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                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:     http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php



We have gathered 
reliable information that on Monday 17th October 2011 evening there was a
 meeting at residence of Bamon Mario Pinto (Sarpanch of Divar/ Piedade) 
whereby a couple of people from Vanxim island were called for a meeting.
 Local panch Manuel Furtado, his brother Assis Furtado gathered these 
few people and took them for this meeting telling them that their sale 
deeds will be done if they support so called project.

At this meeting there was a Lawyer, also a Bamon that represents 
Archbishop of Goa as he declared himself "I am the Archbishop's lawyer 
but I am not sent by Archbishop and I will help you'll to get your sale 
deeds done" Waman Meshram often says in his public speeches that 
Brahmins/Bamons who are Lawyers are double badmash.

People said 'we will not allow the project until sale deeds are done'. 
Immediately chamchas of Mahendra Gaunekar jumped the chair and said 'we 
will take in writing from you'll that when the project work will start 
you will not raise any objections. Only under this conditions your sale 
deeds will be done.' Right to express is freedom guaranteed under the 
Constitution of India under Article 19. This covers right to dissent. If
 Mahendra Gaunekar finds constitution of India as a threat to 
realization of his disastrous project then it is very serious matter.

If the Constitution of India Gaunekar want to subvert by submitting 
people of Vanxim in this throttling fashion then decisive moment is fast
 approaching to defend the Constitution of India in Vanxim as well as 
rest of Goa. Bamons in any way never believed and respected constitution
 of India or 75% of this country would not have been in poverty.

In any case they have turned Indian democracy into brahmanocracy. What 
is happening over Vanxim is totally understandable. Constitution of 
India is a threat to the Bamons whether it for Mahendra Gaunekar, 
Archbishop of Goa Felipe Neri Ferrao, his Lawyer, Sarpanch Mario Pinto 
and all other Bamons who are doing business also because they are also 
given right to do so by this very constitution of India.

Bharat mukti Morcha calls upon all the Mulnivasi people all over to rise
 up to defend Constitution of India and all are welcome for mega Public 
Meeting on Saturday 29 october 2011 at 2.30 pm at Azad Maidan, Panjim.

Jai Mulnivasi!


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