Every day it is reported that some bank account has ben hacked. The PM wants 
all transactions paperless and to go digital, the security of the nation these 
days being of paramount importance. The internet infrastructure and safety 
leaves much to be desired. Was shocked to read headlines that due to transfer 
of PI Rajesh Job investigation of around 50 pending cases in Goa will come to a 
grinding halt! My hacking case with the Cyber Cell came to a dead end and we 
will not know what happens to the 50 pending cases, what is the trend, who are 
the suspects and what follow up action is taken. One may understand why new 
FIRs cannot be loged, but to find the whole department functioning stopped as 
reported is ridiculous in this day and age! The PM and CM at the highest level 
need to give utmost priority to 24x7 functionning and improvement of Cyber 
Cells. The government and its organs are primarily meant for the safety of the 
nation and its people. Unfortunately the agencies are used for everything else 
but the safety of the people first. Compare security provided to Netas and that 
of the aam admi!The non appointment of the new Lokayukta and non functional 
cell with transfer of an officer are clear examples of  the wrong priorities of 
the government ?

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