Re: [Goanet] Digambar's fish monger and lobsters tot ake baton and RP 2021 to delhi

2010-09-15 Thread soter

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see:


Hi manuel,
-These vermin do not see the need to give up as they have enough of foul matter 
in Goa to feed upon. 
- Print and TV media and opinion in Goa are the sole property of miners, 
builders and politicians.
-Goans tolerate a malyalee, Bihari, Manglorean, Maharashtrian as editor to 
shape their vision. We are pleased to be entertained by their abuses against 
goan crabs and treat their 'Stray Thoughts' as second to the Holy scriptures. 
-We have the Pandits, Ramanis, Prasads, Vermas and other migrants telling and 
even leading goans into what they need to do for their state.
-Then we have the foreign patron goans who will get carried away with any crap 
sold  to them about 'Saving Goa' and will not question but part with their 
financial support. Over and above, even if warned, they will turn back and 
rebuke you for being negative.
- More money, no worry. The lawyers are there. Do not waste time in agitating 
on the streets, just file a PIL at the drop of a hat and take pride of going 
endlessly to court and enjoying the media publicity. The issue is forgotten 2 
years later and in all probability the petition will also fail. But by that 
time the mobs attention is diverted to something more mesmerising. Isn't Aldeia 
issue rotting in court. Whose money? 
- Build an NGO brand 'Save Goa' and people will be running after you aimlessly. 
That is what one Bhatikar is now supposedly employed to do in a run up to the 
polls. You will be state funded to divide and rule.
-Talk about a well defined vision and code of conduct for members for a long 
term movement and you will not land up with anyone behind you. Free lancing in 
activism without accountability is the mantra in Goa today. We have MSWs, not 
Male Sex Workers by the way.
-Organise a public rally at Panjim or Margao and also provide for the bus 
transport  and refreshments if you want a crowd of goans to swear about 'Saving 
- Demand accountability from activist leaders and see the slander and abuse 
against you by the media and the public. You will be turned 'saffron'.
- Goans cannot yet decide on 'Who is a Goan' and what more can be expected of 
them to 'Save Goa'. Which Goa?
- where communal elements go as secular and vice versa. Communal elements can 
get a State funeral. They will now bring in Supa from karwar into Goa but leave 
out Haliyal as it is .
- For 49 years goans have been taken for a joy ride but will never learn their 
- At the end of the day if there is 'pikasao' you can hit the nearest taverna 
which number more than restaurants. It is there that revolutions get started by 
night only to wound up by morning.

Goa cannot hope for a revolution in such a dilapidated social and mental 


[Goanet] Digambar's fish monger and lobsters tot ake baton and RP 2021 to delhi

2010-09-14 Thread pinheiro

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

 For more information see:

Dear Eddie,

We had few good suggestions on another thread related to similar topic (Goa to 
be ruled by Goans).

But I did not see that debate of words turning into action.  We all need to 
contribute to Goa by our actions.  

Now, I was canvassing for ground support ( as I am being a non resident Goan 
beggar here in a distant land) to form a committee of foot soldiers who are 
active in Goa to organise Anti Corruption Rally on Goa Liberation Day.  Though 
Goans were liberated from Portuguese in 1961 we are yet to be liberated from 
corruption that came along with our integration with the rest of India.  And 
this was their observation " non resident Goan will talk, walk, run and dance, 
but ask some financial help for social cause, their pocket go empty".  Another 
said "During Sunday church collection they (NRG) drop biggest currency note 
they have in the wallet because his neighbor is looking, but when it come to 
the helping the cause they chicken out.  No one bother to ask who gets (Priests 
or Church) that dole but will ask thousand question if asked donation for 
social cause". Let's stop being skeptical and cynical about Goa and Goans. 

To stop the current loot and plunder, can we stand out and pull out Anti 
Corruption Rally in Goa? Can we contribute it as our royalty fee to our 
motherland for using/connecting 'Goa'?   Any donors and volunteers out here on 

BTW, Air travel sponsored by Vijay Mallya.  Do we need to guess anything 
besides what Soter has already highlighted?

