[Goanet] Cornel's long-awaited comeback

2007-07-05 Thread Gilbert Lawrence


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Hi Cornel, 

Welcome back into circulation. I am glad to see your computer has made a 
recovery. Likely both it and you are rearing to go - only God knows where.:=))  
Also with the summer break, many of you in academics may have a lot of 
free-time on your hands.

To make your response on the Goan caste issue more logical and relevant, let me 
try and be more helpful i.e. more blunt, than I was in my last posts. It 
appears you did not get the hint. There may be more caste issues and other 
"superiority complex / attitudes" among Goans in London and UK, especially 
those who left Goa long time ago, than among Goans who grew up in Goa-Bombay 
and rest of India. These latter Goans had ample opportunities to mingle, grow 
and be educated with a wide-cross section of Goans and Indians.  I am not 
trying to disparage a broad section of the Goan community in the UK. Yet 
perhaps this may be the major reason for the bee-in-your-bonnet, given your 
limited interaction of down to earth Goans.  Those who seek to condemn me for 
making this suggestion, should really be directing their posts and ire at you. 
They should explain YOUR problem of Goan caste in England in general and London 
in particular.

BTW, in case you have missed it, many Goanetters in addition to me, have 
written posts, condemning Catholic posters who sermonize and "beat their 
chests" about caste among today's Goan Catholics.  Most Goans who talk about 
other people's caste, use the issue to hide their own ignorance and poor 

More recently, again in case you missed it, Bhandare tirade about Goan 
Catholics condemning Manu, was a direct response to posts like YOURS about 
Indian caste. Perhaps this link may appear in your "international paper". 
(saiba bogos:=)).  Yet I did not see you respond to Bhandare.

So I look forward to your post about Goan caste.  Pray, do not play the same 
rebbec and repeat what you have said before.:=))
Kind Regards, GL

[Goanet] Cornel's long awaited comeback

2007-07-09 Thread Bhandare


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Dear Gilbert:

Before being a member of Goanet I was under the
impression that formal education encourages people to
be more liberal 
But the archives, exchanges on goanet  and thru mails
received in private I am convinced that inspite of
being educated many posters here:

1. deliberately confuse other peoples gender (possibly
to make up for lack of any other argument or merely
for cheap humor)

2. indulge in gratutious name calling and verbal
intimidation (ironically in support of tolerance)

3.Grossly misrepresent facts and statements of other
people whose views they dont agree with (includes
doctors,journalists, sundry financial gurus,etc)

4. Condone pedophilia, and religious persecution of
indigenous population (because it seems our ancestors
were uncivilised pagans worshipping snakes and stones
and also because that practice is the root cause why
India is backward)

5.Spread outright falsehoods and absurd theories
related but not limited to tourism in Goa, origins of

I hope more people can elaborate on thse points


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Re: [Goanet] Cornel's long awaited comeback

2007-07-08 Thread Gilbert Lawrence


Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in Sports

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Hi Cornel,

Thanks for your post.  From the first paragraph in your recent response (see 
below), it would appear that your remarks to the Catholic Cardinal of London 
(see below from your prior post) were not really true.  You mean to say you 
actually "fotti matha" to of all persons the Cardinal of London?  Ok, he is not 
the Anglican Arch-bishop of Canterbury. Do you know people have gone to the 
Tower of London for confusing the Archbishop of Canterbury?  Back to your 
contradictory statements, this disconnect raises a lot of questions.  Like your 
friend across the pond, please do not come up with some lame explanations. Or 
Bommaim amchem tempar munta "cockamamie excuses".:=)) Did you have this term in 

As to the remainder of your post, it is the same old ... same old.:=)) 
Additionally, you have shifted from "caste among Goans" to "Gilbert's views 
".  Thanks for giving much consideration to my views and for telling me 
what I am saying.  Yet just because you and a few others make a claim, it does 
not become a statement of fact.  Remember Goebels, stated (to the effect) "lie 
often enough and soon, it will be accepted as truth".

Bhandare gave you a pretty good summary of the issue of caste in India and Goa. 
I suggest you stick with that in your IP (International Paper).   You in turn 
will provide Bhandare ample material for his writings or for the RSS web site.

To what Bhandare said, I may add, for the benefit of the Goan victims, that any 
discrimination (caste, religion, economic, social status, region, state of 
origin, skin color, hair texture, beauty etc.) is overcome through education, 
hard work and job mobility. All Indians have access to all of them.  The 
Catholic Church has been in the forefront of education irrespective of the 
above discriminatory factors.  

While caste considerations undoubtedly exists in India, Goa and in the West, 
many use this excuse (victims of discrimination) in Goa, India and the Diaspora 
for not working hard and progressing up the academic and economic ladder.  The 
next generation of "lower caste Goans" are / will be the school and college 
dropouts, and again we will see national and international papers terming it 

Kind Regards, GL

Let me provide a brief response to you in your mistaken view that somehow 
Catholic Goan caste matters afflict places like the UK. Thankfully, they barely 
do if at all.


However, I did get a chance to have a five minute conversation with the 
Cardinal in a one to one situation. He expressed much praise, to me, for the 
Catholic Goans in London. But I did put him right by disclosing, to his seeming 
astonishment, but clear understanding, that many Catholic Goans carried caste 
racism in their hearts and minds.