Fungoid Frog
It is a known fact that most wild animals avoid human beings. The reason
why, is pretty obvious: most humans are very noisy creatures, fairly large
(compared to most animals) and usually extremely dangerous.Luckily (for a
wildlife enthusiast!) not all wild animals share this opinion about us
humans. Some feral creatures not only survive but actually seem to thrive
around people. Many animals actively seek out human habitations to hunt,
breed and build their own homes!

Take for example this Fungoid frog. This beautiful amphibian was
photographed right inside my own room. The little frog had settled in
behind my sleeping bag which was stashed away under a shelf in one corner
of my room. The only reason I knew it was there was because every once in a
while it simply couldn’t stop itself from serenading me with a *series *of
delightful squeals, squeaks and croaks!

This staccato of calls often erupted at random hours and without warning.
But the same cacophony of high pitched croaks and squeaks could also be
brought on if I engaged in a raucous conversation or a shared a hearty
laugh with any person in the vicinity of my room! In this case the response
to our laugh or shout was instantaneous. My suspicion is that it did not
like the idea of not being the loudest one in the room and was therefore
trying to out-sing us! But I could be wrong and maybe the little creature
simply longed to join in on our conversation!

A few days after I had started hearing the little frog’s call I began to
notice it hopping from its resting spot behind my sleeping bag to behind
the fridge on the other side of my room. I can only presume that this was
its hunting spot.One day as it started its short journey across my room I
tried cornering it with my camera. But the little frog evaded me easily and
 immediately found its way to hide behind my fridge.

Moving aside the fridge found me dirt I hadn’t swept in years and the
little amphibian dabbed in a few bits of cobweb! I moved my camera as
slowly as I could towards the small frog so as not to frighten it into
moving away.  That seemed to work and the frog remained unmoving till I got
quite close to it. Three photographs later it had had enough and without
warning it dashed away with lightening speed across my room to hide behind
my sleeping bag!

J. C Daniel’s book (Reptiles and Amphibians of India) offers two possible
explanations for its name. The first one being that the coloration on the
frog’s back resembles the red bark fungus growing on trees on which this
frog is often found living on. The second explanation is that the frog
gives off a powerful fungoid odor when excited.

The book also states that being a land species this frog is reluctant to
enter water and avoids doing so except for breeding!



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