringing workers
from other Indian states.

To bring about improvements in Goa:
1) Electricity and water - free flow round-the-clock
2) Market/Shopkeepers/groceries - hygiene and price regulation whereby
Municipality personnel should have regular checks and discourage bribes
3) Streamline transportation system - stricter rules for violators perhaps
introduce traffic signals and zebra crossing thus having pedestrians safely
crossing roads - imposing fines rather than encouraging bribes would educate
the public in safety awareness.
4) Garbage tips to be increased in cities and villages which should be
cleared twice a day - fine those spitting and urinating in public.
5) Restaurants to be inspected frequently ensuring hygiene and mainly
garbage/oils disposal which blocks the main drains and creates unhygienic
standards for surrounding residents and increasing pests like rats, rodents,
flies and mosquitoes - visit to hospitals is a clear proof as malaria
patients are on the rise. hospitals have to be upgraded - more beds,
hospital supplies,proper nursing staff who should be soft spoken/caring,
toilets refurbished and attended to on hourly basis and proper canteens.

Of course the list can go on and on but this can be attended to by the
Ministers who take their oaths in bringing about changes in their respective

[Goanet] Bringing Goans back to Goa is our dream - Deputy CM of Goa (Response to Floriano by Rose Fernandes)

2012-12-17 Thread Melvyn Fernandes
Dear Floriano

Your post was excellent, ending 2012 with a big BANG. Anyone speaking about our 
mother tongue like that calls for more than a few sparks...our 
community should always take great pride we have our own language, culture and 
cuisine which is now particularly celebrated around the world on 18/19 
August on World Goa Day, an ideal opportunity to remind us of home and 
introduce our culture to foreign lands.

Fully appreciate what you are saying, however my experience is quite the 
reverse of yours. Having been born in East Africa and then moving to the United 
Kingdom, everyone around me is amazed at how much I love Konkani and that 
includes my own 80+ year old mother who incidentally is still trying to figure 
out. Talking with one of my classmates, also a Goan, this very topic came up, 
having said I love Konkani music and would love to talk in Konkani fluently, 
passed some remark to which I asked her if she considered herself to be 
English? This does not come down to whether one can or one cannot speak our 
language, it is more the attitude of our community towards our own mother 
tongue that gets me, the impression they give you of having moved on to bigger 
better things, perhaps they should ask themselves the question WHAT? 

Take France, none of our community can expect to live in France PERMANENTLY 
without learning to speak French..will any of us dispute this, NO, because 
is a fact. The French are a classic example of patriotism to their language, 
food and culture.

The policy of your party and your posting is the best I have seen on goanet on 
amchi bas. 

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

17 December 2012

[Goanet] Bringing Goans back to Goa is our dream" Deputy CM of Goa

2012-12-16 Thread manuel tavares
Maria has raised some very good points and the Minister responsible for looking 
into these affairts should  take note or someone should bring these to his 
attention. As she states, I am reproducing below her list.( Goanet Vol 7 Issue 

I have heard from many that the personnel at the Indian consular facilities 
make is so difficult to obtain OCI documents that a lot of people give up in 
desperation and instead apply for the regular visas which is also a hassle. 
These are not cheap either and something has to be done about this. Besides the 
personnel at these facilities are often rude and uncooperative. India should 
select empathetic people to represent their interests abroad and not send 
uncouth personnel who I am sure are dispatched due to having some political 
clout and are a disgrace to India. This must be stopped. Some of the personnel 
cannot even express themselves in understandable English.

Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares.

2) Stop imposing fines and heavy charges for surrendering EU passports and
providing OCI
3) Arrange cheaper fares throughout the year by our national carrier as the
budgeted airlines' fares are mostly soaring and passengers have to pay for
food and baggage
4) Create employment not only for returning Goans but also for those who are
already residing in Goa and are unemployed... rather than bringing workers
from other Indian states.

To bring about improvements in Goa:
1) Electricity and water - free flow round-the-clock
2) Market/Shopkeepers/groceries - hygiene and price regulation whereby
Municipality personnel should have regular checks and discourage bribes
3) Streamline transportation system - stricter rules for violators perhaps
introduce traffic signals and zebra crossing thus having pedestrians safely
crossing roads - imposing fines rather than encouraging bribes would educate
the public in safety awareness.
4) Garbage tips to be increased in cities and villages which should be
cleared twice a day - fine those spitting and urinating in public.
5) Restaurants to be inspected frequently ensuring hygiene and mainly
garbage/oils disposal which blocks the main drains and creates unhygienic
standards for surrounding residents and increasing pests like rats, rodents,
flies and mosquitoes - visit to hospitals is a clear proof as malaria
patients are on the rise. hospitals have to be upgraded - more beds,
hospital supplies,proper nursing staff who should be soft spoken/caring,
toilets refurbished and attended to on hourly basis and proper canteens.

Of course the list can go on and on but this can be attended to by the
Ministers who take their oaths in bringing about changes in their respective