Pan card for account opening

Some Nationalised Banks are  compulsorily demanding Pan Card or declaration
to that effect. The public notice at some Bank premises reads that failure
to give Pan card will automatically result in deduction at source, if the
interest payable exceeds Rs10.000= annually. It also needed for withdrawal
or deposits above one lakh rupees. Then why are the banks insisting on
production of Pan Cards for opening of accounts? The P.M. Jan Dan scheme is
facing purposive road blocks to derail the scheme .Crores of rupees  in
deposits are collected, a target number of accounts are   to be opened, but
 account holder under the scheme is yet to receive the Ru Card, forget
about  deriving the benefits attached to it How long it will take to obtain
the Ru card?

It is clear instruction that only one  photo identity and one  address
proof  from the list mentioned are needed. Those staying in rented premises
have no House number and address proof becomes a burden, Besides the  Aadar
Card has both the requirements, but Banks opine that they have not received
any circular to consider Aadar Card as sufficient  photo identity and
address proof .For the moment it serves as only one proof. The EPIC too has
address proof and is a photo identity .These are Govt. recognized documents
but the obstinate Bank officers create impediments and harass the  would be
customers. A clear directive is needed so that the poor, illiterate people
are not wrongfully denied the right to open bank accounts with either Aaadar
card or EPIC card without harassment

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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