I am cross-posting this here just in case there is anyone who would like to
donate to the project.

With the aid of a generous donation from BoscoMoniz and folks from Australia, 
we have reached $47,351.00. Donations have been received from families in the 
USA, Canada, England, Australia,India and Denmark. We are very thankful to all 
those who have donated.

The "Global" fund raising project began on September 1, 2010 and will close on 
August 31, 2011. Our goal is to reach $50,000.00. We are short of only 

We are making a special appeal to all of you to help us to reach this goal. It 
is not how much you give that matters; but that you give something in 
"thanksgiving" to God for all that this beautiful church of our youth has 

us to love and grow in our faith.Please help us by making an additonal
contribution so that we can reach this target by August 31, 2011.

We have not heard from the Restoration Committee in Zanzibar as to when we are 
to remit these funds.As soon as we hear their request, we will remit the funds 
to the Committee and hopefully we will get progess reports on the work that is 
being done.

You can send your contribution to Claude Fernandes (Canada),Astrid De Souza
(England) or to me in the USA.


Anthony Antao

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