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From: John Malvino Alfonso [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2012 9:00 PM
To: Gasper Almeida;  goa world

Emmaus’ Workshop on Enriching Parenting Held
Emmaus counselling Centre of the Carmelite Fathers has organised one day 
workshop for the parents on the theme ‘Enriching Parenthood.’ 
Fr. Placido  Pereira MSFS, a sociologist and the Principal of St. Francis 
Xavier’s Higher Secondary School, Siolim delivering the key note address, focus 
on the core issues of our parental behaviour and explained the importance of 
enriching our parents. Fr. Diogo Proença OCD, Director of the Emmaus 
Counselling Centre welcomed the gathering and briefed the activities of the 
centre right from its establishment.  Br. Amyas Quadros OCD invoked God’s 
blessings through a short prayer service. Fr. Ajith  Rodrigues OCD proposed a 
vote of thanks for the inaugural function.
During the day different aspects of Parenting were touched by the resource 
persons-Dr.Janet D’souza,  Associate Professor, St. Xavier’s College,  Mapusa  
and Br. John  Malvino Alfonso OCD, Co-ordinator of the Workshop. Dr. Janet  
D’Souza  focussed  on the different types of parenting styles and helped them 
to identify their style  of parenting. Br. John Malvino  Alfonso OCD, dealing 
with the communication aspect of the  parenting explained the Transactional 
Analysis(TA) Model of Dr. Eric Berne and showed how the TA model helps us to 
understand our communication pattern.  He also explained the parents the 
importance of listening and helped them to refute irrational beliefs by using 
Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavioural  Therappy (REBT) . Dr. Janet D’souza 
 dealing with   the cases of the case study session gave practical tips to 
enrich the parenthood.
Dr. B. A. Gomes, Director, ASPIRE,  Mapusa,  while delivering his valedictory 
address shared his own experience as a parent   and stressed the need of love, 
good character, transparency and forgiveness on the part of the parent. Br. 
John Malvino Alfonso OCD,a co-ordinator of the programmes of the EMMAUS 
expressed his happiness over the feedback and explained the purpose of 
conducting this workshop. Ms. Jasmine Fernandes presented a report of the 
workshop. Mr. Shane Vaz and Ms. Cibelle Miranda  expressed their sentiments and 
gave feedback on behalf of the participants. The day’s programme was compered 
by Helen Fernanandes, staff, Carmelite Seminary-Mapusa while the vote of thanks 
was proposed by Fr. Anil Viegas OCD.


Bro. John Malvino Alfonso OCD

Avila Jyothi

Carmelite Seminary

Near Sports Complex

Peddem Mapusa Goa


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