*Cansaulim People’s Wishes – Can the Pachecos prove their worth?*

Mickey Pacheo has not stopped short of publicly declaring Viola’s
candidature for the Cortalim seat as the People’s Wishes. Can the Pachecos
prove themselves worth by addressing the wishes of Cansaulim people who have
opposed tooth and nail the unfavorable megahousing projects of well known
outsiders threatening their villages? While the local MLA Mauvin Godhino has
shown his true colors, he should realize that he is not a permanently
elected MLA and that the People’s Voice is supreme and he should be brought
to justice. It is highly pertinent that Goans in their best interest prevent
notorious builders community and outsiders like Abo Bakr Sheik from
destroying the sanctity and ecology of the pristine and calm Cansaulim
village before things go out of hand and lawlessness and anarchy prevails.
The directory of panchayats and bureaucrats who have acted as stooges of
political masters to subdued and harass innocent local villagers should be
made accountable and they need to be pursued in courts till they lose their
retirement benefits to deter the other lots. Meanwhile the people of
Cansaulim-Cuelim-Arossim in parallel should keep up their fight by staying
united and they should not hesitate to file contempt petitions against the
builder, police, MLA and their stooges at a time when the Honourable High
Court bench has already passed stringent judgements against this project.
The people should also not shy away from approaching other social activists,
NRIs and environmental ministries to highlight gross violation and
manipulations but even approach the Courts to demolish any illegalities
committed which is the best solution in their favour.

*Rupert Coutinho*

*UAE *

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