Re: [Goanet] Escape from Planet Plastic (Times of India, 19/6/2018)

2018-06-20 Thread Mervyn Lobo
VM,What really, really bugs me is that every time I go to Mupusa, I see cows 
sitting in the fields chewing/trying to munch plastic bags. It is bad enough 
watching when you know exactly what is going to happen to the cow. 
It is mind boggling to watch the same in a country where the cow is considered 
MervynBTW, I always open the stomach of the larger fish I catch. One often 
finds undigested food, like crawfish, which can be used again and/or gives a 
good indication of what bait to use in the future. More often than not, I find 
plastic beads or parts of a child’s toy. I once found a chip for a casino - but 
that is a story for another day.

On Monday, June 18, 2018, 9:50 PM, V M  wrote:

The monsoon churns the Arabian Sea off Goa, and what comes up is
mostly plastic. The anglers who return hopefully to Miramar beach
every evening cast their lines with great optimism, but the majority
of “bites” are just the same old plastic. Look further up to the high
tide line, it’s almost all plastic, which is also heaped in piles just
behind the sand dunes. It’s the same story riverside, and in the
majority of paddy fields, and even strewn all about at the bottom of
the ocean amidst the last surviving coral reefs in places like Grande
Island. This isn’t just a problem for India’s smallest state, however.
According to a most alarming report released at the World Economic
Forum, by 2025 there will be one ton of plastics in the ocean for
every three tons of fish, and by 2050 marine life will be outweighed

This is a complicated issue. In many ways, our modern world is
directly built on the gains of the polymer revolution. These synthetic
molecular chains – the building block of all plastics – have enabled
mankind to previously unimaginable achievements. Think of spacecraft,
artificial limbs, 3-D printing and life-saving transmission of
pharmaceuticals. None of these could have happened without the
explosion in plastics innovation after World War II (which was itself
won partly because of crucial Allied advances in polymer technology.
Thus, the problem is not in use, but rather in disposal. Miraculously
durable in application, these products are hazardously durable in
waste. They can easily last centuries. Generations of humankind arrive
and disappear from the planet. Plastic doesn’t go anywhere.

The scale of the problem is almost beyond comprehension. Since the
1960’s global polymer-based production has multiplied twentyfold to
nearly 400 million metric tonnes per annum. In the next 20 years, that
massive volume is scheduled to double again, and quadruple by 2050.
The first-ever global analysis of all plastics ever made (published in
the peer-reviewed Science Advances) found that only 12 percent of that
accumulated production has ever been incinerated (which carries its
own immense environmental costs). A further 9 percent has been
recycled (which is prohibitively costly). A mind-boggling 79 percent
is left with us as permanent waste. That is at least 6.3 billion
metric tonnes of plastic sitting in immense landfills, and choking our
ocean life, and quite rapidly making the entire planet toxic.

It is an unlikely prospect that humanity could ever be entirely weaned
away from this cheap and convenient menace. But one quick fix does
exist, which many countries are racing each other to implement. This
is the reduction – and eventual ban – of the worst offending
single-use products, which make up as much as 50% of global plastics
production, including at least 4 trillion bags and 500 billion cups
per annum. Another eye-popping statistic with great relevance to Goa
is the number of plastic bottles sold worldwide, now well over one
million for every minute of every day. This is beyond unsustainable.
It is an existential crisis

That urgency is recognized in over 60 countries, according to a new
report issued by the United Nations Environment (UNEP) earlier this
month. Its chief administrator, Erik Solheim said, “A growing number
of governments are taking action and demonstrating that all nations,
whether rich or poor, can become global environmental leaders. He
singled out Rwanda, “a pioneer in banning single-use plastic bags”
which “is now one of the cleanest nations on earth.” Unfortunately,
India is at the other end of the spectrum. While pointing out some
limited success in states like Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh, Solheim
said elsewhere in the country he saw “some of the most beautiful
scenic places, but destroyed by plastic pollution.”

