Dear Sapna,

I didn't want to engage myself in this basically 'mindless' talk about Goa's so called 'worst in the world' shocking' Portuguese sponsored inquisition of the past 400 years. But since you seemed to me a gullible (non-goan) goanetter who didn't know that you may have touched the wrong chord wanting to know, in your expressed innocence, why Goa's historic past, more specifically Goa's past related to the inquisition, was not rattled off by every third rate tourist guide that takes you and people like you around in the vicinity of "Old Goa', let me say that in Goa, in Goa, we had to put up with festering tumors which are 100 per cent communally malignant, who have been trying to label sincere, unsuspecting, secular and peaceful Goans, who would want nothing more but to keep Goa's historic past buried in the achieves and libraries and not have it flaunted on the roads, streets, pathways and alleyways of Goa, more specifically the streets of Mala Fontainhas, if you know what I mean, as Portuguese lackeys.

I must bring to your kind attention that very recently, one of the most malignant and festering communal tumor, who happened to be elevated (or got himself elevated from the back door) to the chair of Goa's esteemed Chief Minister, tried to dig into Goa's inquisition past by promoting a VCD, a third rate one at that (as far as real and authentic information is concerned), but mostly intended to be pushed down the throat of Goa's schools so that this communal venom would be spread deep into the hearts of budding future Goans and cultivate a crop of communal vipers to bring peaceful Goa to its knees.

Again for your kind information, secular minded and peace loving Goans (self included) fought tooth and nail to clip this malignant tumor, in other words 'showed him the door' and will want to keep the door shut for him forever, never to allow him and his ilk to spread the venom of communalism in Goa. Just as well, the 15th. Lok Sabha has seen to it that the job is well done.

Therefore, you should not be surprised if you were barked at when you openly touched this live wound of Goa's inquisition. My qualified advice to you is to visit one or more of our excellent libraries to educate yourself on the topic which seems to be holding your attention, or simply hit the web pages (goggles etc) to keep yourself well informed.

Lastly, I must confess that you may have been taken for one of them 'tumors' who most often invade goanet or otherwise with pseudo names, 'as Jason says' to provoke the more conscious and secular minded goanetters, who may be tired out arguing about the inquisition and would want to talk about more worthwhile things like how to bring in an altogether 'GOOD GOVERNANCE' oriented government in Goa and to banish from the face of Goa, the present 'self-seeking' congress government lead by Digamber Kamat as also the 'communally malignant' government of the recent past .

I thank you for your patience.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Sapna Shahani" <>
To: "Jason Keith Fernandes" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Comment about Bom Jesus Basilica among 7 wonders ofPortuguese origin

Jason, It wasn't my intention at all to provoke. By the way, I was raised
Catholic (I am Anglo-Indian). What gives me the impression that Inquisition
information is not known to visitors from outside Goa are my interactions
with people I have met over 20 years of living in Goa on and off.
Please don't confuse me with right-wing Hindus whom I've been given to...............

for you to know any other blind spots that I may have.

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Jason Keith Fernandes <> wrote:

Dear Sapna,

From the sounds of your email it sounds like you are provoking us.

  • ... Sapna Shahani
    • ... J. Colaco < jc>
    • ... Joe Lobo
    • ... Joao Barros-Pereira
    • ... Jason Keith Fernandes
      • ... Sapna Shahani
        • ... Gabriel de Figueiredo
        • ... J. Colaco < jc>
        • ... Jason Keith Fernandes
        • ... floriano
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
    • ... eric pinto
    • ... Venantius Pinto
    • ... Mario Goveia
      • ... Sapna Shahani
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
    • ... Dr. U. G. Barad
    • ... Venantius Pinto
    • ... mgoveia
    • ... Joao Barros-Pereira

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