                        **** Goanet Classifieds ****

   Enescil, a Brazilian engineering firm requires Engineers, Architects

    and Draftsmen, proficient in AutoCAD, for their new office in Goa

   Those interested can email enescil....@gmail.com by 15 November 2011

     Selected candidates will be sent to Brazil for 2 months training


Children`s day
The day coincides with the birth anniversary of Jawharlal Nehru He was very
fond of children and is affectionately called as Chacha Nehru In the Bible
too, Jesus was very fond of children and loved their company and innocence.
It is a day to focus on the needs and rights of children to live  and enjoy
the joyous life of a child It means that the child should not be burdened
with the responsibilities of adult life too early in their life. The
children are exploited lot in India . In spite of stringent laws of child
labour, many are engaged in back breaking .long hours of work and in
hazardous and dangerous situations  They have often ed been denied basic
human rights and treated as bonded slaves Countries have refused to
purchased goods manufactured for exports involving child labour,but that is
a small mercy to dissuade child labour The children employed in homes  and
hotel industry are a suffering lot In poor families more children assure
survival rate and also add to family income by their contribution Devoid of
employment means starvation. The officers engaged in checking child labour
often turn a blind eye  and the system continues to exists in spite of the
best legislation The girl child in  particular is always at the receiving
end for survival, growth and educational facilities and is looked down as
an liability
The legislation requiring compulsory education up to the age of 14 years is
all on paper This a very wonderful piece of legislation that would take
care of all the attendant problems, if it is enforced  with the  will
necessary. The children outside the formal education are a real target
of exploitation The free meals  cash incentives, and being supplied with
all the school needs are an encouragement for the poor families to
encourage the child education , development and happy child hood. Many a
govt schemes have had meaningful impact on the children growth and
happiness Special mention of eradication of diseases is appreciable The
mere number of children and lack of facilities created for them is the real
Children must be able to live life as a child, care free and not an
miniature adult in the making
November 14 is marked more as a political gimmick to remember and
perpetuate the cult and the memory of J.Nehru and whatever is announced is
of secondary importance. It is far to less to impact the life of children
of the poor Most of the schemes announced for the children
are forgotten the next day, due to input of  financial constraints
 The child has all the feelings, motions , expectations that many a times
we as adults ignore and consider as mere childish What they need most is
love, recognition and acceptance These are positive factors that enable the
child full growth to its potential What is of paramount significance is to
address the problems and solution to children outside the formal education
system Many of them will hungry on that day, not even aware of the
significance and dedication of the day in their honour Child labour must be
strictly enforced and such children must be provided the luxury of basic
necessity to wean them away from the clutches of child exploiters.Adoption
of children , setting up homes and play centres providing nutritious food ,
medical care will address their problems
 Every day is a children day to stress the importance of children as the
national human wealth of the country. No doubt the future of the Country
rests on the pillars of children and mere lip sympathy will not wish away
the concern and action for the children of India
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


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