*Goa Bachao Abhiyan*

c/o 77, Defence Colony, Alto Porvorim-Goa

goabachaoabhi...@gmail.com  www.savegoa.com

August, 2014

                                                            PRESS RELEASE

Goa Bachao Abhiyan took note of yet another announcement of the Chief
Minister to form a House Committee to look into the notified Regional Plan
2021, while on the other hand, having superseded it with more profitable
and anti-planning moves, such as re-opening the ODP's ( Outline Development
Plans ) for further insertions, adding 20% built up FAR for sale to hotels
with no real planning criteria, announcing an investment policy without
reference to the RP, and announcing re-allocation of mining leases with no
guidelines. Worse, the blatant disregard for people is evident even as he
turns a blind eye to the obliteration of the village of Terekhol to make
way for a mega project which has come in the guise of a golf course.

After using the emotionally rousing issue of the Regional Plan to win
elections, our CM placed an interim Order pending rectification, on the
desks of the TCP department directing use of a mix of the RP2021 with
RP2001. It is today rendered useless by countless violations, both with and
without TCP sanction, and unwillingness of the Government to act. The GBA
has brought these to the notice of the public and concerned officials
through letters and press conferences. In between there have been many
announcements about looking into the Regional Plan to no avail.

The process of consulting villagers and correcting errors in the RP2021  by
the TCP department was stopped due to election code of conduct . After the
government took over,no steps were taken to complete the process of

GBA states that the Chief Minister has deliberately misled the legislators
in the Assembly session which concluded yessterday, stating he received
only one letter of communication from GBA, demanding scrapping of  the
RP2021. This is totally false. The GBA has made its stand clear through at
least three letters to the CM's office, dated 12th March 2012, 19th April
2013, and 6th August 2013, seeking an appointment to discuss the issue of
guidelines and rectification of errors, not scrapping. Besides several
letters have been sent to Chief Town Planner on the subject.

Just like previous announcements in the Assembly, there are no details,
guidelines or notifications to rectify the plan in this latest statement of
setting up a House Committee. The chronological developments make clear the
Government’s intention of inaction on the RP2021.

*16th March 2012 -* GBA sent the first letter stating its  position and
seeking an appointment to discuss the process of rectification of the
Regional Plan.

*9th April 2012 -* Government issued an order stopping all permissions
under RP2021.

* 4th June 2012 -* Government Order announced bringing in old 2001 plan
which had no eco-zones listed.  It stated that 'All permissions given
before 9th April 2012 will be honoured and permissions will be given based
on what is common to RP2021 and reference RP 2001.'

 GBA pointed out that 18 big projects had applied under Expression of
Interest ( EOI )and it would undo the protection of eco-sensitive zones
marked in RP2021 as most were planned on eco-zones. These projects by
virtue of sheer scale are seeking to be brought in under the Amendment 16A
to the TCP Act, which allows easy access and bypassing of people for the
PPP model.

By *July 2012*, GBA received distressing news of violations and it filed
complaints/ letters  on mangrove cutting, private forest demarcations,
arbitrary change in building regulations, changes in ODP with various
government authorities.

Government announced that RP2021 will be kept open from 16th August to 17
September 2012, without official notification nor details or guidelines
spelt out. GBA once again asked for framing of guidelines for addressing
the concerns in RP2021 like eco-tourism zones, micro industrial zones, and
projects like the golf course which were inserted in the plan without
involving the people.

*8th November 2012 -* Government issued a  gazette notification for ODP
correction, and GBA questioned its motive of allowing hurried 'changes' to
the select ODPs of Panjim, Mapusa, and Taleigao.

*5th December 2012 - *GBA inwarded letters to various authorities including
TCP objecting to piecemeal planning and subverting RP2021.

*11th December 2012 -* GBA delegation went to meet CM Parrikar at the
Secretariat, which is a public hearing date. However, the Chief Minister
hurriedly left without meeting the delegation.

*9th March 2013 -* GBA continued to lodge and pursue complaints even as the
CM completed a full year in office without doing a thing to bring a
people’s RP2021.

*19th April 2013 -* GBA once again sent a letter to Mr Manohar Parrikar who
is the TCP minister stating the concerns of the people and seeking an
appointment. The letter put forth to the government the steps needed to be
taken which were arrived at after GBA held consultation with village groups
and concerned citizens. Formation of committee with people’s
representatives, true mapping and data collection, protection of eco-zones
and heritage sites, methodology for corrections were among those points

Government announced that the RP would be sent to the people in June 2013.
However it did not happen and a delegation once again met Chief Town
Planner who promised that the RP would be sent to the people in July 2014.

*13th August 2013 -* The joint delegation called upon the CTP Putturaju as
the CM had made pronouncement  in Assembly of sending the RP to the people.
The  delegation pointed out that several policy decisions were being taken
up outside the RP2021 framework like increase in20 % FAR for hotels and
industry.  Development plans for Panjim, Mapusa are proposed outside the
ODP and Regional Plan 2021. The delegation took objection to disparate
planning and has called for participatory planning.

*23rd September 2013 -* A call was made by CMs office late evening, to come
the next morning for a  meeting.  The GBA is a representative group and
needs at least 24 hours intimation to inform members and prepare for a
serious discussion, and this was informed to the caller with a request for
a later date. There has been no response thereafter.

In *October 2013,* GBA brought to the notice the various violations like
Government tender to build  amphitheatre in eco-zone, Terekhol golf course
in No Development zone despite people’s opposition, Gera construction on an
eco-zone in Candola.

*9th December 2013* - With no action forthcoming, the GBA invited all MLAs
to attend a presentation on violations and take steps to stop the
irreversible damage to the ecology, besides  pointing the threat to Tourism
industry on over-concretization and traffic issues.

 *Jan 2014  o**nwards*, violations were documented with supporting evidence
and sent to all MLAs and media, covering Calangute, Parra, Goa Velha,
Saligao and St. Cruz amongst the others.

While opportunism existed before, our Chief Minister has almost
institutionalized *'case to case' governance*. Citizens, with no recourse
are being forced to implement *'case to court' governance.*

*The judgement in Aldeia case brought to the fore the  nexus between
government officials and builders where a fraudulent plan was certified as
legal. It is the Courts who have taken stands on several violations.*

*3rd July 2014  -* GBA met the Chief Secretary. On pointing out the
ambiguous interpretation of RP and violations, the CS Vijayan directed the
delegation to TCP Secretary,  Mr Rai.

*August 2014 -* The Chief minister once again scuttles the Regional plan
issues and makes announcement of forming a House Committee.

GBA is of the considered opinion that the government is keen on protecting
the violators and has no intention of governing for common interest nor any
intention of setting up a proper plan for Goa.The mining scam is a
testimony where this Government blatantly exposes itself, as works for the
benefit of a few.

*Goa’s land, resources and identity are under severe threat yet again.
G.B.A calls upon the people to be vigilant, unite in the face of this
corruption, demand systems and accountability so that the RP2021 becomes
a true plan for Goa.*

*Sabina Martins                Reboni Saha*
 Convenor                             Secretary

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