
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


Cycling carries a message, with a new network in Goa

          In this fast paced world; sometimes it becomes very
          important to just slow down and look around. And
          possibly the best way to achieve this, is by
          cycling, says Arti Das [arat...@rediffmail.com] of
          the GOMANTAK TIMES who just explored a whole new world.

I must confess here, that my first love is cycling. I learnt
to do this in my childhood days and always felt, that it gave
me a sense of freedom.

But, with the passage of time, this love took a backseat,
only to be re-born when I heard about the Goa Cycle Club.
Just one month-old, this club initiated by enthusiastic
Joseph Rodrigues, is trying hard to make people aware, that
cycling is synonymous with fitness.

"I am more of an amateur cyclist but I feel it is the best
way to remain fit," says Joseph, who is also a professional
Karate instructor. His main aim through this club, is to make
people aware, that cycling can be feasible in today's times

          "Through this club our three main aims are-to give
          knowledge of fitness through cycling, reduce the
          harmful emission, by using this eco-friendly mode
          of transport and also prevent the ongoing
          congestion on the road," explains Joseph.

Taking his piece of advice and ready to be reunited with my
love, I joined the first cycle trek that was conducted last
Sunday on April 5.

Cycling all the way The cycle trek began with nine cycling
enthusiasts (including myself), from the Miramar circle. We
were a mix, consisting of two students, young professionals,
Anil Pereira, the owner of Champs showroom in Panjim and the
Director of Institute Camoes, Dr Delfim Correia da Silva.

It was a wonderful ride that initiated from Miramar and went
up to the NIO circle in Dona Paula, bypassing the newly done
up roads in Taliegao, steep slope and the University road.

This cycling-cum-chatting experience was a great way to get
closer to the surroundings, giving a sense of bonding with
nature. Like Dr Delfim states, "Cycling has a lot of
advantages-it keeps the body fit, opens one's mind, its good
for the environment and the best thing is that you discover
so many things, which you otherwise would ignore."

          To support this statement, he gave away an example.
          "When I was riding on this University road, I saw
          on a signboard, instructions that were written in
          English, Konkani, Hindi and even Portuguese,
          signifying a more than 40-year-old signboard."

Whereas Dr Luis Dias from Panjim, who is quite committed
about environment issues, believes that this concept of
cycling should grow, and proper awareness should be created.

Joesph believes, that this event in the future will
kick-start wakefulness about cycling as a fitness regime, and
also give way to thinking green.

"We want to conduct at least one such event every month and
also associate it with some other adventure activities like
trekking," concludes Joseph.

          Interested people can join the 'Goa Cycle Club' on
          the social networking website-Facebook. It is free
          to join, provided you know to cycle. For cycle
          treks, arrangements of hiring a cycle can be made.
          For more details contact Joseph Rodrigues on

Courtesy: Gomantak Times
Contact the writer: arat...@rediffmail.com

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