[Ph.D. Thesis by Andre Rafael Fernandes]


The study traces the development of Tiatro from its various origins.
Whereas the general impression is that this dramatic form began in
1892 in Bombay, the thesis traces Tiatro’s genesis to the traditional
Zagors and Khells which have evolved over several centuries from
ancient performances.

The study documents available references from the earliest Portuguese
plays in Goa. The developments in Music and Song [both Indian and
Western] are tracked and their integral functions in Tiatros is
indicated. The research accounts for variations in the spelling of
Tiatro and studies diverse aspects such as Genres, Thematic concerns,
Phases of growth, Structure, use of language, roles of actors, women,
set designing, lighting, innovations, stage management, publicity,
censorship, limitations and audience participation, etc.

The thesis gives due credit to, and highlights the contribution of
João Agostinho Fernandes, rightly regarded as Pai Tiatrist the ‘Father
of Tiatro’. Several of his major plays are analysed and their impact
assessed. João Agostinho is found to be not just an excellent
ground-breaking playwright but also a forceful votary of social

An important contribution of this research is the innovative
documentation of João Agostinho’s manuscripts, handbills, brochures,
news clippings, reviews and related items in his collection. He is
also presented as a role model for Tiatrists of all times.

Hundreds of Tiatrists have kept audiences enthralled for thousands of
performances in Goa, Mumbai and elsewhere. On any given weekend during
the theatrical season, at least ten shows are held in various parts of

While justice cannot be done to all the Tiatrists, in a study of the
present type, an attempt is made to briefly analyse the published
plays of nine other playwrights. These are : Aleixinho de Candolim, A.
R. Souza Ferrao, Kid Boxer, J. P. Souzalin, C. Alvares, Remmie J.
Colaco, John Claro Fernandes, Prem Kumar and M. Boyer.

A list of Tiatrists is also appended.

Issues, Problems and Challenges in Contemporary Tiatro are discussed
in the study. In spite of the general apathy of official / government
bodies and the onslaught of cable television and alternative forms of
entertainment, it is seen that Tiatro has so far managed to hold its
ground as the premier form of staged entertainment for Konkani

Ever since Antonio Piedade Moraes innovated the path-breaking
transformation of the ground based khells  to stage performances of
Khell-Tiatr and the subsequent evolution of the Non-Stop Drama, Tiatro
has been enthused with new life and dynamism.

With the gradual decline of the Tiatro production in Mumbai and
corresponding spurt in formation of Goan troupes, theatrical
activities have resurged. Tiatros entertain not just local audiences
but also perform for the benefit of emigrants elsewhere in India, the
Middle East, London and Toronto.

Developments in communication technologies such as the Internet permit
the Goan diaspora to be aware of the contemporary artistes and
performances. Considering all its inherent strengths, Tiatro has an
assured future as a medium of entertainment, education and social
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"The price of greatness is responsibility." - Sir Winston Churchill

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