[Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet - THREAD CLOSED

2006-10-02 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
All threads related to and including the 'Distortion of posts on Goanet' 
thread are now Closed.

Thank you - Bosco
Goanet Admin

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[Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet / response to Santosh

2006-10-01 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Santosh objects because of my reference to scientists, pseudo-scientists and 
mice. My apologies to him and his patients. 
But here are a three short points for the readers:

1. Santosh's own research and current work (from his bio) as posted by Mario on 
this bulletin board was on mice. So I am a loss at his disagreement at, mouse 
experiment, and its apparent extrapolation to the human situation.  

2. Santosh objects to negative reference to scientists, as he states because he 
is one of them. Yet, he has no qualms being demagogic to oncologist with his 
statement,  The post appended below propagates dangerous myths and 
misinformation regarding cancer treatment in this public forum.  Most followed 
the message of my post with its illustration on this lay-person bulletin board. 
Some who refused to read and take the time to understand, then insist that they 
needed to be / should be spoon fed.=:))

3. Santosh feels slighted at negative references to scientists and 
pseudo-scientists. I hope he shows the same consideration and sensitivity to 
other professions that he berates: individuals and persons (as in my case), and 
generally (as in the case of religious institutions, leaders and followers).

Scientists measure and apply the same yardstick to every situation. This 
yardstick does not change when its applied to oneself. 
Kind Regards, GL

--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
From a scientific standpoint, as a professional scientist, I disagree with the 
description of the so-called mouse experiment, its apparent extrapolation to 
the human situation, the specific invocation and characterization of the 
immune system, and some of the generalizations made. 
Also as a professional scientist and at a personal level, I strongly disagree 
with the references to a pseudo-scientist in that post, and in a previous post 
in that thread.
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Re: [Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-30 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Dear Santosh,

The problem in arguing with Gilbert is that the point of his posts keeps 
changing(now it happens in the same post, amazing!), that is why I once 
warned you against it. He is completely incapable of arguing point-counter 
point, and chooses instead to launch into long sermons interspersed with 
self patronising comments, bigotry and the occasional  inapt use of Konkani 
phrases(as we have seen in the past use of bhamto, petoita muree, fugdi, 

This time around everyone was first informed (quote) often Old 
grandmothers' observations are on or close to the mark. While their 
explanations for the observations may be unknown or not necessarily be 
correct, only a pseudo-scientist will disregard their observations.(unquote)

In the very next line, following the description of the mice 
study/experiment we are further informed(quote)Thus the grandmother's 
observation was accurate.(end of quote)

We were later warned (quote) So old grand-mothers' tales are not to be 
ignored except at our own peril! (end of quote)

In between these two preaching's was the only informative part of the post 
which was (quote) The current explanation for this (statistical significant) 
observation is that the surgery depresses the immune system, allowing the 
tumours to now behave and grow even more aggressively.  Hence cancer surgery 
has undergone and is undergoing significant shift. (end of quote)

To a lay person there were clearly TWO points, no distortion at all !. The 
first was regarding latest cancer treatment(very informative). The next one 
was regarding the validation of a long standing grandmother's observation 
by a scientific experiment(pure nonsense!). It was clearly this second point 
you wanted to contradict and I have clearly seen that as has anyone with a 
half-decent command of the English language.

Sunith Velho

Santosh writes:
I humbly request Gilbert not
to put words in my mouth or to point to Frederick's or
anyone else's mischaracterization of my views. And I
ask readers not to rely on someone else's opinion of
what I said or implied. I trust Gilbert would try to
understand and respect this simple principle of any
public discourse. 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-29 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Dear Sunith,

Thanks for appreciating my perspective on the Goanet
post that you are writing about. However, in addition
to the point you have made, I have broader scientific
and personal reasons for disagreeing with the contents
of that post. From a scientific standpoint, as a
professional scientist, I disagree with the
description of the so-called mouse experiment, its
apparent extrapolation to the human situation, the
specific invocation and characterization of the immune
system, and some of the generalizations made. Also as
a professional scientist and at a personal level, I
strongly disagree with the references to a
pseudo-scientist in that post, and in a previous post
in that thread.

In any case, I have to say that I am thoroughly
impressed by your perceptiveness.


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Re: [Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-29 Thread cornel

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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Hi Gilbert
It  is perfectly normal and possible in any discourse whether spoken or 
written to have frequent genuine misunderstandings, misinterpretations of 
opinions etc. This is deemed to be part of the human condition. Are you 
seriously telling me that this does not even happen among spouses? If you do 
then I'd suggest that you haven't got a clue about male and female 
psychology and ways of thinking. All literature whether, philosophical, 
literary, psycholical, legal or sociological is about this phenomena of 
misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Further, I believe it is 
singularly absurd for you to suggest that anyone can promise not to 
misinterpret other people's posts/opinions. If we did this, there would be 
no point for debate, discussion and dialogue. It is also absurd because your 
stance suggests that there is or can only be one interpretation of an 
opinion at any given time and even worse, that, this is actually 

I really don't have anything more to say than I have done very briefly about 
the dear old Pope.

I don't thing your cruise did  much for your clarity of thought, but of 
course, I could have in all honesty,  misunderstood or misinterpreted your 
questions to me!
- Original Message - 
From: Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:20 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Distortion
 Hi Cornel,
 I read your post with interest.  I was taken a-back with your statement 
 below which unfortunately is often seen on goanet.
 Why is it and why should we accept as quite normal the not infrequent 
 misunderstandings, misinterpretations of opinions?
 Can we encourage Goanetters to promise not to misinterpret other peoples' 
 posts and opinions?

