Subject: Goa - Sorry state of affairs!!!!!

A must read - a most disgraceful state of affairs even after we have had 
independence since 1947. 
Has greed taken over our sense of pride and belonging? Read on and judge for 

Goa has been re-colonised not only by the Brits, Russians
and the Israelis but also by the bold and the beautiful and
the rich and powerful from other parts of the country.

 A FEW days ago the sarpanch of Morjim investigated
 complaints that a Russian national, who had bought property
 on the border of Morjim and Arambol, had blocked the
 traditional access to the beach. The security guards of the
 Russian national who had fenced the traditional access to
 the beach assaulted the sarpanch. The sarpanch has lodged a
police complaint against the security guards who assaulted
 him. This is not an isolated case. There are large areas of
 Morjim, particularly in Vithaldas-wadi, which have been
 totally colonized by the Russians.
Locals are not allowed to enter any of the properties which
 are fenced off and guarded by armed security guards.
 Russians, who have bought huge amounts of property in
 Morjim and other villages in the North Goa coastal belt,
 have built massive structures within 500 metres of the High
 Tide Line in flagrant and blatant violation of the CRZ
 Rules. The Chief Secretary told me on Monday that the Goa
 Coastal Zone Management Authority that is presided over by
 him intends to crack down on foreigners who have violated
 the CRZ Rules.

 I recall visiting the Olive Ridley shack on the Morjim
 beach over five years ago. The shack then was owned by a
 Polish woman. There was already talk that Russians had
begun buying large amounts of property in Morjim. On a
 subsequent visit to Morjim, I saw a shack in the middle of
 the beach less than ten metres from the High Tide Line
 which was festooned with Russian flags. I heard stories of
 all-night rave parties by Russians and saw the debris of
 the previous night's party on the beach.
 But it is not only in Morjim that foreigners have bought
 large amounts of beachfront property. If Morjim is
 dominated by Russians, Chapora is dominated by the
 Israelis. Several parts of the Palolem beach in Canacona
 have also been colonised by the Israelis. But the largest
 numbers of foreign citizens who have bought property in Goa
 are not the Russians or Israelis, but the British. Indeed on
 the road leading to Calangute from the St. Alex Church there
 is even a real estate agency which proudly advertises the
 fact that it is British-owned and only sells property to
 Brits and other foreign nationals.

 OVER the Holi week, which coincided with the Holy Week, I
 happened to spend the weekend at a small rural resort in
 Carmona close to the Fatrade beach. I had occasion or
provocation to have a look at all the shacks between
Fatrade and Mobor. The overwhelming majority of the shacks
 were full of phirangs. In the shacks on the Cavelossim
 beach, I saw a wild Holi celebration on with gallons of
 bhang (opium). The revellers were all Russians. On the
 tables of many of the shacks, menus were not in English,
 but Russian. I have seen menus in Hebrew in several beach
 shacks in Chapora and in Palolem. I have never come across
 a menu in any Indian language let alone the official
 language of the state, Konkani in any beach shack anywhere
 in Goa . Even though a large number of domestic tourists
 visit Goa .
 I very often have occasion to visit many of the starred
 hotels in Goa located both on the North Goa beach belt and
 the South Goa beach belt for some function or the other. In
 the last two or three years, whenever I have visited beach
 resorts, particularly in the Southern coastal belt,
 stretching from Majorda to Mobor, I have noticed that the
 details of the various activities planned for the benefit
 of foreign tourists - including charter tourists -
 displayed on the activity boards are increasingly in
 Russian. Depending on the nationality that the hotel is
 catering to, the activity boards can be even in German or
 Hebrew for the benefit of the large number of German abd
 Israeli tourists who visit Goa ..

  GOA has been colonized by phirangs and the signs of their
 colonial domination of Goa are everywhere, particularly on
 the beach belt. The largest and the most successful night
 bazaar in Goa is not run by a Goan or even by an Indian,
 but by a German called Ingo. During the Bazaar you can see
Ingo with two armed bodyguards going around collecting the
 rentals from those who have taken stalls. I do not know if
 the bodyguards who accompany Ingo have licenses for the
 weapons that they openly brandish. The majority of the
 stalls, particularly the food stalls at Ingo's Saturday
 Nite Bazaar are run by phirangs of various nationalities. A
 lot of the material sold at the Saturday night bazaar is
 imported. I do not know whether they have been imported
 into the country legally and whether any of the foreigners
 doing roaring business at the Saturday night market have
 business visas. Tourists - whether white, brown or black -
who come on tourist visas are not allowed to work in Goa .
 Thanks to my better three-quarters' fascination with
 exotic food I often get dragged, reluctantly, to little
 known restaurants. Restaurants which are run by phirangs
 for phirangs. Just recently I visited an Italian restaurant
tucked away in the lanes of the village of Anjuna in the
 garden of an old Goan house which is run by an Italian lady
 and is patronized entirely by phirangs. I am told it is a
 favourite of the Italians. Tara and I were the only locals
 at the restaurant at the time we went there. The oldest and
 the best known among the restaurants which are owned by
 phirangs for the benefit of phirangs are the Lila Café and
 Bean Me Up. The few times I have gone there I have only seen

