World Busk for Goa charity

Friends ! 

Courtesy GOAN VOICE UK :

World Busk for Goa charity

10 Jun: The Times (UK). … the World Busk day happens next Sunday (14 June) at 
noon (local time) across the globe — on all seven continents, in fact … The 
whole thing stems from one man, David Juritz…  the charity, Musequality is 
surely his chief contribution to civilisation… it has funded projects in five 
areas and there’s a plan for another in Goa. It’s to raise funds for this that 
Juritz devised the World Busk…I’ll content myself with doing what I hope you’ll 
do — making a donation to Juritz’s magnificent crusade ( 
1112 words. See

For the Goa charity details, see

For updates about the  Goan contributions see

rene barreto

Lets work TOGETHER to put UNITY back into our Goan commUNITY ! 
Don't just say it - let s JUST DO IT ?

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