2010-07-22 Thread floriano

A question for you Mr. Kakodkar and to you,  Mr. John Gomes.

Dear Mr. Kakodkar,
Have you by any chance been influenced by PPS which is abundantly available 
on goanet?
I am talking about People for Political Sanity which is displayed by a nice 
looking green sticker.
If Goa's political problems are to be solved, they have to be solved by 
people who want to see 'Political Sanity' in Goa.
That means that they will  have to abandon their 'Congress' , 'BJP' , 'NCP' 
'MGP', 'UGDP' even 'GSRP' tags, ask them to pull their  pants down so that 
they can see what they have down there, and if what they see is good for 
GOA; or kick it in.

Cheers to you for realising that this exercise is vital for the political 
and every other survival of GOA.

Dear Mr. John Gomes,

In our esteemed parliament, they throw shoes and chappals. They pull down 
microphones of the speaker. They stand on the speaker's desk. They flash 
bundles of currency notes.

In Bihar, today, they have suspended 67 MLAs for goondaism, smashing of 
flower pot and decorative vases  and what not.
In Goa, its esteemed speaker is on record of having flung  the statuette of 
Mahatma Gandhi to the floor. During the BJP, they even dragged out the 
opposition MLA.

Have you, by any chance, seen the proceedings of the Parliament of 
Singapore You must have been wondering why that smaller than GOA country 
is so successful?

9890470896  for scroll-up expanded Party Presentation on the home 

PS: You will have to wait until Goa Su-Raj takes over every bench in the Goa 
Legislative Assembly, when MLAs and Ministers will not flex their muscles to 
give the watching cable tv public the erection.


- Original Message - 
From: rajendra kakodkar

Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 10:23 AM


John has pointed out well. His Dos and DONTs are paramount for political 
But mere requests are too mild for the rhino skinned Digus, Alemaos and 
Ravis. They have now started choking democratic avenues of addressing 
injustice using police and other legal provisions supposed to be used only 
against goons like sect 144. Digu enforced sect 144 against the teachers 
when they wanted to agitate, but welcomed fake Moti dongor delegation to 
arrest Mickey. He bashed up and hauled ladies of village groups a month ago 
and now teachers. He has planned a 2000 strong industrial police force to 
crush agitation against mining excesses. He is also planning police bill to 
aid his miner friends.
Time has come not just to suggest and express but act. People wanting to see 
Political Sanity prevailing, must get together in each constituency and act. 
Through the posts on Goanet let us get together.
This is humble request to all goanetters to=A0express their willingness to 
join forces for political sanity. My constituency is Curchoem and my phone 
no is 9822101450.

John gomes wrote:
We would request our honourable members in this monsoon session to please 

1)The Legislative Assembly is a sacred democratic institution.Do not desecr
ate it by unparliamentary actions and behaviour.2) Debate and pointed brief 
Questions and relevant?Answers should be the norm.Please no speeches,talking 
out of turn/together same time,or out shouting to win 


* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * * 


2010-07-21 Thread rajendra kakodkar


John has pointed out well. His Dos and DONTs are paramount for political sanity.
But mere requests are too mild for the rhino skinned Digus, Alemaos and Ravis. 
They have now started choking democratic avenues of addressing injustice using 
police and other legal provisions supposed to be used only against goons like 
sect 144. Digu enforced sect 144 against the teachers when they wanted to 
agitate, but welcomed fake Moti dongor delegation to arrest Mickey. He bashed 
up and hauled ladies of village groups a month ago and now teachers. He has 
planned a 2000 strong industrial police force to crush agitation against mining 
excesses. He is also planning police bill to aid his miner friends.
Time has come not just to suggest and express but act. People wanting to see 
Political Sanity prevailing, must get together in each constituency and act. 
Through the posts on Goanet let us get together.
This is humble request to all goanetters to=A0express their willingness to join 
forces for political sanity. My constituency is Curchoem and my phone no is 

John gomes wrote:
We would request our honourable members in this monsoon session to please note:
1)The Legislative Assembly is a sacred democratic institution.Do not desecr
ate it by unparliamentary actions and behaviour.2) Debate and pointed brief 
Questions and relevant?Answers should be the norm.Please no speeches,talking 
out of turn/together same time,or out shouting to win arguments.
3) Discuss with?PRIORITY our burning issues and lay down implementation 
deadlines UNDER PENALTY for non compliance:
a)Garbage control and Civic Duties. Goa is becoming a Hell from the Paradise it 
was. Roads and public areas are smelling,littered with garbage,cow dung,stray 
cattle and dogs menace. Monkeys proliferation?and big cats danger?in villages 
need attention
b)Unsustainable development,illegal mining, overloaded infrastructure w r 
t?water,electricity,sanitation and traffic control
c) Law and Order,Politicians-Police-Criminals nexus
d) The River Princess cleareance?which delay?is now?a time bomb whose 
shards?will pollute all the? famous beaches in North/South Goa if it 
disentegrates due rust and heavy seas, rendering the waters?unsafe.
4) Please do not pass Bills concerning us without due transparency, our 
knowledge and our feedback.We are proud of our Democracy.
Remember our national emblem has engraved :Satye Mayve Jayathae.Do no 
lettruth be hidden,?manipulated or buried. Good Legislators make truth powerful 
and power truthful!.

* * *

Read Selma Carvalho's warmly-received book *Into the Diaspora Wilderness*, a 
journey through Goan life in Africa, the Gulf, England and North America ... 
gripping and well-told real-life stories. See Buy in Goa via Broadway Book Centre, 
Panjim. Ph 9822488564.

* * *