To Goanet -

1) It is hard for me to feel enthusiastic about the upcoming election.  In
my emphatic view, Goa is gone.  It is unrecoverable.  I see some friends
still nursing hope that things can be reversed, and sometimes my heart goes
soft too, for optimism is what drives us onward.  However, I try not to let
the softness of heart extend to the mind (to borrow a line from Milton

JC has recently furnished a link to what he wrote in 2002.  The Goa he
describes therein had already begun its downward spiral.  But if I could 
turn back the clock, I would embrace the Goa of 2002 in a heartbeat.  
The ghati deluge, the mega projects, the rich outsiders, the Delhi pigs 
parking themselves here for the 'lifestyle' - all of that happened in
a big way in the decade following.  The Goa of 2002 by comparison 
looks positively refreshing.

2) If there is one constituency I have a particular interest in, it is 
Margao.  I pray to God that Digu is dealt a kick in his nuts and
rubbished out of town on election day.  It is a fantasy, of course, but
a man is allowed that pleasure occasionally.  

Remember that Digu told Goans - and the reaction of those ladies
to whom he dealt it is recorded on video - that he no longer needed
votes of Goans, that his migrant vote bank is sufficient for him.  So is 
any Goan other than Digu's immediate family going to vote for him?  
If yes, why?

3) The funny of the day -

Mamta wants to turn Goa into Hong Kong!  Didn't you know, every
effing Indian has the first dibs on Goa and its land.  Didn't you know,
it's in the effing Indian 'constitution' and Indians have 'rights.'  You
Goan, go stand in the back of the class.

Seriously, this kind of crapshoot is made possible because there
are Goan toadies today who run after every little bhailo pr*ck, the
licks intensifying if the said bhailo is of the right skin tone.  But
brown trash will do, if fair & lovely is unavailable.



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