Warm regards,

Agnelo Pinheiro

> Hi Soter,
> These vermin never give up do they? Their greed knows no bounds and they will 
> stoop to whatever means they can to achieve their corrupt goals. 
> the ordinary Goan can do to stem this unnecessary bleeding that these corrupt 
> individuals are imposing upon us?  If there is, pray let us know as I feel it 
> is imperative that we put into motion plans to upset and stop this Rape of 
> our beloved Goa. If there is any one with any suggestions as to what we can 
> do to achieve our ends and the aspirations of the humble majority of Goans, 
> please post your views so that we all UNITED  and change the course of this 
> unsustainable and devastating path that Kamat and his Forty thieves are 
> leading us down.
> Regards and best wishes.
> Manuel (Eddie) Tavares

[Goanet] Digambar's fish monger and lobsters tot ake baton and RP 2021 to delhi

2010-09-13 Thread manuel tavares
Hi Soter,

These vermin never give up do they? Their greed knows no bounds and they will 
stoop to whatever means they can to achieve their corrupt goals. 

ordinary Goan can do to stem this unnecessary bleeding that these corrupt 
individuals are imposing upon us?  If there is, pray let us know as I feel it 
is imperative that we put into motion plans to upset and stop this Rape of our 
beloved Goa. If there is any one with any suggestions as to what we can do to 
achieve our ends and the aspirations of the humble majority of Goans, please 
post your views so that we all UNITED  and change the course of this 
unsustainable and devastating path that Kamat and his Forty thieves are leading 
us down.

Regards and best wishes.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares

[Goanet] Digambar's fish monger and lobsters tot ake baton and RP 2021 to delhi

2010-09-13 Thread soter
If you cannot sell the proposition in Goa then do it via Delhi. The malyalee 
fish monger and his lobsters have not been able to sell the RP-2021 to the goan 
crabs on behalf of Digambar and his builders. The goan crabs have refused to 
bite it and instead have bitten those very people who have betrayed the goan 
So Digambar's baton with his RP2021 Special Task Force is now slated to arrive 
in Delhi on 18th September 2010 and will be received the Goenkarancho Ekvott. 
Minus the speaker Mathany Saldanha and the chair for one session Dr. Peter 
Rony, it is hard to notice any other that does not directly or indirectly tow 
the builder /real estate developer agenda in presenting the USP of the RP2021 
before supposedly goan masses to get their stamp of approval and market it back 
to the people in Goa. It is like a cat covering its shit.
What is simply misleading is the fact that this RP-2021 process is being hailed 
as 'participatory'. The note of Goenkarancho Ekvott states; "it is first time 
spatial planning and land use is being determined with people's participation 
from the village level upwards."   Merely sending down pre-determined 
settlement fencing maps and road lay outs (designed by those with vested 
interests in real estate) to the Village Panchayats for suggestions and 
corrections cannot be claimed to be participatory planning from the village 
level upwards. It could  be remotely considered as  'participatory 
consultation' on RP2021.  Where are the village socio-economic plans prepared 
under this RP2021 so called participatory process? The RP 2021 is a fraud. It 
may be participatory for architects, engineers, real estate developers and 
planners in safe-guarding their long-term business interests from the national 
builders/real estate developers and nothing more. That is why some of the 
torch-bearers of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan in 2006 are today busy erecting or 
supporting massive gated projects in the villages and have even disputed the 
right of Gram Sabhas to decide on spatial plans and the type of development in 
their villages. They do not mind the local Devashri's, Sapna's, CD's, mosiacs 
and others from developing on hill slopes, all they are concerned about is 
obstructing DLF and Raheja by cheering unsuspecting desperate villagers. 
This RP2021 cannot be claimed to be in consonance with article 243ZD of the 
Constitution of India. Even the consultative process carried out in villages 
has no legal status. There were no notified guidelines. The forwarding letter 
from the CTP was vague and interpreted by the representative planners as per 
the interests they wished to protect. At least 50% of the village Gram Sabhas 
in Goa are in the dark on this process. It were the local MLAs and Sarpanchas 
that nominated a committee and sent in their suggestions without consulting the 
Gram Sabha. That is why the government is now contemplating to release the RP 
2021 in phases and taluka-wise so that there is no major out-burst. 
The entire process continues under the very same primitive and obsolete TCP Act 
of 1975 that gave birth to a monstrous RP 2011. Except that the 'Monster Rat' 
has now been replaced by 'Monster Foxes'. There are no 'District Development 
Plans' in place. What is in place is a plan to ensure the future loot and 
ransacking of the villages of Goa and infusing migrants in gated housing 
complexes. This is a road map on how Goans will be reduced to ancient specimens 
by 2021 for migrant site seeing. It is an investment map for the Ramani's, 
Lamani's, Jaitley's, Chauhan's, Tariqs and the rest.
Concerned Goans in Delhi and elsewhere need to take a close look at the RP 
2021process which is being marketed to them as 'Unique' if they are to 
understand the 'Picnic' of architects, engineers, builders and bureaucrat 
planners in this deceptive RP.

-Soter D'Souza