That grim fate already grips Goa, so gorgeously pristine just a couple
of decades ago, now teetering on the brink after abject failure of
governance for an entire generation. Every election year there are
grand promises made to tackle the garbage problem, and then the
problem only gets worse. Plastics bans have been enacted and

[Goanet] Escape from Planet Plastic (Times of India, 19/6/2018)

2018-06-19 Thread V M

The monsoon churns the Arabian Sea off Goa, and what comes up is
mostly plastic. The anglers who return hopefully to Miramar beach
every evening cast their lines with great optimism, but the majority
of “bites” are just the same old plastic. Look further up to the high
tide line, it’s almost all plastic, which is also heaped in piles just
behind the sand dunes. It’s the same story riverside, and in the
majority of paddy fields, and even strewn all about at the bottom of
the ocean amidst the last surviving coral reefs in places like Grande
Island. This isn’t just a problem for India’s smallest state, however.
According to a most alarming report released at the World Economic
Forum, by 2025 there will be one ton of plastics in the ocean for
every three tons of fish, and by 2050 marine life will be outweighed

This is a complicated issue. In many ways, our modern world is
directly built on the gains of the polymer revolution. These synthetic
molecular chains – the building block of all plastics – have enabled
mankind to previously unimaginable achievements. Think of spacecraft,
artificial limbs, 3-D printing and life-saving transmission of
pharmaceuticals. None of these could have happened without the
explosion in plastics innovation after World War II (which was itself
won partly because of crucial Allied advances in polymer technology.
Thus, the problem is not in use, but rather in disposal. Miraculously
durable in application, these products are hazardously durable in
waste. They can easily last centuries. Generations of humankind arrive
and disappear from the planet. Plastic doesn’t go anywhere.

The scale of the problem is almost beyond comprehension. Since the
1960’s global polymer-based production has multiplied twentyfold to
nearly 400 million metric tonnes per annum. In the next 20 years, that
massive volume is scheduled to double again, and quadruple by 2050.
The first-ever global analysis of all plastics ever made (published in
the peer-reviewed Science Advances) found that only 12 percent of that
accumulated production has ever been incinerated (which carries its
own immense environmental costs). A further 9 percent has been
recycled (which is prohibitively costly). A mind-boggling 79 percent
is left with us as permanent waste. That is at least 6.3 billion
metric tonnes of plastic sitting in immense landfills, and choking our
ocean life, and quite rapidly making the entire planet toxic.

It is an unlikely prospect that humanity could ever be entirely weaned
away from this cheap and convenient menace. But one quick fix does
exist, which many countries are racing each other to implement. This
is the reduction – and eventual ban – of the worst offending
single-use products, which make up as much as 50% of global plastics
production, including at least 4 trillion bags and 500 billion cups
per annum. Another eye-popping statistic with great relevance to Goa
is the number of plastic bottles sold worldwide, now well over one
million for every minute of every day. This is beyond unsustainable.
It is an existential crisis

That urgency is recognized in over 60 countries, according to a new
report issued by the United Nations Environment (UNEP) earlier this
month. Its chief administrator, Erik Solheim said, “A growing number
of governments are taking action and demonstrating that all nations,
whether rich or poor, can become global environmental leaders. He
singled out Rwanda, “a pioneer in banning single-use plastic bags”
which “is now one of the cleanest nations on earth.” Unfortunately,
India is at the other end of the spectrum. While pointing out some
limited success in states like Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh, Solheim
said elsewhere in the country he saw “some of the most beautiful
scenic places, but destroyed by plastic pollution.”

That grim fate already grips Goa, so gorgeously pristine just a couple
of decades ago, now teetering on the brink after abject failure of
governance for an entire generation. Every election year there are
grand promises made to tackle the garbage problem, and then the
problem only gets worse. Plastics bans have been enacted and
re-enacted but never enforced, and so the state is lined from border
to border with ever-increasing waste. Just last year on December 19th,
chief minister Manohar Parrikar declared “from 30 May next year, there
will be a complete ban on plastic in the state. We are making this
announcement in advance so that all those who have made it as their
economic activity should not complain at the last minute.” He added
another promise, “Goa will be garbage-free by this date next year.”