 THERE are pubs in the North Goa beach belt which are run by
 Brits for Brits. Even some of the shacks on both the North
 and South Goa coastal belt are openly hostile not only to
locals but even domestic tourists. On the odd occasion when
I have approached a beach shack for renting a beach bed and
 an umbrella, I have been rudely told that they are only for
phirangs or that they have been reserved. Many beach shacks
treat locals and domestic tourists like untouchables.
 But it is not only the phirangs including the Russians and
 the Israelis and the British and the Germans who have
 colonized Goa . As phirang friends of mine point out, Goa
 has been invaded in a much bigger fashion by the bold and
the beautiful and the rich and the powerful from Delhi and
 Mumbai and other parts of the country who are steadily
 pushing up the prices of real estate out of the reach of
 locals. All the fancy apartments and the villas advertised
 on the internet and at exclusive Goa property exhibitions
 held by the Times of India and other organizations have
 prices often quoted in dollars and pounds. Presumably
 because the real estate sharks who have taken over Goa know
that Goans cannot afford to buy property any longer.

 MANY of the old ancestral homes in Goa have been sold to
 foreigners and non Goans because their owners cannot afford
 to maintain them any longer. In many cases of course there
 are so many claimants to the ancestral house that
 everybody's property becomes nobody's property and
no one is willing to bear the cost of maintaining old
 houses. So most owners of ancestral property take the easy
 way out and sell it to outsiders including foreign
 nationals. But the largest owner of property, particularly
 old sprawling restored ancestral homes in Goa are not
 phirangs or the bold and beautiful and the rich and
 powerful from Mumbai and New Delhi . There are of course the
Vijay Mallayas and the Jimmy Gazdars and the Jaipuryas who
 have bought or built huge mansions on the beach belt. But
 the property king in terms of the largest amount of real
estate owned by a single individual is a Kashmiri who owns
 Sangolda House. His most recent acquisition is Souto Maior
 House in Ribandar. Also, half the shops in the five star
and seven star hotels have been leased by this Kashmiri who
 claims to be a major carpet exporter and goes by the name of
 In the last few years, a lot of new real estate has come up
in Goa - premium properties which offer goodies like 24-hour
 power generation backup, a swimming pool, a fitness centre
 and video telephone for security. Many of the new projects
 like the one being constructed by the Geras in Caranzalem
 also promise rooftop gardens. While attempting to do some
 futile flat hunting - since it is absurd to even look for a
 flat in Panjim with less than a crore of rupees, I
 discovered that less than 30% of the flats in all the fancy
new buildings are occupied. The flats have either been
 bought by outsiders or bought purely for speculative
 offices in the hope or the confidence that real estate
 prices will go up even further.

 EVERYONE wants a piece of the paradise that Goa is
perceived to be. The phirangs do not mind the fancy prices
 in the shacks or the fancy prices of real estate because,
 in foreign exchange terms and compared to prices of
 property back home or in any other beach resort in the
 world, the prices of real estate or of food or drink in Goa
 is much cheaper. The Mumbaikar does not mind the high prices
 of property in Goa because even in the distant suburb of
 Virar in Mumbai or in Thane, the prices of property range
 between Rs. 60,000 and Rs. One lakh per square foot against
 Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 1.5 lakhs per sq m in Goa . So much so, it
 makes sense for those who have property in up market or
 even in down market areas in the metros to sell their
property and relocate to Goa and live on the difference
 between the money they got for selling their property in
  Goa and the money they paid for their property purchased in
  Goa . For those who are faced with the prospect of paying
 thousands of rupees for square feet and square centimetres,
  Goa is a very attractive proposition whether for a second
 holiday home or just as an investment. And the fact that
 Goan hotels have kept hiking their prices to ridiculous
levels makes it even more attractive to own a holiday home
 in Goa ..
  Goa has been totally colonized. The beaches have been
colonized. The premium real estate has been colonized by
 land sharks from Russia and the UK and Germany and Dubai
 and of course our own home grown land sharks like the
 Rahejas. Goan jobs, particularly jobs in the hospitality
 industry have been colonized by young people from Nagaland
 courtesy the Governor and his OSD and for people from
 Jharkand courtesy the Pilar society and people from Orissa
 courtesy all those who run security agencies and people
 from Gorakhpur who dominate the carpentry business in Goa ..
 A time will come when there will be no more Goans in Goa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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