Mr. Borges & Endangered Languages (1)

By Tomazinho Cardozo

Mr. Sebastiao Borges is at his usual game once again. If anything is written 
affects the Devnagori script adversely, he at once, comes with his own 
interpretation of the whole issue and tries to project it as a lie. These are 
malicious ways to prove others wrong. Another worst habit that this "Professor" 
is that when there are no arguments to defend he attacks you personally. His 
allegations are wild and without any substance. This wicked attitude of his, I 
observed in many writings that he has done in English as well in Konkani 
against me. 
His only aim is to prove himself right by defaming others.

In order to give in detail some important information about Konkani language 
vis-à-vis to expose the lies of Mr. Borges, I have divided his whole response 
seven sub-topics. They are: (i) Personal allegations, (ii) Impact of OLA, (iii) 
Konkani Education, (iv) Konkani dialects, (v) Day-to-day use of Konkani, (vi) 
Konkani in Church literature and (vii) Konkani: an endangered language! I shall 
posting one article each, possibly every week, so that Goans throughout the 
get the first hand information about the activities of some fanatics like Mr. 
who are all out to destroy Konkani in Roman script. Today I am dealing with the 
first sub-topic "Personal Allegations"

Personal Allegations

  1.. In his response Mr. Borges has tried to project me as an anti-Devnagori 
person which is totally false. Mr. Borges knows it very well but purposely does 
that way in order to create ill-will about me among the protagonists of 
script. Let me re-remind Mr. Borges that I am not against Devnagori script at 
but I am for equal status to Roman script along with Devnagori script. I am not 
fighting against Devnagori script but I am fighting for justice to Roman script 
because rightful status to Konkani in Roman script is denied to it by persons 
have the same mentality like that of Mr. Borges. For Mr. Borges any one who 
Konkani in Roman script is the greatest devil on earth. Hence his devilish mind 
compels him to do anything and everything to oppose Roman script for Konkani.

  2.. He alleges, "I have observed that two tiatrist couples (Cardozo and 
(prominent leaders of the anti-Devanagari lobby)
  invariably intercommunicate in English whether on the road, in a hall or in 
church." One of the couples, he mentioned, is Cardozo couple. Although my name 
not stated, I feel it refers to me only. I do not know where and when Mr. 
Borges has 
observed me and my wife communicating in English on the road, in a hall or in 
church. Is he following us everywhere?  Then I must be careful hence forth. As 
as I am concerned, I have no contact with Mr. Borges at all except at the time 
official meetings of Goa Konkani Akademi. My wife is never there with me for 
meetings. How can you state such a lie Mr. Borges?

  3.. Yet another lie of Mr. Borges. He states "One may remember that, among 
Speakers of our Legislative Assembly, Tomazinho is perhaps the only one  who 
English exclusively in the House" This is yet another attempt of Mr. Borges to 
defame me in order to prove his point. This also displays his ignorance as far 
the procedure of Legislative Assembly is concerned. Being a professor, he 
have known that the Speaker of the house speaks the least.  The Speaker mostly 
the matter provided to him by the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly. All 
matter is written in English. This does not happen only in Goa Assembly  but 
also in 
our Parliament in Delhi. Speaker talks on the spur of the moment mostly during 
Question hour as well as when there is discussion on various issues and 
confrontation between the ruling and the opposition because the he (Speaker) 
has to 
maintain order and discipline in the House.  I challenge Mr. Borges to prove 
that I 
used English exclusively in the House during my tenure as the Speaker of Goa 
Legislative Assembly from 1995 to 1999.

  4.. While talking about Konkani education, he makes yet another allegation 
is totally false and baseless. He says "In fact, it is headmasters like 
who are largely responsible for this state of affairs." Ha. ha. ha. ha . I can 
laugh at this childish and irresponsible statement. I prefer not to comment on 
senile attitude of Mr. Borges.

Before ending this part of my response, let me tell Mr. Borges that he can fool 
people for sometime, he cannot fool all the people for all the time.

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