Here's an article written by me for Mr Francis De Souza Dy Chief
Minister who entered a milestone of his life 60th birthday on 4th Oct

Mostly when I write, the words flow easily. However, when I sat down
to write, I had a problem, as there are so many things to say and
wondered how I could possibly say it all about a man who stands tall
and having a personality of a genuine honesty and above all a humble
and down to earth and irreproachable human being. In today's busy
world, we seldom take the time to honor the people we hold dear.
Usually, we wait until their death, to honor their life. Today we have
the opportunity to honor a very special person Mr. Francis De Souza,
Deputy Chief Minister -the man who means a lot to many as he enters a
milestone of his life his 60th birthday, it’s indeed a momentous

Francis born to great and humble parents late Mr. Pedro & Mrs. Sofia
De Souza who lived at Mapuca in a large ancestral house together with
his siblings, a family united and who stood for morals beyond anything
else. In his childhood he was pampered by his mother as she used to
dot on him begin the only son. However, I remember him as a quiet and
reserved in his younger days but not without mischievous moments. His
simplicity and unassuming personality are well-know tenets of his
character which paved a way for his successful life. The abundance of
practical morals and magnanimous generosity bestowed upon Francis by
his parents helped him to provide the foundation on which he stands
today. Due to his modest nature he successfully rose to become the
most influential politician of our times being the present Dy. Chief
Minister of Goa state.

Having lost his father at a very young age, his sense of obligation
and duty to his mother and siblings, prompted him to be responsible
towards his family. He excelled at the school and college level and
went to do his LLB where he did well for himself. He was a great
sportsman and brought laurels to his college too. He was a
distinguished student and always put his best effort in everything he
did; hence his hard work never went unnoticed, even today. As a
youngster he mingled with all without any reservation, apparently the
best lessons he not only learned from books but also with each life
experience that he encountered in his life with determination and
courage and strength, Francis proved that nothing is unattainable.
He is an inspiration to many as inspite of his busy schedule he makes
time for his family and his friends. His warmth and kindness are
immediately apparent to anyone who approaches him. His life and his
easygoing spirit even being at the helm of Government of Goa as the Dy
Chief Minister speaks volumes of him.

Through all the changes in his life around him, the one thing that has
not changed Francis is his humility and his sense of humour. His smile
is constant on his face inspite of any tricky situation. He is the
adviser, teacher, counselor, listener, helper, patriot, friend,
husband, loving father and the icon who he is looked upon by all these
years. He is the first person to offer assistance, guidance or support
hence you shall see so many people thronging towards his house in a
hope that he will help and precisely he does assists those in need.
This is an inherited quality in Francis and therefore he is loved by
the numerous people from far and wide. His parents had this unique
quality of helping all those who came to their home for any help and
their house was open to all their children’s friends (specially those
who needed shelter after the tiring sports events) who were welcome to
spend a day or two. Likewise this is an innate trait of Francis to
help all and sundry without any reluctance. The best characteristic
that I have seen of him is honesty and respect for others of which is
not only is his own reward, but is rewarded in kind with respect,
trust and genuine friendships by others to him.

Now I want to honor another person in Francis’s life and that is his
pretty wife Naty. She is a fortress in his life always besides him
caring for all his needs. Her continuing support is a major factor for
Francis to be who he is today. Also his two precious children Joshua
and Sofia are his pillars of success and he adores them. They three
are his strength and they together make a loving complete family.
Congratulations on your 60th birthday, Francis. It is preceded by
many, many outstanding accomplishments in your life now look back with
a great feeling of satisfaction. But I look forward to many, many




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*: (=’ :’) :: GOD LOVE US  :::::::::::::::::::::
•.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…:::::::::::

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