A thoughtful critique by Journalist Nandini Krishnan, Chennai
"The Maoists have consistently turned down invitations to hold talks.
India doesn’t have the best record where ‘talks’ are concerned - we’ve
been ‘talking’ to Pakistan for half a century - but is killing
non-Naxals a solution to this?
It may have been Abraham Lincoln who famously quoted the Bible and
said “a house divided against itself cannot stand”.  But the adage
hasn’t been proved true as many times in any other country as in
India. It is this quality which saw parts being swallowed whole by the
Mughals and then raped by the British.
We can debate about a government attacking its own citizens, but how
can those who claim to be exempt from the law qualify as citizens? We
live in far more dangerous times than the Colonial Era, and the world
is watching as the big candidate for the United Nations Security
Council struggles with ‘internal security threats’.
In an age of neo-colonialism and terrorism, with far too many vested
interests to keep track of, what are we opening ourselves to in
providing forums for Maoist sympathisers? "
read the full interesting story

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