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-28 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Hi Cornel,

I read your post with interest.  I was taken a-back with your statement below 
which unfortunately is often seen on goanet.  
Why is it and why should we accept as quite normal the not infrequent 
misunderstandings, misinterpretations of opinions?
Can we encourage Goanetters to promise not to misinterpret other peoples' posts 
and opinions?
Instead of Goanetters splitting into camps / labels, can we see goanetters for 
honest dialogue with no philosophical ax to grind?

As regards the mistake that the Pope made, (while I was on my cruise), I 
musingly said to myself, The pope must have the Goanet bug, to refer to some 
five-hundred old event (s), with little relevance to any point.:=))  Is there 
anything we goanetters can learn from this?
Kind Regards, GL

- cornel  
I am not referring to possible misunderstandings, misinterpretations or 
differences of opinion because this is quite normal.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-28 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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 --- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I regret to say that, I refuse to respond to Mario
  Goveia (unless I absolutely have to) for the 
  simple reason that I provided proof that he had 
  distorted my posts. He then used the distortions
  that he constructed, to mount absurd retorts on 
--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the interest of candor and fairness from my
 standpoint, I have to say that I agree with almost
 everything that Cornel has written in his post
 below. This opinion of mine has nothing to do with
 politics, ideology or religion. It is only derived 
 from personal experience in this forum and 
 Like Cornel I will try to remain non-responsive in
 this matter, while unilaterally forgiving and
 forgetting all the past and present personal
Mario sets the record straight:

This is another example of the pot calling the kettle
black, without a single example as evidence.

Similarly, I am still waiting for specific examples
from Cornel about what exactly I had distorted of his
convoluted rantings, and from Selma, asking for
examples of where I had mentioned her name out of
context.  In case she misses the context here, it is
generalized, mean-spirited criticisms of my posts
without a single specific example being cited that I
can clarify, respond to or apologize for in the spirit
of honest debate.

For an independent and specific example of the
deliberate and serious distortions that Santosh
engages in please refer to the recent discussion on
cancer, and the comments in the URL below of the
person whose comments had been distorted.  Filomena's
posts on the subject show how misleading Santosh's
distortions had been.


The key excerpt:

Your comment, Santosh, in warning us not to rush to
judgement and give up operations for cancer (second
line last paragraph), as a neutral reader of this
discussion / thread, shows what a fine job Santosh
has been doing with distorting my writings.

I rest my case.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-28 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I regret to say that, I refuse to respond to Mario
 Goveia (unless I absolutely have to) for the simple 
 reason that I provided proof that he had 
 distorted my posts. He then used the distortions
 that he constructed, to mount absurd retorts on 
Mario responds:

Such generalities and sissified complaints are
demeaning - to you, especially for someone who has the
nerve to  claim that Hitler and the Mafioso are
practicing Catholics, because they presumably said so
and went to church, never mind what they actually did
and do, that the Palestinian militants sworn to
eliminate Israel are innocent victims of the
Israelies, and that militancy of Islam is justified by
some long gone history.  I know you throw in the odd
disclaimer, but there is no mistaking the general
thrust of your comments.

Why don't you give us some specific examples, and I
will be glad to either clarify or apologize if you are
indeed correct.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-26 Thread cornel

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

I regret to say that, I refuse to respond to Mario Goveia (unless I 
absolutely have to) for the simple reason that I provided proof that he had 
distorted my posts. He then used the distortions that he constructed, to 
mount absurd retorts on Goanet.

I am not referring to possible misunderstandings, misinterpretations or 
differences of opinion because this is quite normal. I refer to my repeated 
point about Mario distorting posts, and my final hard evidence of distortion 
(by Mario) of my material, in the debate about the historical character of 
Hitler. For highlighting such distortion of my actual words, an apology from 
Mario would have been in order but it was not forthcoming. My position is 
that, someone who needs blatantly and desperately to distort wording of 
material to score points over another person's point of view is undeserving 
of any credibility or response in any discussion.

My stance is entirely independent of other posters who have, in the past, 
referred to Mario's tendency for distortion of the actual material they had 

- Original Message - 
From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Pope Benny XVI Should Resign - Absolutely not.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-26 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

In the interest of candor and fairness from my
standpoint, I have to say that I agree with almost
everything that Cornel has written in his post below.
This opinion of mine has nothing to do with politics,
ideology or religion. It is only derived from personal
experience in this forum and elsewhere. 

Like Cornel I will try to remain non-responsive in
this matter, while unilaterally forgiving and
forgetting all the past and present personal



--- cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I regret to say that, I refuse to respond to Mario
 Goveia (unless I 
 absolutely have to) for the simple reason that I
 provided proof that he had 
 distorted my posts. He then used the distortions
 that he constructed, to 
 mount absurd retorts on Goanet.
 I am not referring to possible misunderstandings,
 misinterpretations or 
 differences of opinion because this is quite normal.
 I refer to my repeated 
 point about Mario distorting posts, and my final
 hard evidence of distortion 
 (by Mario) of my material, in the debate about the
 historical character of 
 Hitler. For highlighting such distortion of my
 actual words, an apology from 
 Mario would have been in order but it was not
 forthcoming. My position is 
 that, someone who needs blatantly and desperately to
 distort wording of 
 material to score points over another person's point
 of view is undeserving 
 of any credibility or response in any discussion.
 My stance is entirely independent of other posters
 who have, in the past, 
 referred to Mario's tendency for distortion of the
 actual material they had 
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