[Goanet] First meet of tiatr academy

2009-06-17 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes
Tiatr academy should meet in Panjim and not in Margao. These days most of the 
functions are held in Margao .The academy should also help small script writers 
like me who have no means to stage the show. If Goan clubs in London could 
stage my Goa academy winner tiatr "Mummy maka vengent dor " in two places and 
the third one will be in august I think tiatr academy should also encourage 
small writers. The procedure to be followed should be the script should be 
approved by a panel of critics who are great tiatr writers. They may be drama 
writers too. The academy should select actors, director, stage manager, light 
and sound and the whole script should be rehearsed infront of them at least for 
eight days. There should be proper stage setting and not just curtains and own 
mics system. The academy should stage at least 10 shows in different parts of 
Goa and the amount collected should be for the academy. They should also print 
tiatr books. 
I hope the academy will do something

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2009-06-17 Thread Edward Verdes

Thank you Godfrey Bab for the suggestions.

I do agree with the suggestions put up although the meeting is scheduled at 
such a short notice.

I would like to add one of my suggestions to the Tiatr Academy.

That is the follow up with the concerned authorities for the release of Old 
Vinyl records that are lying with Akashwani so that they can
be digitilised and save the Konkani treasure. Also would like to suggest to 
render help to the living old tiatrist to release their old songs albums in 
CD or MP3 formats.

dev borem korum
Edward Verdes/KSA

This writer has been interacting with several of those connected with the 
tiatrs and during such interactive meets the undermentioned suggestions need 
to be considered.

Thus there can be no comprise on the legitimate demand of Goans for grant of 
official recognition to Konkani in the English script by amending the OLA 
1987 as the topmost priority. Once this is achieved it follows as corollary 
that the State Government must give budgetary support and not mere financial 
“assistance “ as doles as at present.

The Tiatr Academy Goa should

look out for an individual who is young , dynamic , apolitical, has 
administrative acumen, and above all has the ability to unite the tiatrists.

have its own website, blog, online facility email and network with similar 
other websites so as to act as a repository of anything and everything 
related to tiatr


2009-06-17 Thread gonsalvesgodfreyji

The Tiatr Academy, Goa   was constituted on 6th January, 2009 with eminent 
Konkani playwright , ex Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly, ex 
Headmaster,  and columnist Mr.  Tomazinho Cardozo . Besides other office 
bearers ,  Mr. Victor de Sa was appointed its Member Secretary.   It was  
inaugurated on 16th February, 2009 at the JAF – Pai Tiatrist Hall  Margao  and  
its Constitution notified on   May 2009.  The Government has provided the Tiatr 
Academy  a  Rs. 1.5 crore assistance to have its own premises  and one such 
premise Opp the Kala Academy  at Campal Panaji is under consideration.

The  Tiatr Academy Goa now well over 100  days since its inception  has 
invited  all  tiatr artists, writers, directors, actors, singers, those 
involved in back stage works such as stage setting light effects background 
music constumes make-up professionals and musicians assisting tiatrs etc to 
attend its first meeting on 17th June 2009  at 4.00 p.m. sharp at the 
Conference Hall of  Ravindra Bhavan Margao according to an advertisement 
released on the local English daily today by the Member Secretary TA-Goa to 
give valuable suggestions for the effective functioning of the TA-Goa. 
This writer has been interacting with several of those connected with the 
tiatrs and during such interactive meets  the undermentioned suggestions  need 
to be considered.

The  Tiatr Academy  Goa   constituted  on  6th January, 2009 by the Government 
of Goa was clearly with a rider  that the OLA 1987 would not be tampered with 
the demand at a above  and hence appears to be a favour done to the Tiatrist 
and tiatr lovers and not as a legitimate fulfillment of  a  long pending 

Thus there can be no comprise on the legitimate demand of Goans for  grant of  
official recognition to Konkani in the English script  by amending the OLA 1987 
as the  topmost  priority. Once this is achieved  it follows as corollary that 
the State Government must  give budgetary support and not mere  financial  
“assistance “ as doles as at present.

The Tiatr Academy  Goa  should 

look out for  an individual who is young , dynamic ,  apolitical, has 
administrative acumen,  and above all  has the ability to unite the tiatrists. 

have its own website, blog, online facility email and  network with similar 
other websites so as  to act as a repository of anything and everything related 
to tiatr 

create a data base of all the tiatrist and those connected with the tiatr right 
from  1871.  The data can be classified broadly in four  categories  a)  before 
Independence 1947, b)  before Liberation 1961 c)  post Liberation  1967 and d) 
post Statehood 1986 .  Care should be taken to include those outside Goa as  

 ensure that portraits of  Lucacinho Ribeiro, Joao Agostinho Fernandes (Pai 
Tiatrist) and Maria Regina Fernandes adorn the 
 office of  the Tiatr Academy Goa – Office, and their photographs are 
prominently displayed on all  advertisements released by 
 the Tiatr Academy Goa.

  constitute subcommittees consisting of office bearers of the TA-Goa  and 
other well meaning citizens within and outside Goa to     
  collate, disseminate,  information and to advance  the scope of performance 
of  tiatr artists, writers, directors, actors, singers, 
  those involved in back stage works such as stage setting light effects 
background music constumes make-up professionals and 
  musicians assisting tiatrs

commemorate  posthumously  tiatrists    who have contributed immensely to 
sustain this unique performing art in most difficult times and unsavoury 
circumstances which has sustained this ever growing  cultural  to this day;

collaborate with other private tiatr academies or cultural bodies world wide to 
promote tiatr 

demand for recognition of tiatr and related activities as an industry so as  to 
enhance the scope of funds and run the same on sound financial standings to 
attract people to dedicate themselves full time into the tiatr 

constitute a wage panel to decide pay perquisites and provide for  social 
security on superannuation and a solatium for  next of kin of deceased tiatr 

Seek financial grants  from the Ministry of  Art and Culture and Govt of India 
and Department of Art and Culture Government of  Goa for  musical instruments , 
pensions for musicians and others connected with  the trade an d also for the 
benefit of the next of kin.

Upgrade the standards of performance presentation stage setting  using present 
day acoustics and  electronic setting etc without destroying  creativity and 
originality  to attract the audiences of varied social backgrounds and make 
tiatrs acceptable to those other than the traditional audiences.

Microfilm all original scripts of tiatrists of yester-years and preserve for 
posterity original ones either in public or private museums

Preserve the “House of Pai Tiatrist” at Modsai Margao alongwith  his personal 
effects his original scripts work