Re: [Goanet] Death penalty for Nirbaya`s accused

2013-09-15 Thread Seb dc
The dramatised version of this will appear on Sony channel's 'Crime Patrol'
on 21st September at 11pm IST.


From: Nelson Lopes 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] Death penalty for Nirbaya`s accused

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Death penalty in Nirbaya/jyoti case

The gruesome gang rape and murder of a promising life and career of a young
girl had shocked the Nation. The background of the family and how she was
educated by the parents at a great personal sacrifice merits sympathy and
considerations, She was a great hope and role model for the other siblings
.Besides she  nursed legitimate aspirations  for upward, vertical movement
in society and life. The rapist were merciless and need no  mercy. It is the
rarest of rare cases that deserved the capital punishment .It was cold
blooded , premeditated, gruesome murder that snuffed out the life of the
victim, who dreamt great future

The case aroused the Nation like never before. The Parliament was forced to
take note of mass protestations that reached a feverish pitch and resonated
with high decibels, The case forced change in laws connected with rapes.
Verma Committee report suggested far reaching consequences to the accused
there was no other case of like that reached every home, through mass media,
radio, newspapers et, al. it refused to die in spite of all promises for
tough action. The youth bore the brunt of police brutality and undue use of
force. The matter was pursued with vigour, dogged determination and never
allowed to die from people consciousness The Nation had enough of lethargy
at all levels, be it police, judiciary and executive. The Parliament tried
to assuage the feelings of mass uprising against this monster of brutalising
women , children of all ages with impunity

Four of the convicts have been rightly handed over the death penalty or
capital punishment It soothes the anger, pain and agony not only of the
parents, neighbours but Nation as a whole Nothing short of capital
punishment would have satisfied, be it labelled as vengeance, deterrent or
tooth for tooth. The  accused had  at least tears in their eyes. But the
juvenile, who is left of the hook being a few months less than the age
visualised. There is appeal to consider his intention, involvement and being
the most brutal monster in committing the crime , There is growing anger, as
to why his criminal act does not merit same punishment, Lowering the age of
juveniles has been rejected legally, leaving to the discretion of the
judges. Many nations have also lowered the age of juveniles offenders. It
must be remembered that youth mature much earlier to day.
Many Nations have  abolished  capital punishment, but that has not reduced
such heinous crimes, forget about eliminating them In Arab countries., China
the punishment is swift and harsh and yet the crimes continue to shock our
senses. Sure it will serve as the deterrent and stop many such crimes in its
track. Only there will no statistics of crimes deterred by this judgement.
Rapes will continue, but actions are more certain and laws made more less
impervious. The  colour of political tinge in awarding death sentences to
four accused is the defence for those representing the
criminals and their   in ability to take their clients off the gallows They
were given all the facilities to defend their crimes

This particular case has been followed by greatest number of people ever n
India and abroad and the conclusions, certainly will ring   satisfaction in
the hearts and minds of true human beings. It is true that many other
pending cases of rapes, murder, gang rapes of women and innocent children
are mere statistics They have not received such publicity, sympathy, and
continuous coverage . As usual convictions of similar cases are  less than
24% and only a fraction of cases against women get reported The stigma
attached to the victim of rapes is now being less intense and public
supports openly such victims and are even willing to rehabilitate them.
Life does not end with rape

Nirbaya`s last wishes were to  burn all rapist alive, it is certain that her
soul will rest in peace

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Death penalty for Nirbaya`s accused

2013-09-13 Thread Nelson Lopes
Death penalty in Nirbaya/jyoti case

The gruesome gang rape and murder of a promising life and career of a young
girl had shocked the Nation. The background of the family and how she was
educated by the parents at a great personal sacrifice merits sympathy and
considerations, She was a great hope and role model for the other siblings
.Besides she  nursed legitimate aspirations  for upward, vertical movement
in society and life. The rapist were merciless and need no  mercy. It is
the rarest of rare cases that deserved the capital punishment .It was cold
blooded , premeditated, gruesome murder that snuffed out the life of the
victim, who dreamt great future

The case aroused the Nation like never before. The Parliament was forced to
take note of mass protestations that reached a feverish pitch and resonated
with high decibels, The case forced change in laws connected with rapes.
Verma Committee report suggested far reaching consequences to the accused
there was no other case of like that reached every home, through mass
media, radio, newspapers et, al. it refused to die in spite of all promises
for tough action. The youth bore the brunt of police brutality and undue
use of force. The matter was pursued with vigour, dogged determination and
never allowed to die from people consciousness The Nation had enough of
lethargy at all levels, be it police, judiciary and executive. The
Parliament tried to assuage the feelings of mass uprising against this
monster of brutalising women , children of all ages with impunity

Four of the convicts have been rightly handed over the death penalty or
capital punishment It soothes the anger, pain and agony not only of the
parents, neighbours but Nation as a whole Nothing short of capital
punishment would have satisfied, be it labelled as vengeance, deterrent or
tooth for tooth. The  accused had  at least tears in their eyes. But the
juvenile, who is left of the hook being a few months less than the age
visualised. There is appeal to consider his intention, involvement and
being the most brutal monster in committing the crime , There is growing
anger, as to why his criminal act does not merit same punishment, Lowering
the age of juveniles has been rejected legally, leaving to the discretion
of the judges. Many nations have also lowered the age of juveniles
offenders. It must be remembered that youth mature much earlier to day.
Many Nations have  abolished  capital punishment, but that has not reduced
such heinous crimes, forget about eliminating them In Arab countries.,
China the punishment is swift and harsh and yet the crimes continue to
shock our senses. Sure it will serve as the deterrent and stop many such
crimes in its track. Only there will no statistics of crimes deterred by
this judgement. Rapes will continue, but actions are more certain and laws
made more less impervious. The  colour of political tinge in awarding death
sentences to four accused is the defence for those representing the
criminals and their   in ability to take their clients off the gallows They
were given all the facilities to defend their crimes

This particular case has been followed by greatest number of people ever n
India and abroad and the conclusions, certainly will ring   satisfaction in
the hearts and minds of true human beings. It is true that many other
pending cases of rapes, murder, gang rapes of women and innocent children
are mere statistics They have not received such publicity, sympathy, and
continuous coverage . As usual convictions of similar cases are  less than
24% and only a fraction of cases against women get reported The stigma
attached to the victim of rapes is now being less intense and public
supports openly such victims and are even willing to rehabilitate them.
Life does not end with rape

Nirbaya`s last wishes were to  burn all rapist alive, it is certain that
her soul will rest in peace

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim