Goa's social harmony suffered a severe blow this week after an
aggressive minority of local residents positioned themselves as
adamant opponents of a proposed Muslim graveyard (kabrastan) on the
Sonsoddo hillside in Raia, above Margao. There are certainly some
legitimate grounds for this conflagration of ire: the designated site
is a last verdant patch surrounded by development, and was acquired
with obviously inadequate compensation to the original tenant. But
completely unacceptable is the overtly anti-Muslim tone and tenor of
some of the loudest complainants, who voiced vile arguments of the
kind that citizens of India's smallest state have never tolerated.
There is no excuse for this nonsense to start up now, and it is
imperative that the state administration act decisively to end it

All Goans are legitimately proud of their homeland, have remained
conspicuously tolerant and liberal in its social and cultural make-up,
even as much of the rest of the subcontinent lurched back and forth
into communal tension and violence throughout the 20th century. That
outstanding record remains largely intact even in a 21st century India
that Pew Research Centre ranks a disgraceful fourth-worst in the world
for religious intolerance, in its Social Hostilities Index, which
factors in "hate crimes, mob violence, communal violence,
religion-related terror, use of force to prevent religious practice,
the harassment of women for not conforming to religious dress codes,
and violence over conversion or proselytizing". It is particularly
shameful to note the only countries rated lower — Syria, Iraq and
Nigeria — are suffering armed sectarian insurgencies.

But now the poison is seeping into Goa. Earlier this year, the
cherubic Sadhvi Saraswati told the All India Hindu Convention in Ponda
that "Jo vyakti apne ma (gau mata) ka maas khaane ko apna status
symbol maanta hai, aisi vyaktiyon ko Bharat sarkar se nivedan karti
hoon, phaansi pe latkana chahiye. Beech chaurahey pe latkana chahiye",
openly calling for killing consumers of beef. These threats caused
considerable concern amongst the Catholics of Goa, who justifiably
felt targeted. Such a backdrop makes it doubly unconscionable that a
few Catholics are amongst the spewers of Islamophobic rhetoric against
the Sonsoddo kabrasthan. These "useful idiots" (as Lenin referred to
manipulated propagandists) surely fail to realize they're just
unwitting pawns, giving fuel to pernicious majoritarian prejudices
that will turn around to consume them next.

It is true India's contemporary politics of intolerance targets Hindus
almost as much as Muslims, but the victims are Dalits. According to
the National Crime Record Bureau, there is a hate crime against a
Dalit every fifteen minutes. The total has sky rocketed 66% over the
past decade. So-called "retributive" rapes of Dalit women doubled in
the same time frame. This systemic curse has always bedevilled India,
but there is no doubt the current national political landscape has
made things much worse. Paul Divakar of the National Campaign for
Dalit Human Rights notes "most atrocities ... are by upper castes
having some political protection. The data clearly shows the rise of
violence against Dalits has a direct connection with the rise of BJP
in power".

Target Dalits at home, and Muslims everywhere. That bottom line of
India's current policies was brought home again this week by the Union
home ministry's extraordinary affidavit to the Supreme Court alleging
"serious national security threat/concern" that justifies mass
deportation of 40,000 (majority Muslim) Rohingya back to Myanmar,
where the community faces a sustained military campaign the United
Nations calls "ethnic cleansing". The opposing lawyer Prashant Bhushan
says the government is trying to distract from its real intentions,
because "this is clearly a case of religious discrimination and an
attempt to arouse an anti-Muslim feeling".

India's hospitality to communities fleeing intolerance is perhaps its
greatest civilizational attribute. Countless refugees can attest to
this munificence, from Parsis who sought safety over 1,500 years ago,
to the Dalai Lama who took refuge in 1959. Regimes come and go, but
the defining ethos of a people is precious and deserves protection
above all. In a few days, the Supreme Court will rebuff the government
in its inhuman and immoral campaign to expulse the Rohingya seeking
sanctuary in India. That is exactly as it should be. Similarly, the
rampant anti-Muslim prejudices being voiced by Sonsoddo kabrasthan
opponents must come to an end without delay, with zero tolerance
offered by either state or society. There is much more at stake than
just a cemetery on a patch of green hillside opposite an overflowing
garbage dump.

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