[Goanet] Christians/Hindu names and the right of free speech

2009-09-27 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 06:01:00 +0530 (IST)
From: Bernice Pereira bernicepere...@yahoo.com

What is all this noise being created about Christians bearing Hindu names.? A 
rose by any name would smell the same.? Whether someone is named Tom, Dick or 
Harry or Rajendra, Hitendra or Gopal what difference would it make to the 
individuals themselves.  Does not Goa have enough of problems which can be 
addressed through this excellent forum of Goanet, instead of wasting valuable 
space over inconsequential issues?

Mario responds:

As the first one on Goanet to chastize Jorge for confusing names with religion, 
I agree with the first part of the comment above.  But with all due respect, I 
must take issue with the last sentence based on my passionate belief in free 

What may be a waste of time or inconsequential to one person, may be of serious 
heartfelt importance to another - even if what they write may be absurd in 
everyone else's eyes.  In an open forum, who gets to judge what is of interest 
to someone else?  What we do have is the right to respond, or not, and this 
topic drew considerable response, i.e. several people did not feel it was a 
waste of their time to respond.

Yes Goa has enough problems that need to be addressed, and there are plenty of 
posts on Goanet regarding those problems, on all sides of every issue.

However, since this is an open international forum for content of interest to 
Goan communities worldwide as per the Goanet Rules, members may opine on 
anything they choose to.  Some members read every post.  Others decide whether 
to read a post by the subject line, or the name of the poster.  They can 
respond, or not, in any civil way they choose to, expressing irritation or 
exasperation if they choose to, as long as they avoid abusive language and/or 
personal abuse and/or deliberate slander and calumny while doing so.  Some of 
these discussions go on ad nauseum.  The moderators are required to step in and 
close a thread when this gets out of hand.

In countries like India and the USA patriots have given their lives for the 
principle of free speech.  Some of our members live under oppressive regimes 
where free speech is prohibited.  Goanet may be one of the few ways they can 
express themselves.  As the lone voice on Goanet for reason, truth and peace, I 
suggest we let them.

A philosophy I recommend for the consideration of everyone is, I disapprove of 
what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

This pithy quote has been widely attributed to the French philosopher, 
Francois-Marie Arouet, a.k.a. Voltaire, but others claim it was written by an 
admirer of Voltaire, Evelyn Beatrice Hall, to summarize Voltaire's philosophy.

So, I say, if Jorge, or anyone else for that matter, wants to lob another 
verbal bombshell on us all, may he be free to do so, and may others be free to 
ignore, acquiesce, or fire back if they choose to:-))

[Goanet] Christians/Hindu names

2009-09-26 Thread Bernice Pereira
What is all this noise being created about Christians bearing Hindu names.  A 
rose by any name would smell the same.  Whether someone is named Tom, Dick or 
Harry or Rajendra, Hitendra or Gopal what difference would it make to the 
individuals themselves. Does not Goa have enough of problems which can be 
addressed through this excellent forum of Goanet, instead of wasting valuable 
space over inconsequential issues.     

Bernice Pereira

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[Goanet] Christians, Hindu names ... and controversy (Selma Carvalho's Goanet highlights)

2009-09-23 Thread Goanet News
Goanet highlights by Selma Carvalho

In recent weeks there has been a backlash against activists
in Goa. Here Venita Coelho espouses their cause.

Are Christians with Hindu-names cowards? Jorge Dias, came in
for strident opposition when he aired his views that those
who hold onto their Hindu names are afraid to live up to the
sacrifices called upon by Christianity. Much as I disagree
with Jorge, there is something to be said about Goans who
retained their Hindu names and took on Portuguese surnames.
While the working class happily took on names of Portuguese
trees, foxes, flowers and whatever else the Portuguese were
throwing at us, it was the Brahmins who retained their
duality thereby holding onto their caste links. Relinquishing
their religion was one thing, relinquishing their caste was
quite another. It meant relinquishing their power-hold and
that proved more difficult to do than to renounce God.

A response to this assertion from Naguesh Bhatcar.

Tony D'Sa wonders about the future of Goanet itself as a tool
for creating social capital.

Did former CM of Goa and now slated to lead the BJP at the
national level really call the Prime-Minister-in-awaiting,
L K Advani a rancid, ageing pickle?

Vinay Natekar tells us why Parrikar may be right.

The tourist-state of Goa has longed been plagued by garbage
problems. One young environmentalist who has long taken up
this cause is Clinton Vaz. He was collecting samples from the
River Sal, when men his age only dream of getting a Honda
motorbike. Here he talks about his dreams of a 'zero-waste'

Was being a tiatrist a Catholic Goan artistic profession?
JoeGoaUK busts this myth by presenting us with a non-Catholic

JoeGoaUK brings us a touch of Goan nostalgia with this
classic Konkani black and white movie song, Svettor kor.

Selma Carvalho looks at Goan traditions being preserved in
cyberspace, this time that of the good old balcão fight.

Dominic Fernandes continues to fascinate us with the minutia
of Goa life in a bygone era, here with Part 4 of the
Forgotten Tribe, Mhar.

Turning his attention away from out-migration, Valmiki
Faleiro now gives us a historical preview of in-migration in
his series, G'bye Goa.

Pandu Lampiao tells us why behind those benign smiles, Goans
may actually be quite racist.

Goa, FA Secretary, Savio Messias pays a touching tribute to
his close friend Noel da Mima Leitao, in 'Noel we will miss you.'

GaspersWorld brings us an interview with a rising Goan star,
Katty de Navelin.

An in-depth analysis of the Denationalization of Goans, a
phrase first made popular by T.B Cunha by Nishtha Desai.

And finally JoeGoaUK continues his photo-documentary of Goa
by bringing us breathtaking pictures of its rich Baroque

SEND IN your comments on these and any other issues to goa...@goanet.org
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