Economics of cultivation of paddy in Goa
The small land holdings are not economically viable .The cost and scarcity
of labour  is discouraging factor.The large import of rice  and highly
subsidised rice on ration  does not motivate farmers.The menace of cattle
and dependence on rain the final yield is uncertain. The relief by crop
insurance is heavily loaded  against the farmers. Govt extends subsidy on
fertilisers ,  weedicide  harvesters  seeds  ,support price of Rs 12 per kg
and Rs 8 as subsidy is realised only on sale to designated mills.Besides
obtaining subsidy is long drawn out procedure pain in the neck
Those who keep account of expenditure and income  realise that it is no
business proposition .One lance or 4000m2 costs around rRs40 000, including
wages at around  Rs 1000 for man Rs 600 per women  excluding personal
labour and costs of materials and inputs needed
The best yield per LANCO is 15to 20 quintal .Boiled
rice per quintal 600x12= 12000xRs60   =72000.Thus there is gain if
subsidies are factored in
Mechanical cultivation at Rs.90  for 3 ploughs and  Rs 1.20 for
transplanting  will make it economical and free from anxieties and drudgery
The service provider can be paid the costs to  take delivery of paddy or
rice as per the scheme
Is there a demand for boiled rice as the Goans mainly rice eaters  at one
time   are changing their food habits
According to one farmer who maintains  records of income expenditure says
rice at Rs 60 per kg the total costs Rs 12000 per year is much more nassle
free then cost and uncertainties of  cultivating  one Lanco(4000)m2
The service provider inmechanically  cultivating 50 hectares,taking
calculated risks   at his own expenses without any liability towards  the
tenants  may break even after 3 years.The cultivated  fallow fields are
fenced, add  greenery and also provide for rotation of crops with
avaiability of water .It is agricultural reform in the making fostered by
the visionary Fr Quadros of Don Bosco The goan paddy  seeds are now almost
extinct and it may give a boost to vegetable cultivation in future , in
great demand in a tourist state  and depending heavily on neighbouring
states for supplies
Mechanised attempt is best way   forward  for starting agricultural
revolution  devoid of hassles of  escalating  costs and labour
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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