Re: [Goanet] First 'Goan Cities' then rename 'Goa': Beware of 'Hindutva Bugle' Warns GSRP

2014-04-22 Thread lino dourado
Holkottea chintnachea (sogllem nhi, ham!) Portugesachem kalsanv kumis nhesnnam 
soddun divnchim, ani ten'nanch nanvam bodolchim, kivam tangelea 'kiturak' 
sambalchi 'underwear' soddun 'pendulum' varear soddcho. Asat kobul?हल्कट्या 
चिंत्नाच्या (सगळें न्ही, हां!) पर्तुगेसाचें काल्सांव कुमीस न्हेसणां सडून 
दिवंचीं, आनी तेन्नांच नांवां बदल्चीं, किवां तांगेल्या 'चंताक' सांबाल्ची 
'उंदेर्व्यार' सडून 'पेंदुलूम वाऱ्यार सडचो. आसात कबूल? 

On Tuesday, April 22, 2014 4:17 AM, floriano lobo 

First 'Goan Cities' then rename 'Goa': Beware of 'Hindutva Bugle' Warns GSRP

Goa Su-Raj Party (GSRP) lashes out at Hindu organizations - Hindu Janjagruti 
Samiti, Bharat Swabhiman and Sanathan Sanstha for demanding changes in names of 
Goan cities named by the Portuguese, calling it the sounding of the 'Hindutva 
Bugle' and the people of Goa need to beware of such fundamental elements whose 
primary objective is to establish 'Hindu Dharma  Hindu Nation' and destroy the 
secular fabric  of Goa.

Speaking on the issue, Savio Rodrigues, Secretary  President (Youth Affairs), 
GSRP expressed, Goa is the only state to hold two consecutive Hindu Nation 
Convention. This has been allowed because the government is ruled by the 
right-wing political party BJP. The Hindu Nation theory aimed at regaining 
India's past glory and shedding of the 'colonial hangover' is misplaced and  
the way of going about it  through fundamentalism is totally obnoxious and 
intolerable. History cannot be wiped out  by merely changing the names.  This 
is outright fanaticism. It is one thing trying to regain the past glory of the 
Indian subcontinent as existed before 1947. But anything more than that is pure 
garbage. Goa, for all that matters, has never been a part of India but a part 
of the Indian subcontinent.  The British were ruling a major part of the Indian 
subcontinent, now called  India [after 1947]. Likewise the Portuguese were 
ruling Goa two and a half centuries
 before the British came to the Indian subcontinent. Can this history be erased 
by changing the  names of cities? he asked.

Today, the Hindu organizations want to rename the cities, Later,  they will 
want to rename the state and who knows in the future they would want Portuguese 
sounding name-holders to change their names to Hindu names, too, or some 
RSS-BJP zombie like Giriraj Singh will tell them  to go to Portugal just like 
he wants those opposing Modi to go to  Pakistan.  Hinduism is a religion of 
tolerance and acceptance, not an intimidating force. The concept of Hindustan 
propagated by the Hindu organizations on the lines of an Islamic Nation is 
itself flawed because the concept of Hindustan never existed till around the 
time of the fight for Independence. Even our founding leaders of India wanted 
governance devoid of religious interference, hence terming India as a 'secular' 
nation, meaning acceptance of no religion, Rodrigues further elaborated.

The General Secretary of the Party, Floriano Lobo, upset about these fanatical 
trends showing up in Goa  said   This is a dangerous trend which has 
germinated in India, now showing its tentacles in Goa,  perhaps, since the 
attack by the RSS-BJP sponsored  mob led by Naguesh Karmali on the 
Mala-Fontainhas road and house plaques sporting Portuguese names, on 18 June, 
2004, first time since 1961,  and having gotten off scot free, thanks to the 
then ruling BJP government. Such fanaticism must be condemned and such 
organizations must be banned in the country, especially in Goa . BJP 
government in Goa, he said   must stem this 'Hindu Rashtra Disease' before it 
erupts into an issue in this  state bordering Hindu fanaticism and added   it 
is a million dollar question if the Goa BJP  has the will to do so

Savio Rodrigues
Secretary  President (Youth Affairs)
Goa Su-Raj Party

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[Goanet] First 'Goan Cities' then rename 'Goa': Beware of 'Hindutva Bugle' Warns GSRP

2014-04-21 Thread floriano lobo

First 'Goan Cities' then rename 'Goa': Beware of 'Hindutva Bugle' Warns GSRP

Goa Su-Raj Party (GSRP) lashes out at Hindu organizations - Hindu Janjagruti 
Samiti, Bharat Swabhiman and Sanathan Sanstha for demanding changes in names of 
Goan cities named by the Portuguese, calling it the sounding of the 'Hindutva 
Bugle' and the people of Goa need to beware of such fundamental elements whose 
primary objective is to establish 'Hindu Dharma  Hindu Nation' and destroy the 
secular fabric  of Goa.

Speaking on the issue, Savio Rodrigues, Secretary  President (Youth Affairs), 
GSRP expressed, Goa is the only state to hold two consecutive Hindu Nation 
Convention. This has been allowed because the government is ruled by the 
right-wing political party BJP. The Hindu Nation theory aimed at regaining 
India's past glory and shedding of the 'colonial hangover' is misplaced and  
the way of going about it  through fundamentalism is totally obnoxious and 
intolerable. History cannot be wiped out  by merely changing the names.  This 
is outright fanaticism. It is one thing trying to regain the past glory of the 
Indian subcontinent as existed before 1947. But anything more than that is pure 
garbage. Goa, for all that matters, has never been a part of India but a part 
of the Indian subcontinent.  The British were ruling a major part of the Indian 
subcontinent, now called  India [after 1947]. Likewise the Portuguese were 
ruling Goa two and a half centuries before the British came to the Indian 
subcontinent. Can this history be erased by changing the  names of cities? he 

Today, the Hindu organizations want to rename the cities, Later,  they will 
want to rename the state and who knows in the future they would want Portuguese 
sounding name-holders to change their names to Hindu names, too, or some 
RSS-BJP zombie like Giriraj Singh will tell them  to go to Portugal just like 
he wants those opposing Modi to go to  Pakistan.  Hinduism is a religion of 
tolerance and acceptance, not an intimidating force. The concept of Hindustan 
propagated by the Hindu organizations on the lines of an Islamic Nation is 
itself flawed because the concept of Hindustan never existed till around the 
time of the fight for Independence. Even our founding leaders of India wanted 
governance devoid of religious interference, hence terming India as a 'secular' 
nation, meaning acceptance of no religion, Rodrigues further elaborated.

The General Secretary of the Party, Floriano Lobo, upset about these fanatical 
trends showing up in Goa  said   This is a dangerous trend which has 
germinated in India, now showing its tentacles in Goa,  perhaps, since the 
attack by the RSS-BJP sponsored  mob led by Naguesh Karmali on the 
Mala-Fontainhas road and house plaques sporting Portuguese names, on 18 June, 
2004, first time since 1961,  and having gotten off scot free, thanks to the 
then ruling BJP government. Such fanaticism must be condemned and such 
organizations must be banned in the country, especially in Goa . BJP 
government in Goa, he said   must stem this 'Hindu Rashtra Disease' before it 
erupts into an issue in this  state bordering Hindu fanaticism and added   it 
is a million dollar question if the Goa BJP  has the will to do so

Savio Rodrigues
Secretary  President (Youth Affairs)
Goa Su-Raj Party

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