The 39th edition of the Annual Directory of the Archdiocese of Bombay will be made available from October 4, 2021 at the following centres for a price of Rs 150 per copy. Those wishing to purchase six copies or more are required to make payment by cheque favouring "Archdiocese of Mumbai Charitable Foundation".
Available at the following centers between 9 am and 5 pm, till October end: * Mr Jacinto, Archdiocesan Finance Office, Eucharistic Congress Bldg II, Fort * Fr Vincent D'Cruz, Diocesan Catechetical Centre, Kane Road, Bandra * The Parish Priest, St John the Baptist Church, Thane * Fr Godwin Fernandes, St Pius X College, Archdiocesan Seminary, Goregaon (E) >From November 1, 2021, stocks permitting, copies of the directory will be available only at the Archdiocesan Finance Office, Fort. The Examiner, Oct 2-8, 2021. ᐧ