

GOA SU-RAJ PARTY congratulates the Herald editorial and goes a step forward
to deplore and condemn the shunting of SP Vigilance Mr. Bosco George by the
CM & Home Minister of Goa in a vindictive manner and pleads with the
majority of  right thinking people of Goa to FORGIVE HIM FOR  HIS LAPSES AS
HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT EXACTLY HE IS DOING. He seems to have cut off his
nose to spite his  own face.  Through this spiteful and vengeance seeking
act of his,  he is putting the welfare of this State at great risks. Today,
more so than every before, the need of the hour is the promote and support
honest Officers of  the Law enforcing agencies and give them all facilities
and man-power to  go after the crooks that are ruining the name our golden
GOA by cutting corners and helping themselves with what belongs to the
people of Goa, who pay through their noses to keep this state afloat,
preventing it from  sinking  to the bottom of the deep cliff with the
tremendous burden of public debts which is weighing heavily on the heads of
Goa's posterity.

GOA SU-RAJ PARTY, in its ROAD MAP FOR GOA has dedicated the Chapter [I] LAW
& ORDER [4] POLICE of its ROAD MAP FOR GOA to Goa's Honest to core Law
Enforcement Officers and shall see to it that they be honoured through
implementing what has been said in words, thoughts and spirit as under:

*4.  Police:*

*Police Department shall be freed from the interference by the Executive
Branch. It shall be fully equipped to fight crime with modern methods.
Police stations shall be provided with adequate transport/patrol vehicles
fitted with modern communication facilities. Recruitment procedures shall
be streamlined to give equal representation to the main communities of Goa.
The Police force shall be brought under a ‘Civilian Services Board’.  A
public relations bureau shall be set up at the police headquarters which
shall be responsible to implement and oversee the establishment of public
relations desks at each police station to improve police-public relations
at all levels. Such designated officers at every police station shall be
responsible for the building up of the confidence of the public in the
police force, follow-up on criminal complaints and complaints against any
police personnel for dereliction of duties and/or misconduct. Special
programs shall be designed to train all police personnel in matters of
traffic laws, hygiene, good mannerism, handling of telephone and/or
communications systems and public psychology (including mob psychology) and
techniques on how to control mobs, demonstrations and morchas without
resorting to unnecessary violence. *

*Investigating Officers (IOs) in criminal cases shall be held accountable
for shoddy/poor or unsatisfactory investigations resulting in cases being
dismissed by the Courts. This will be taken into account at the time of
considering promotions.*

*The absence of the police on regular beats and/or patrolling during the
night hours has become chronic. Confidence of the public in the police
needs to be drastically improved. Police patrols during night hours shall
be made effective and mandatory. *




GSRP strongly believes that Tomazinho Cardozo, with due respect to him, is
burping from a longtime of indigestion caused by politricks more than the
politics that he was a part of.

As a past politician himself and an honourable speaker of the august Goa
legislative Assembly under the then Congress regime, his honesty as
the speaker of the house was in question. However, we give it to him that
he is one hundred per cent right in saying what he says. Truly, politics
has become the  last recourse of crooks with drug mafia and matka kingpins
coming into politics  to subvert the  good name of POLITICS. His retirement
from politics could be one of the reasons that he no longer wants to be
seen supporting the politricks which is being dished out in the  name of
politics. We do consider him to be an honest and an upright person  making
honest statements. However, he should not mix POLITRICKS with POLITICS.
Politics could also be virgin clean if the right SYSTEM is found,
encouraged, elevated and supported. It does not matter that persons who
come into this SYSTEM  to  take it forward are not honest to the core or
are down to earth crooks. The former will have their way in taking the
SYSTEM forward, unimpeded, but those who come into the SYSTEM to manipulate
and milk it to serve themselves shall be left frustrated and shall walk out
of their own volition just like the proverbial FOX walks away calling the
grapes SOUR when not able to have them. GSRP would want TOMAZINHO
CARDOZO go through the GOA SU-RAJ PARTY'S ROAD MAP FOR GOA and Articles 34
& 38 of its CONSTITUTION [which are availble to refer to on its website
www.goasu-raj.org] and tell the people of Goa if he still feels that there


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